The description below of the core "kernel" of Evolution Spirituality applies in many ways to the open-source spirituality movements as well.
What is a Kernel?
In software computing, the "kernel" is the main and essential core component of most software computer operating systems --- think software operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac OS 10.) As such it is a task management and communications bridge between various general software applications and the actual physical data processing done at the computer hardware level. (From the Wikipedia online encyclopedia.) It is what is essential in structure to make them work!
The kernel in a software computer operating system provides the requisite minimal organization and essential necessary core structure needed for the computer to run the many different software application packages and process the data they need to process. In open-source software which is a collaborative and open method of creating software, the kernel is also that same core part of the open-source program code (requisite minimal organization and structure,) that stays the most constant that is there to be used by everyone to perform the core functionalities.
The kernel can only be changed by a very large consensus of open-source programmers or a community of specifically kernel theory qualified open-source programmers designated to manage the essential necessary core organization, structure, and integrity of the open-source software kernel that everyone has to use for their base in creating new open-source software programs and applications.
In order to help expand the Evolution Spirituality movement and co-create an open-source, collaborative, and cooperative new planetary secular meta-religion and personal meta-spirituality (a meta-religion and meta-spirituality includes and transcends the best of humanity's vast spiritual wisdom heritage and religions --- without including their worst,) it is useful and effective to ALSO have a core kernel of spiritual principles and processes, which will supply to the Religion 2.0 movement the requisite minimal organization and essential necessary core structure needed for individuals and groups to most effectively (and safely,) self-create their own personalized spirituality and groups (communities or congregations.) This kernel would also serve as an essential tool for individuals and spiritual organizations to collaborate effectively and safely in co-creating a new kind of global spiritual commons.
There is more good news. The Evolution Spirituality movement kernel can be added to or changed and it can evolve. But this kernel can only be changed by a very large consensus of Evolution Spirituality practitioners or the teaching leadership community of specifically Evolution Spirituality kernel theory trained practitioners designated to manage the essential and necessary minimal organizational and structural integrity of the open-source Evolution Spirituality kernel that everyone uses for their base for individual or group personal spirituality or group religious self-creation.
The core kernel of the Evolution Spirituality movement (and the open-source spirituality movements as found on this website,) contains the following key areas of principles, perspectives, and processes.
In order of priority:
a.) the open-source religion and spirituality principles, (Be sure to read Part One and Two of the Open Sources Spirituality Manifesto as well.)
b.) the current facts of objective science, particularly as expressed within the principles of progressive evolution as found in part within:
i.) our common science-grounded genesis story,
ii.) the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and its new evolutionary ethical code as expressed within the Universe Principles of Sustainability,
c.) the ideas and principles of a subjective, self-created personal spirituality, (Please note: The subjective creation of your own open-source personal spirituality also by definition always implies integrating the current objective facts of science within it. Click here for all of the details on this objective subjective issue.)
d.) the spiritual safeguards,
e.) the basic minimal Codes of Conduct for members of a Religion 2.0 spiritual community and its facilitator/ministers and,
f.) the core operational spiritual and administrative principles, processes and information regarding a spiritual organization similar to what is found in Evolution Spirituality "the secular religion of Evolution" and as found within the Universe Spirit organization itself.
(Please note: A-d apply above more specifically to Evolution Spirituality while also applying to the general open-source spirituality movements. E and f above apply more specifically to the Evolution Spirituality movement. All of the items above (a-f above,) are the basic principles and elements for a new kind of "kernel" for religious expression that provides the essential and necessary minimal organization and structure for open source religion and spirituality, meta-religion, and meta-spirituality as well as for the Evolution Spirituality movement "the secular religion of evolution.")
In Summary
Think about the open-source religion and open-source spirituality kernel as described above as a necessary hub of wise stability from which you can optimally self-create your own personal spirituality or group religious community while still accessing humanity's vast omni-denominational spiritual wisdom heritage without including their pathological ideas and practices. It is a requisite minimal organization and essential necessary core structure needed for the individual or group to self-create their own individual spirituality or group religious expression effectively and safely.
The Evolution Spirituality kernel found on this website makes it easy for you to sit on the shoulders of the great spiritual teachers and spiritual organizations and use their wisdom, principles, and processes as jumping-off points in the creation and expansion of your own personal spirituality and group religious expression. Using the above kernel of principles and elements you can be confident that you are creating your own spiritual path or religious group in the most effective and wisest way.