You are not alone if you have ever thought that you might have to migrate at some point because global warming is getting worse!
The number of people who think they may need to migrate in the not too distant future is now in the millions.
If you are one of those individuals you probably also would also like to know:
1. when should you migrate and
2. where are the best places to migrate and why?
If global warming migration has crossed your mind, here are two things to consider:
a. You can begin Part 1 of Job One Plan, and you can get access to our regularly updated Global Warming Migration Center. There you will be able to review information regarding global warming migration and your future. Or,
b. You can let us know you (or a friend on your behalf,) will want to attend a 90-minute live presentation on the critical issues of global warming migration in January of 2020 in the San Francisco Bay area. This presentation will also cover building new global warming-safe eco-communities that should be able to survive the coming climate turmoil. (If you are interested, email us at, and we will email you all of the presentation details. An exceptional global warming author also will be part of the presentation.)
For many of you who have carefully studied the global warming emergency, a new battle "to save and salvage what we can, while we still have time" has now begun!
This new battle also includes "slowing down global warming enough so that we have more time to prepare and adapt to what is coming." If we can radically slow global warming down, while we are doing any necessary emergency preparation and migration (where needed,) more individuals and our civilization can survive.
Many individuals using the website also have come to realize that humanity has entered into what could be called a temporary evolutionary regression. During this temporary regression, unfortunately, life as we currently know it will get considerably worse before it gets better.
In this regression period, humanity will learn the hard and necessary new lessons about the real price of fossil fuel pollution, poor international cooperation, and the importance of maintaining healthy ecological systems.
The good news is that during this temporary regression period if we are smart, prepare, and or/migrate as needed, and we work together, we can still have meaningful and enjoyable lives. And best of all, we can still work together to restore balance to our life-supporting Earth systems and a future for our children as we come out of this regression.
Our fall membership drive special incentive!
(Please Note: Job One for Humanity and Universe Spirit are sister websites.)
In addition to getting a free ebook copy of Climageddon, "The global warming survival kit" (an $8.95 value) if you become a new member or renew before November first, here are some other great reasons why will you want access to the members-only section of our website!
Trillions in personal and corporate wealth will be made or lost due because you either understanding or do not understand the many consequences of our rapidly unfolding global warming emergency. Hedge funds, investment bankers, real estate conglomerates, and ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations spend tens of thousands of dollars each year with global warming risk analysis companies to have access to the information you will find in our members-only section.
This regularly updated member's section will provide critical details on how and when the consequences of the global warming emergency can affect your investments, financial transactions, real estate, and even your individual or business survival. Luckily, you will not have to spend tens of thousands of dollars a year (like the ultra-wealthy) to have access to our global warming risk analysis information. You will not only be able to know what the ultra-wealthy know, but also what they don't know (unless they are also members of Job One.)
We feel that everyone should have access to this life and death information in our members-0nly section, not just the ultra-wealthy. That is why we have made this information available at a cost we believe everyone can afford ($5.00 a year.)
We have spent over $100,000 acquiring or doing the necessary research for the information found in the members-only section. Your membership gives us the fixed support we need to keep funding our monthly overhead costs and doing ongoing research.
This year we have a special membership bonus (for becoming a member or renewing your annual membership,) for the first time, you also will receive a free Ebook version of the Climageddon ebook getting great reviews on Amazon!
Each annual website membership and donation provides:
a. exclusive access to our members-only and nonpublic global warming website information as described below.
Only members receive:
1. first alerts and early warnings about the coming global warming catastrophes,
2. exclusive global warming emergency preparation information for your family, home and business,
3. well-researched global warming family and business migration options for the sparse global warming safer zones (if you live in a global warming high-risk area.)
4. members-only information on how, when, and where the escalating global warming emergency will also dramatically affect:
local and regional real estate values,
stock market values, specifically corporations whose stocks and bonds will be most affected as the global warming emergency worsens,
commodity prices as regionalized crops and other commodities fail because of increased heat or other global warming consequences as well as which food prices will rise the fastest etc.,
increased political conflict or instability probabilities particularly relating to a nation's regionalized specific global warming consequences.
b. critical financial support for our non-profit organization's ongoing mission and, it helps keep many other areas of our website information free to the public.
How to become a Job One for Humanity member for only $5 per year
To make a tax-deductible annual membership donation of any amount securely online now, please click this secure tax-deductible donation link or click the seal of transparency logo.
If you can, please donate more than the minimum annual membership of $5.00 to help keep us viable. Factnet is a Bronze Star non-profit recognized organization by Guidestar, the leading non-profit organization that evaluates other non-profit organizations for financial and mission transparency.
Your Receipt Information: The name " Inc." will show on the PayPal payment screen if you are using Pay Pal online or on the electronic record of your donation to Job One for Humanity. Use this receipt for tax deduction purposes.
Job One for Humanity is a DBA and subsidiary of Factnet Inc., which since 1993 has been a recognized 501(c)(3) IRS non-profit and social benefit organization.
To make your tax-deductible annual membership donation by mail - make your check payable to:
Factnet, PMB 2167,
1650 S. Casino Dr.
Laughlin, Nevada 89029
In closing,
We strongly urge you to check out the migration information in the Job One Plan. If you have not done so already, please become an annual member by clicking here.
The free Climageddon global warming survival kit ebook offer for all new and renewing members only lasts until November first!
Lawrence Wollersheim
Executive Director
Universe Spirit & Job One for Humanity or
PS: We will email all new and renewing members on how to download their free Climageddon ebook membership bonus after we receive their donation.