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Universe Spirit Blogs

  • The Big Evolutionary Question and the 800 Pound Gorilla in the Room of the Integral and Evolutionary Movements

    The process (and processes,) of evolution is science’s greatest discovery as well as the foundational common factual grounding that informs and conditions all of life. It is our single best current and most documented, "theory of everything."

    In spite of these powerful objective facts, many of the branches of the current Integral Evolutionary movement unfortunately give short shrift to promoting the works of the leading evolutionary scientists or even educating much about the core principles of modern evolutionary science.

    David Sloan Wilson in his book "Evolution for Everyone," warns that far too many people who believe in evolution (even scientists,) do not make the connection on just how important applying the modern scientific principles of evolution are to understanding our lives and tremendously improving the success of our daily lives in the most practical and principled ways.

    While the current Integral Evolutionary movement extols detailed maps of evolutionary progression, it too is not demonstrating how practical or essential the core principles of evolutionary science are to informing and empowering the success of our daily actions or --- our ethical and moral decisions. Too much of what is being offered by the various branches of the Integral Evolutionary movement as what it takes to be an integral and informed evolutionary is overly spiritual in the form re-hashed Buddhism, old guru speak or mash ups of other eastern religions and/or mostly integral philosophy. (Lots of Ken Wilber maps and endless parsing of quadrant perspectives and then the nuances of that endless parsing.) There is really little or no hard evolutionary science or guidance on how to use evolution’s practical and time-tested core principles to enhance the success and moral decisions of our daily lives. 

    There currently is an over-emphasis on the spiritual and philosophical and an under emphasis on learning the hard evolutionary science and its relevance to managing daily life and developing a common set of ethical and evolution grounded guidelines. This backwards sequence and emphasis puts the proverbial "cart in front of the horse" and disproportionately over-emphasizes the role of the subjective spiritual and philosophical realities over and BEFORE the naturally antecedent and common ground of objective physical universe realities. (The physical universe really is antecedent to the biological and then the biological becomes antecedent to the cultural aspects of existence.)
    Paradoxically, it might just be that when we directly observe the universe objectively we might also be optimally informing and expanding the truthfulness and usefulness of both evolutionary philosophy and evolutionary spirituality. (Particularly within and through its universe-scaled evolution processes to discover its deepest operational success patterns.)  
    This lack of appropriate grounding in evolutionary science has grossly unbalanced the educational functions of many of the current branches of the Integral Evolutionary movement. It is time to get this important issue out in the open, discuss it and hopefully re-balance and appropriately re-ground our movements.  After all, how can we really call ourselves Integral Evolutionaries without deeply understanding and practicing the modern principles of universe-scaled evolution? 
    If you would like to share your wisdom on this big evolutionary question and get the 800 pound gorilla in the room "outed" within our movements, add your comments at the end of this blog posting in the comments section. 
    Here is some additional Evolutionary information that could be discussed and help fill the objective evolution void:  
    For a "must read" book list of science, evolution and other books for Evolutionaries click here.

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  • The Holiday Must Read Book List of Gifts for Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, Universe Community Members, Planetary Citizens and Universe Citizens

    What do you get for fellow Evolutioneers and Evolutionaries for the Holidays? What to get for yourself for the holidays that will forward your development as an Evolutionary? Our amazing must read book list has you covered.

    For the full list of books and materials click here.

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  • Book Review of Evolutionaries, Unlocking the Cultural and Spiritual Potential of Science’s Greatest Idea by Carter Phipps

    In this reviewer’s opinion, Carter Phipps and his editor are without a doubt the greatest writer editor team within the integral and evolutionary movements. Because of the enjoyableness and ease of reading his work I would go so far as to call Carter Phipps the new “Hemingway” within the crop of current integral and evolutionary authors.

    He does an inspiring job of taking the reader through the cultural history of the philosophy and spiritual aspects of what it means to be an evolutionary. It is a hands-down, must read for any individual who wants to become excited and motivated by the bright promises for the future contained within the cultural history of evolutionary philosophic and spiritual thinking.

    Many times Carter poses new, insightful and deeply challenging questions that simply aren't seen often enough within the integral evolutionary movements. At times he shows himself to be a true original thinker, but unfortunately for the readers he does not allow himself more freedom to do more of this within his book.

    While I love this book for what it is meant to do as a cultural history of evolutionary philosophy and evolutionary spirituality, I also am compelled to speak to what I believe to be a glaring shortcoming. The shortcoming of the book Evolutionaries by Carter Phillips is that although its subtitle says “Science’s Greatest Idea” the book unfortunately gives short shrift to the leading evolutionary scientists or any of the modern principles of evolutionary science.

    In chapter one on the first page he quotes David Sloan Wilson extolling how essential evolutionary science is to our practical daily lives and then surprisingly Carter never really demonstrates that singular keystone idea in any tangible or practical way throughout the rest of his book. His book's lack of sufficient hard evolutionary science, stories about the evolutionary science area (except for a bit on John Stewart author of Evolution’s Arrow and the Evolutionary Manifesto,) and the critical importance of evolutionary science providing the core principles and values for effective and empowered day-to-day living mirrors a problem common in too many areas of today’s independent integral and evolutionary groups.

    Too much of what is being offered by these groups as what it takes to be a real and informed evolutionary is overly spiritual (in the form re-hashed Buddhism, old guru speak or mash ups of other eastern religions,) and/or mostly philosophical (lots of Wilber maps and parsing of quadrant perspectives,) with little or no hard evolutionary science nor how to use evolution’s practical and time-tested principles in daily life.

    In spite of the above mentioned significant problem with Carter’s book, I still am unequivocally recommending that if you want to know about the cultural history of evolutionary philosophy and evolutionary spirituality and get very motivated (or re-motivated,) about our history as evolutionaries get this book as soon as possible.

    Evolutionaries is a totally enjoyable, remarkably inspiring and amazingly well written book! I hope that Carter in his next book allows his budding gift for original thinking to roam more freely over the essential issues of the integral and evolutionary movements.

    Click here to learn more about “Evolutionaries, Unlocking the Cultural and Spiritual Potential of Science’s Greatest Idea.”

    Review by Lawrence Wollersheim

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  • Great News! The Unique Breakthrough Accomplishment at Universe Spirit in 2013
    Dear Fellow Evolutionaries and Universe Spirit  Visitors and Members,

    There is a unique breakthrough accomplishment to share with you this just before the holiday season: 


    1.) In the last 2 weeks we finally completed 11 years of work on describing in detail the principles and practices of Evolution Spirituality --- "the religion of evolution." It was a true breakthrough moment for our organization! 


    This new work even has an evolutionary code of ethics and all of the essential missing evolutionary religious elements that were simply not present in the numerous iterations of Ken Wilber's Integral Spirituality, Andrew Cohen's Evolutionary Spirituality or other progressive religions. There are now hundreds of well-integrated and arranged FAQ pages answering over 120 of the most commonly asked questions about this new meta-religion that is based first upon secular evolution science and secondly (for those of a more spiritual nature,) upon the integration of the most life-affirming wisdom from all of humanity's vast spiritual heritage.


    2.) In just a few months we will begin actively recruiting self-organizing individuals of a spiritual nature who feel called to become the new co-founders, facilitators, teachers and even ministers of new Evolution Spirituality communities all over the world. (If you have any ideas on how to optimally do this or you want to be involved, please let us know.) 


    In closing, I ask you to take a few moments check out the wide scope of the new FAQ section on Evolution Spirituality and also check out our great updated mission. Here is just a hit of what the upgraded new mission looks like:


    "We are a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to teaching how the modern principles of evolution can guide and empower more success for every aspect of your life and work within today's economics, the current environmental conditions, today's political landscape and even within religion."



    Lawrence Wollersheim

    Executive Director

    For Universe Spirit, Universe College and The Universe Institute


    LW friendly      


    Click here to visit our new FAQ that divides the secular and objective science side of our new website from the subjective personal spirituality side. 



  • Are You in Harmony with Evolution's Most Basic Cycle for Life Success?

    Evolution's most basic cycle for life success is:

    a.) experiment,

    b.) become aware of the feedback from that experiment as quickly and as fully as possible and then, 

    c.) wisely adapt and improve your experiment based upon that feedback.

    It is just that simple! People or groups who do this faster and better than other people or groups just do better in life.

    It is not about worrying about not making mistakes. It is about learning as fast as possible from those mistaken experiments that you will inevitable have.

    So now it is up to you. Is your life in harmony with this most basic evolutionary wisdom? Where are you strongest? Where are you weakest?
    What can you do to today in some area of your life to come into better harmony with evolution's most basic cycle for life success? Let us know how it goes once you better apply this core evolutionary truth to your current life challenges...
    If you want to go beyond just this simple statement of evolutionary success basics and get all of the core evolutionary principles and formula for success, click here.
    Far beyond the traditional belief and philosophical systems that exist today, the core science-grounded principles of evolution will better guide and empower your life. They are simply far more capable of delivering more success and meaning across much greater scales of space and time." Lawrence Wollersheim

    Click this Join/Subscribe link or the one at the top of the page and we will keep you informed of Universe Spirit events and important updates. Also subscribe to our Universe blog separately by clicking here.

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  • Universe Spirituality, Evolution Spirituality: A New Secular Religion and Meta-Religion of Evolution has Emerged from Evolution Itself...

    Based upon the facts of the universe's progressive evolution a new secular meta-religion of evolution has emerged called Universe Spirituality, Evolution Spirituality, or sometimes Religion 2.0This new secular form of open source meta-religion provides a personalized form of spirituality based upon the science grounded principles of progressive evolution that is also congruent with ONLY the most life-affirming wisdom and virtues of most religions. 

    This new emergence in secular meta-religion and meta-personal spirituality is also a trans-denominational and omni-denominational.

    For more information on what secular religion meta-religion and meta-spirituality is, click here.

    Click here for more information on the basics of Universe Spirituality and Evolution Spirituality,

    For more information on the open-source aspects of this new secular meta religion and meta personal spirituality, click here.

    Universe Spirituality and Evolution Spirituality is also the result of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview. Click here for more information on the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview.


  • What is the Evolutionary Impulse and Evolution's Prime Directive?

    There is a directional impulse to evolution. It is complex and it could easily be considered to be evolution's prime directive.

    Currently there are numerous organizations teaching "forwarding evolution" or "forwarding the evolutionary impulse." The definitions that they use for describing evolutionary directionality and impulse is more often emphasizing spiritual and philosophical concepts rather than hard evolutionary science.

    The following definition of the evolutionary impulse and prime directive is only based on current cosmological and evolutionary science. While reading it's many unfolding steps ask yourself "are you (and your groups,) aligning with this directionality and impulse?" Better yet, ask yourself, "are you (and your groups,) are contributing to it and forwarding it?"

    It is the true "secret" formula to success and sustainability...

    The main integral and unstoppable (or nearly unstoppable,) processes levels and steps containing the core consistently reoccurring patterns, "products" or inherent "values," of the directionality, (impulse and core prime directive,) of evolution are as follows:

    • Continuous creative release of its potentials and potentiality (for a created or evolved thing to become what it can.) This continuous release or realization of potential births continuous change, which births increasing
    • Expanding complexity, (In some ways all of the other progressive levels below can be seen as the unpacking of the previous level of complexity into newer levels of progressing expanding complexity. Expanding complexity like all thing expanding things in the universe requires expanding energy exchanges),
      • Which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then creates... (parts here is meant as things, not necessarily locations,)
    • Expanding growth and/or expansion, (again requiring more energy exchanges,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding creativity, (mutation, novelty innovation again requiring more energy exchanges,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding self-organization, autopoiesis, which again requires more energy exchanges, (For more on self organization principles, click here.)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding self and other awareness and reflectiveness, (other awareness [consciousness,] includes others, the planet, the universe and even that Great Mystery that is the origin of our universe,) of the relevant exterior and interior environment present, past and future (through future modeling capabilities, through expanding use of technology and prediction skills,) within both the parts of the whole and within the whole itself as a collective union,
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding full-consequence capture, full accountability,(which requires expanding levels of full transparency for all parts of a whole and the wholes themselves. In one way or another, evolution eventually and invariably always enforces increasing levels of consequence capture upon any parts or wholes that do not learn, adapt "cooperate" and progressively evolve.)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding learning resulting in skill/ability, knowledge and intelligence,
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding adaptability choice, freedom, autopoeisis (for some parts and wholes in adjusting to the environment or changing the environment,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then also emerges...
    • Expanding robustness, redundancies and reserves of and in the parts and unions,
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding or alternating periods of compression and/or centralization
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding ordering, integration, harmony and then new synergies, (which again like all of the above in one way or another requires more energy exchanges,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding cooperation, (which again requires more energy exchanges,)
      • which then in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding or new cooperative wholes (unions,) of greater scale, (which again requires more energy exchanges,)
      • which then as a consequence of this new or expanding cooperation creates...
    • Expanding interdependence, (by parts and wholes which then also loops back upon the parts and the whole (union,) to further motivate greater cooperation because of the expanded interdependence and expanding interconnectedness,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding control over the environment for cooperative unions resulting in expanding sustainability for the cooperating parts and wholes, which again requires more energy exchanges, (in part because of the increased cooperation between and by the parts and the wholes [unions,]) which ​at some developmental level of progressive evolution and only in some human parts within the universe eventually results in...
      • Expanding reflection by those human self-reflective parts upon the total universe environment and the universe's complete evolutionary processes and systems (including the Universe's Big Bang origin.) This creates a whole universe consciousness in the part of the universe. In a way, the universe becomes conscious of itself through its part.
    • And finally at the end of the cycle lies the potential for some form of an expanding transcendence of some parts and wholes (unions,) into new things through many different processes. This then potentially restarts a new cycle (or spiral,) of progressive evolution at a new level where once again continuous creative release of new potentials and potentiality (for the newly evolved or created thing to become what it can.) This continuous release or realization of new potential births continuous change, which births increasing... (through all of most of the cycle of development above.) If transcendence did not occur for any reason, (which also includes, failed experiments, retrogressions, collapses and extinctions,) then the universe evolutionary process wastes nothing of that which has reached the limits of its existence, growth or potential release cycle. It then recycles back all those resources and parts back to evolution to be used in new creativity. (Collapses also serve a purpose in removing what would not learn and adapt and for creating new space for new species and evolutionary experiments.)

    The Continuous Change Factor of Evolution

    When thinking about all of the directional parts of progressive evolution be sure to also envision evolution's underlying impulse of continuous change toward eventual alignment with the directions and values mentioned above. One could easily call the continuous change factor the most continuously dominant underlying characteristic of progressive evolution. 

    What Happens if Any of the Developmental Steps of Progressive Evolution are Interfered with or Thwarted: The Meta-Pattern of Destructive Creation 

    If any of the above universe meta-patterns above fail to continue to progressively evolve at some point toward the next levels of increasing complexity and increasing energy exchange (such as in the many retrogressions, failed experiments, collapses and extinctions of evolution, etc,) within evolution's progressive directionalized path of core patterns as mentioned above, another pattern and core meta-process of progressive evolution activates and takes over --- destructive creation. Destructive creation is generally the breakdown and recycling pattern for non-learning, non-adaptive or non "co-operating" parts or wholes (unions.)

    Noting is wasted in universe evolution. This breakdown and recycle core meta-pattern allows the elements of evolutionary "failed experiments," retrogressions or other failed adaptations, collapses or extinctions to be somehow be reused later in some other new evolutionary creativity and experiments. This then allows for these broken down and recycled elements to once again allow and support the forwarding of the ongoing levels of the unstoppable directionality of progressive evolution as illustrated above --- hence the term destructive creation.

    Furthermore, keep in mind that all of the above progressive evolution process steps in one way or another directly support or indirectly contribute to the meta-directionality, impulse, or intentionality of progressive evolution, which is the creation of more:

    • cooperative wholes (unions,) at greater scale, which are sustainable and expand "fair" and/or appropriate energy exchanges between parts and wholes. (It may be that increasing cooperation and exchange of energy at greater scale for greater lengths of time is the core central hub of universe progressive evolution.)

    Based on the universe's 13.7 billion years of core repeating patterns demonstrated in its progressive evolution there is no known logical reason to believe that the above basic patterns and basic directionality of progressive evolution are likely to change.

    The Theoretical End Result or Product of Evolution

    If these core directional patterns of progressive evolution above continue as they have for the last 13.7 billion years, and the universe continues into the far, far distant future, as amazing as it may seem the first time that you hear it, eventually:

    • "All of the universe is evolving toward becoming a cooperative super-organism (whole/union,) and conscious super-union composed of all diverse universe parts aligned in appropriate energy exchanges able to control the total universe environment in sustainable ways at universe level scale. All of the potentials within the meta-patterns and qualities of evolution will have reached their maximal or absolute states for expression of all possibilities within the universe."

    Theoretically, the universe will eventually exhaust all universe possibilities (potentiality) and experiments for expanding or more differentiation, complexity, growth, mutation, (creativity, novelty innovation,) autopoiesis, (self organization,) adaptability (choice, freedom,) intelligence, learning, integration, harmony, synergy, compression or centralization resulting in eventual unification into wholes of greater cooperation and scale, interdependence, consciousness, self reflection (currently only in humans,) reflection of the universe upon itself and its own processes (currently only through its human self-reflective parts,) and theoretically, eventually the universe by itself as itself as a totality. When one even partially grasps the amazing adventure and progressive directionality of the universe's evolution one cannot help, but experience a humbling awe.

    • "The individual is going to be universalized. The universal is going to be individualized, and thus from both directions the whole is going to be enriched." Jan Smuts, From Holism and Evolution

    Look over the list of main progressive processes of 13.7 billion years of progressive evolution again. See them as expanding levels of unfolding and unpacking complexity bearing more unique qualities and more complex, refined and rare "fruit." Look at the most complex, refined and rare qualities being produced at the current known end of the universe's expanding complexity.

    From this view of evolution's progressive directionality, it appears we as humans are truly important within progressive evolution and, we have an important value, meaning and role to play as conscious co-evolutionary partners with the Universe and its processes of progressive evolution.

    When you look back at all of the levels of expanding complexity unpacking directionally into level after level of more amazing qualities and life one begins to also see that the universe is in a continuous process of ongoing cosmogenesis (universe creation.) Based on universe facts it appears that Genesis did not end just before or at the big bang, but is continuing on to this very moment. And if cosmogenesis is in fact continuing to occur, then now we have the opportunity to participate as partners in this progressive process once we know how it works and what we can do to co-evolve our futures with it --- and that may be the greatest single opportunity of our individual and collective futures to EVER emerge in human history!

    The Prime Directive of Evolution

    As living beings, each of us is responsible to forward the Evolutionary Prime Directive of the universe. This prime directive is simply to: 

         a.) forward the the universe's evolutionary value interests (as listed above) and, 

         b.) the progressive evolution of life in the universe.

    This naturally includes protecting the interests of the living and non-living resources and systems essential to the ongoing creation and maintenance of life. This Evolutionary Prime Directive is the prime value upon which the testable, objective merit and truth of all other values and actions can be measured and weighed. 

    For much more information on the evolutionary impulse, evolution's prime directive and evolution's progressive directionality as well as how to use it in your daily life to become more successful, click here.

    If you would like to see how the evolutionary impulse and prime directive creates a set of super-effective life success principles, click here.

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  • The Basic Purpose of Life for the Individual and Humanity --- When Seen From the Perspective of the Universe's Evolution at Whole System Cosmic Scale

    Knowing your purpose in life is fundamentally essential to ordering your life with meaning and being happy and successful.  To objectively understand your own basic life purpose as well as humanity's basic purpose it is logical and necessary to understand the pre-existing and larger evolutionary purposes of evolving life within the Cosmos (the universe.)

    This is because the evolution of your life and the evolution of humanity is completely embedded within the pre-existing purposes and directionality of the universe's evolution. Knowing the pre-existing purposes for the evolution of life in the universe is also important because these purposes have been time-tested and have proven themselves to be optimally successful for sustaining and thriving life in all its forms over billions of years of universe evolution and conditions.

    Based upon this science-grounded premise, the most logical, objective, and basic life purposes for the individual and humanity are to:

    a.) "first align one's own goals, purposes, and actions to the pre-existing directionality of the universe's over-controlling progressive evolution of life, and then

    b.) becoming an active partner with evolution in intentionally forwarding the progressive evolution of life and humanity and, humanity's generational children both here on Earth and eventually out into the stars."

    Within the above two core meta-purposes are contained all of the worthwhile, meaningful, and life-affirming purposes from every important area of life such as politics, economics, society, religion, etc. These greater evolutionary purposes for life do not negate your personal goals and passions for happiness and the comforts of life.

    Evolution's purposes above only ask you to elevate those self-chosen goals and passions by aligning them with the pre-existing and dominant progressive evolution directionality of life as a whole. This action will then ensure that you will be more effective and sustainable over a longer period of time. (You will understand this better and why it is true after reading about what progressive evolution means.)

    The core life purposes stated above is an optimal statement of basic life purpose because:

    a.) we are completely embedded within and carried along by the far larger and vastly more powerful forces of the massive physical universe and the universe's evolutionary processes. The evolutionary processes of the universe ultimately control the directional flow of our own evolution as well as our species' evolution. 

    b.) all of the "best success practices" of politics, economics, society, religion, etc. ultimately came from, are contained within, and/or are controlled directly or indirectly by the core action patterns, intrinsic values, and directionality of the universe's progressive evolutionary processes.

    If we do not understand, align with and contribute to the meta-dominant flow of the universe's over-controlling evolutionary processes and directionality, how can we ever expect our lives to go well, be sustainable or, be free from unnecessary or avoidable pain and suffering? If we do not align with the pre-existing flow of the progressive evolution of the universe, we will be forever swimming upstream and against an ever-dominant and eventually overwhelming evolutionary current that sooner or later will always wear us down and stop us from continuing in our self-chosen but non-evolutionarily aligned purposes, goals, and directions.

    The new evolutionary life purpose statement for both individual and humanity's success flies in the face of decades of "expert" individual life purpose-finding advice that one must "first find their own highest purposes and goals and then achieve these personal self-chosen purposes and goals as your life's first priority!" Yes, there certainly is a relevant and important place for pursuing one's self-related purposes and goals, but only after you have first understood the meta-dominant directionality of the universe's evolutionary processes and then only after you have wisely aligned your personal purposes and goals with them. This is done simply by placing your self-chosen personal purposes and goals appropriately within the far greater controlling context, directionality, and importance of the universe's pre-existing and unstoppable evolutionary directionality and then aligning your purposes and goals with that directionality.

    After reading more about the core directionality, actions, and value interests of progressive evolution take some time to think deeply about the basic life purpose stated above and then ask yourself if your current self-chosen life goals and purposes align with the meta life purposes above. If they don't, you have a unique opportunity to realign your existing life goals and purposes with the above meta purposes and in the bargain, greatly enhance the ease and success of your attaining your existing self-chosen purposes and goals!  

    Most importantly, if you do see the wisdom of aligning your life with the unstoppable power flow of the progressive evolution of the universe then make the following commitment right now. If you do you will begin to experience almost immediately a new wonder, beauty, adventure, and vastly improved and sustainable --- evolutionary fitness, adaptability, cooperativeness, and improved control of your environment.

    Before you make the Evolutioneer's commitment (below,) really take the time to learn about why making this meta-commitment is truly a valid and wise decision. Think deeply about it before you make it.

    This is a decision and commitment that will with your appropriate commitment-filling actions, set you on an adventure and journey that you will never regret. Do not make the commitment below before you are ready. It is too important to your and our futures!

    "If you really want to evolve your life and the world for the better, evolve your decisions and commitments! Then the necessary actions that you need to take will become much easier. " Lawrence Wollersheim

    The Evolutioneer's commitment:

    a.) I commit myself to align (or re-aligning,) my own goals, purposes, and actions to the pre-existing directionality of the universe's over-controlling progressive evolution of life. And,

    b.) I commit myself to be an active partner with evolution in intentionally forwarding the progressive evolution of life and humanity and, humanity's generational children both here on Earth and eventually out into the stars.

    (When you do make this commitment email us at manage@universespirit.org so we can add your name to the Evolutioneer honor roll.)

    "The evolutionary process itself now appears to have reached the unique developmental state where it "wants to" intentionally and awarely influence its own evolution. And humanity appears to be evolution's current most favored medium for this intentional improvement to its own evolutionary processes.

    This then creates the two greatest questions of the 21st Century for the individual or humanity as a whole. Will we intentionally align ourselves with the purposes goals and directionality of progressive evolution and intentionally influence our own personal evolution? And, will we partner with progressive evolution in co-creating a new level of evolutionary influence over the future of our planet and eventually even the future of our universe?" Lawrence Wollersheim   

    Find Out More About The Meta- Principles of Progressive Evolution...

    (The following is an advanced overview of the meta-principles of progressive evolution. The Universe Principles of Sustainability in both their Right Actions and Right Attitudes forms present them in a much more simple form.)

    How can you ever really know your own life's direction and purpose unless you first know the bigger direction and purposes of life itself? The following will help. Look over this list of the universe's evolutionary core purposes and ask yourself, how does your life align or not align with them.

    The main integral and unstoppable (or nearly unstoppable,) processes levels and steps containing the core consistently reoccurring patterns, "products," "universe self-interests" or inherent "values," and "goals" of the directionality or impulses of progressive evolution within the universe are as follows:

    • Continuous creative release of its potentials and potentiality (for a created or evolved thing to become what it can.) This continuous release or realization of potential births continuous evolutionary change (experimentation,) which births increasing
    • Expanding complexity novelty and diversity, (In some ways all of the other progressive levels below can be seen as the unpacking of the previous level of complexity into newer levels of progressing expanding complexity novelty and diversity. Expanding complexity like all expanding or maintaining things in the universe requires expanding or maintaining energy exchanges),
      • Which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then creates... (parts here is meant as things, not necessarily locations,)
    • Expanding growth, productivity (or reproductively,) and/or expansion, (again requiring more energy exchanges,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding creativity, (mutation, novelty, and innovation again requiring more energy exchanges,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding self-awareness and self-reflectiveness, of the relevant exterior and interior environment present, past, and future (even through future modeling capabilities, through expanding use of technology and prediction skills,) within both the parts of the whole and within the whole itself as a collective union,
      (This self-awareness [consciousness,] includes expanding levels of awareness of others, the planet, the universe, and even that great mystery that is the origin of our universe,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding self-organization, autopoiesis, (which also includes the freedom to make one's own decisions and choices and self-discipline and self-responsibility,) which again requires more energy exchanges, (For more on self-organization principles, click here.)which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding full-consequence capture, full accountability,(which requires expanding levels of full transparency for all parts of a whole and the wholes themselves. In one way or another, evolution eventually and invariably always enforces increasing levels of consequence capture upon any parts or wholes that do not learn, adapt "cooperate," fair energy exchange, and progressively evolve. High and expanding levels of transparency and accountability are critical to enacting full consequence capture because the powerful evolutionary self-interests of either the individual parts or the self-interests of wholes [groupings/unions,] when hidden or not accounted for will always take over and lessen the essential optimal balance and tension between the self-interests of the individual and the self-interests of the whole group or union.
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding learning resulting in skill/ability, knowledge, and intelligence,
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding adaptability (choice, freedom, flexibility, or control of the environment for some parts and wholes in either adjusting to the environment or changing the environment,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then also emerges...
    • Expanding robustness, redundancies, and reserves of and in the parts and unions,
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding or alternating periods of compression and/or centralization
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding integration, harmony, and resultant order resulting in new synergies, (which again like all of the above in one way or another requires more energy exchanges,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding cooperation, which aligns and effectively manages and balances the often competing self-interest tensions of all of the individual parts of the whole with the overall health and well being of the whole as a whole system and union, (which again requires more energy exchanges, which appropriately and fairly share and balance the needs of parts and wholes for energy and resources to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics,)
      • which then in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding or new cooperative wholes (unions,) of greater scale, (which again requires more energy exchanges,)
      • which then as a consequence of this new or expanding cooperation creates...
    • Expanding interdependence, (by parts and wholes which then also loops back upon the parts and the whole (union,) to further motivate greater cooperation because of the expanded interdependence and expanding interconnectedness,)
      • which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...
    • Expanding control over the environment for individuals and cooperative unions (that also are in harmony with the principles of universe evolution,) resulting in expanding sustainability for the cooperating parts and wholes, which again requires more energy exchanges, (in part because of the increased cooperation between and by the parts and the wholes [unions,]) which ​at some developmental level of progressive evolution and only in some human parts within the universe eventually results in...
      • Expanding reflection by those human self-reflective parts upon the total universe environment and the universe's complete evolutionary processes and systems (including the Universe's Big Bang origin.) This creates a whole universe consciousness in the part of the universe. In a way, the universe becomes conscious of itself through its part.
    • And finally, possible transcendence of universe parts or whole unions. At the "end" of the universe's spiraling ever larger and more complex evolutionary developmental process lies the potential for some form of transcendence for some of the parts or wholes unions into completely new things (or, at the theoretical end of the universe potentiality all the parts as a whole union transcending to something new.) This then potentially restarts a new spiral of progressive evolution at a new level where once again continuous creative release of new potentials and potentiality (for the newly evolved or created thing to become and realize what it can become.) This continuous release or realization of new potential then once again births continuous change, which births increasing... (through all of most of the cycle/spiral of development above.) If transcendence did not occur in universe parts or whole unions for any reason, (which also includes, failed experiments, retrogressions, collapses, and extinctions,) then the universe evolutionary process wastes nothing of that which has reached the limits of its existence, growth, or developmental potential release cycle. It then recycles back all those resources and parts or whole unions back into evolution to be used in new creativity. (Collapses serve necessary evolutionary purposes in removing what would not learn and adapt and for creating new space for new evolutionary experiments.)

    To take a deeper look at the direction and purposes of life itself (the actions and value interests of progressive evolution,) that are drawn from the deepest reoccurring patterns of progressive evolution, click the preceding progressive evolution links. Then let us know in your comments to this article if you also see the useful value of the objective core purpose of the individual and humanity at the top of this page.

    Please Note: The objective core life purposes statement for the individual and humanity mentioned at the top of this page is already the dominant common core life purpose for those individuals who call themselves Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, or Universe Citizens. It is also a critical part of both The Universe Evolutionary Worldview and if you are of a spiritual nature Evolution Spirituality.

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  • The Leading Authors and Essential Reading List for the Evolutionary Movement, the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and Planetary and Universe Citizens

    Do you know the six most important books that should be on every evolutionary, planetary citizen and universe citizen's reading list. Are you aware of the essential historical reading of an evolutionary. If you are not sure, click the Essential Evolutionary Reading list link now.

    Womens Bandeau

  • Are You an Enlightened Evolutioneer? Are you a Plantary and Universe Citizen? See if Your Experiences are Similar.

    Today the terms Evolutioneer, evolutionary, planetary citizen, universe citizen, Evolver, Evolutionist are being used by many different groups and individuals with a spectrum of different perspectives, values, and projects. In the full article linked below are the basic essentials of what kind of enlightenment experiences individuals who are using these names for themselves commonly experience. Your comments about them are welcome... 

    Please go to the full article 21st Century Evolutionary Enlightenment Made Simple here.

