(Special Notice: The spirituality found on this website is also an open source, personalized and self-created spiritual process. You can always self-select, modify, sequence and use or not use the wisdom and tools you find on this website in the ways that will work best for your current conditions, stage of spiritual development and understanding. We have no rigid dogma that you must believe. We do although have principles for which you are the final authority who decides their truth and usefulness. Encouraging spiritual personalization, experimentation and deciding what is true for you is just one of the many qualities of Evolution Spirituality. Please feel free to take, use, adapt any of the ideas of this new spirituality or the evolutionary science that you find to improve your lifestyle, livelihood, personal spirituality and your local spiritual community.)
About Us:
- What is the Universe Spirit Non-profit Organization? (B)
- What is the Universe Spirit mission? (B)
- What exactly is the sustainable prosperity that is one of your most important goals? (B)
- What are the all of the goals of Universe Spirit organization? (B)
- What is the attitude of Universe Spirit, especially on how best to reach its mission goals? (I)
- What are the principles of the Universe Spirit community? (A)
- What is the relationship between the Universe College, Universe Academy, Universe Institute and Universe Spirit web sites? (B)
- Who are the founders of Universe Spirit? What is the organization's history? (B)
- Who runs the organization and manages the Universe Spirit web site? (B)
- Who created Universe Spirit? (B)
- How many people are currently involved in Universe Spirit? (B)
- What is the great news and hope of Universe Spirit? (B)
- What are the paradoxes of Universe Spirit and its new vision? (I)
Our Codes and Ethical Standards:
- What are the Codes of Conduct and Ethics for Universe Spirit members, teachers and ministers/facilitators?
- What are our guidelines for creating and maintaining our online community? (A)
- What are the spiritual safeguards used at Universe Spirit to insure a safe and healthy community?
Our Principles and Positions:
- What are the key open-source principles that are used at Universe Spirit? (A)
- For our position paper on healthy sexuality among community members, click here.
- What are the self-organization principles that are used by the Universe Spirit community? (A)
- What is the role of the co-intelligence principles used by Universe Spirit community members to expand the movement? (A)
- What are the collaboration principles used in the Universe Spirit movement? (A)
- What is your position on copyright ownership, commercial uses, individual recognition, patents and trademarks concerning spiritual wisdom and the global spiritual commons? (B)
- What is your recommended reading list? (B)
- What are your principles concerning open dialog? (B)
- What is your position on the importance of open dialog within the movement? (I)
- What is your position on the importance of personalities or celebrities within the Universe Spirit movement? (B)
- What is your position on polarizing individuals or groups? (B)
- What is your position on human rights and human responsibilities? (I)
- What is your position on social activism? (I)
- What is your position on the evolutionary process itself when applied to new information and the organization? (I)
- What is the definition of open-source spirituality and how does it apply to Universe Spirit? (A)
- Click here to see the full FAQ and answers to many other questions.