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The Definition of Evolution Science and Evolutionary Science

The term evolution science (or evolutionary science) refers to the collection of disciplines within the sciences (and social sciences) seen as a collective whole.

The subjects at the core of this collection of science disciplines are:

a.) cosmology, the full history of the universe,

b.) geology, the full, non-biological history of our planet, and

c.) biology, the full history of biological life on this planet.

Inherent within the evolutionary sciences is the idea of evolutionary history (also called Big History).  Evolutionary Big History integrates and includes the history of everything!

Big History is interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and integrative.  Big History starts at the beginning of the universe, and includes everything that has evolved and is evolving up until this moment of existence(numerous forward thinking universities have already created courses called Big History or evolutionary history).

A Big History and evolutionary history perspective as a subset within the sciences is becoming more prevalent.  Today, there is evolutionary physics; the history of matter, energy, space and time in the universe; evolutionary chemistry; the history of how the table of chemical elements came about; evolutionary anthropology; the complete history of humanity, back through its primate ancestors; evolutionary psychology; evolutionary philosophy; evolutionary religion and evolutionary nutrition, etc.

Today, many of the sciences and social sciences are creating evolutionary subsets of themselves.  These subsets are asking key questions like:

a.) How did their subject matter evolve, and

b.) How does the evolution of this science’s particular subject matter fit within the total evolution of all other things?

The evolutionary sciences, when seen as an integral whole, have created a spectacular, new, big picture view of everything in context, relationship and in its transformational process.  This fresh view creates a completely new and much larger worldview -- a way of seeing all of existence in the context of a continuous process of relationships and transformations.  This new worldview is called the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and/or Evolution 2.0.

When one sees information from all of the evolutionary sciences and from the perspective of an integral whole (where everything is in a relationship and transformational process), one also begins to see that the processes of evolution itself has a directionality and appears to be progressing somewhere.

When seen through this new and vastly bigger perspective, one not only sees that there appears to be a direction to evolution,  but also many common, recurring, deep patterns within evolution’s 13.8 billion year history.

These recurring, deep patterns within evolution could be called laws or rules.  In the Universe Evolutionary Worldview (Evolution 2.0), we call these recurring, deep patterns the meta-principles of evolution (or the meta-principles of progressive evolution).

For more information about progressive evolution, click here.

For more information about the Universe Evolutionary Worldview, click here.

For more information about Evolution 2.0, click here.

For a list of books relating to evolutionary sciences, Evolution 2.0 and the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview, click here.


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