The Evolution Spirituality Philosophy: A Science Grounded, Open Source, Healthy and Balanced Personalized Spiritual Practice

"The relationship worked out between science and religion will determine the destiny of the human race." ---Alfred Lord Whitehead

The Evolution Spirituality Philosophy is also known as Eco-Spirituality, Universe Spirituality, Evolutionary Spirituality, and Evo-Spirituality. Think about Evolution Spirituality as a new applied philosophy (way of life) grounded in science and an upgraded new system of life-affirming values and ideas that can also create a new form of healthy and balanced open-source, personalized spirituality. (Personalized spirituality means that you are the one who chooses what spiritual principles and practices from humanity's vast and rich open-source spiritual heritage are right for you (not some religious authority.) 

One of the best features of the Evolution Spirituality philosophy is that it does not have to include past religious ideas, dogma, and religious practices incompatible with the world's current challenging threats and conditions and the facts of settled science.

This new evolution in healthy and balanced spiritual development is drawn from humanity's long history of individual personal spiritual experience. It also explores and expands the many possibilities of direct personal awareness and experiences of the Great Mystery and what we call the Ever-Present Origin or (Ultimate Reality,) As such, its practices can lead to what is known as both traditional enlightenment and the new evolutionary enlightenment (the realization of one's place within the evolutionary history of the whole universe. 

This new Evolution Spirituality philosophy is also grounded in science, particularly science about evolution's most successful processes in the universe. It is what some might consider a perfect balance of science and personal spirituality.

The Evolution Spirituality philosophy is different because it also has many completely secular value areas like the Universe Principles that can be practiced in completely secular ways. This means that if you are not spiritually inclined or are an atheist, agnostic, or humanist, you can use all of the science-grounded ideas and practices found within the fully secular areas of the Evolution Spirituality philosophy and still be a practicing member of the Evolution Spirituality community, our new Universe Eco-Communities, and the Evolution 2.0 movement.

Because our natural world is in such trouble, Evolution Spirituality also embraces the ideas of modern eco-spiritualityWe forward the much-needed new ethical and moral perspectives of eco-spirituality. Eco-spirituality, in the most simple of terms, holds that:

a. humanity is an intimate and integral part of nature and does not own nature or is humanity separate from it,

b. humanity must stop using the natural world and our atmosphere as a toilet for its pollutants, and, 

c. humanity cannot treat and use the natural world as an "infinite" extraction resource and treasure chest. It must stop all over-exploitation of the natural world, which harms current and future generations, and other biological life forms.

For more on modern eco-spirituality ideas, click here.

How the Evolution Spirituality Philosophy differs from the Older Forms of Religion

Before expanding the definition of Evolution Spirituality further, it is helpful to say something about the earlier versions of spirituality and religion. Religion 1.0 is traditional "old-time" religion and spirituality with all of its dogma, exclusive or special authorities, and rituals.

Religion 1.5 includes the most life-affirming ideas of the newer progressive religious and spiritual movements like the Unitarian Universalists, Creation Spirituality, process theology, liberation theology, Integral Spirituality, and even some of the "Newer Age" religions like Unity and Religious Science without their inappropriate or no longer applicable, beliefs, qualities, authorities, and practices.

Religion 2.0 (Evolution Spirituality) is a major upgrade on the older versions of religion and 1.0 and 1.5. Religion 2.0 (Evolution Spirituality) transcends the worst of religion 1.0 and religion 1.5 while still including their best qualities. 

While Evolution Spirituality (Religion 2.0) differs greatly from Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5, it still honors and includes the best of what Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5 offer. Evolution Spirituality transcends but can still include the best goals and most life-affirming ideas and practices from Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5 without their many known pathologies and prejudices.

This quality reflects one of the most important aspects of Evolution Spirituality which is personal choice, which is always honored. You are always the one who gets to decide how much, how little, or what parts of the Evolution Spirituality, Religion 1.5, or Religion 1.0 that you want to use!

Because of Evolution Spirituality's strong science grounding, practitioners of its principles can significantly improve their evolutionary fitness, adaptability, and control of their environments and function more cooperatively and successfully as groups and in groups. Evolution Spirituality practitioners also participate in something far greater than themselves by helping to consciously co-create and forward the universe's progressive evolutionary progress and adventure.

"We do not belong to ourselves, even mostly. We belong to the universe." Buckminster Fuller

Because it is both a personal spirituality and a philosophy of life grounded in science, it provides its practitioners the deepest meanings and purpose for their lives.

The Evolution Spirituality philosophy is a completely new emergence in our planet's biological and cultural evolution and in spirituality and religion like nothing else that has ever come before. It also has many other unique features and qualities that you will not find in Religion 1.0 or Religion 1.5.

If you have read enough and want to join our nonprofit organization, click here.

If you are ready to learn more about the next evolution of spiritual philosophy and are seeking the perfect blend of science and spirituality, keep clicking the links to the left or right page bottom or at the bottom of each page of this short, easy-to-read online booklet.

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The Fundamentals of Evolution Spirituality

Evolution Spirituality is a new evolutionary adaption and experiment in the history of religion that is:

a.) firmly grounded in objective science.

"A religion that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by traditional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge." ---Carl Sagan

b.) personalizable and open-source, where you are always the final authority in constructing your own personalized Evolution Spirituality.

c.) non-dualistic, in that it embraces the oneness of the universe and all reality as well as all that this means to understand our place in the universe and our optimal relations with all others and the universe.

d.) sustainable, in that it promotes the principles of Sustainable Prosperity and how those principles will help us mitigate the current climate crisis. and,

e.) safe, in that has a modern set of comprehensive safeguards designed to prevent the many know pathologies of earlier forms of spirituality ad religion from ever becoming part of Evolution Spirituality.

f.) based on our best current understanding of the progressive directionality of universe evolution, which includes evolution's core meta-principles. The new meta-view of progressive evolution is always seen from a universe-scaled, interdisciplinary, and whole systems perspective.

You will learn more about progressive evolution on the next page of this online booklet. Once you discover this special progressive directionality to evolution, we will show you how to use it to improve your life and the world through the practice of the Universe Principles.)

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Why Evolution Spirituality Now?

"Science is, at least in part, informed worship." Carl Sagan

In this complex, fragmented, and global crisis-ridden 21st century, it is our view that now --- more than at any other time in history, the world needs a science-grounded, balanced, and non-polarizing Open Source form of personalized spirituality that is aligned with science and the progressive evolution in the universe --- like  Evolution Spirituality. This new Universe Evolutionary Worldview and Evolution 2.0 informed religion can help each individual realistically reach their fullest potential, their most life-affirming goals and support them in becoming a more empowered resource doing their 1/7,000,000,000 part in helping to execute the Job One For Humanity Plan --- the current most critical global challenge that we have ever faced of these 12 major worsening global crises.

If you thought about Evolution Spirituality and its Universe Evolutionary Worldview as a science and spirituality integrated forerunner for what non-denominational progressive spiritual organizations will eventually evolve into in the future, you would have a good starting idea about what and who we are. Paradoxically, it was not really possible for Religion 2.0 to come into being before the most recent scientific discoveries in cosmology and progressive evolution had occurred as well as the vast cross-pollenization integration and unification of humanity's entire heritage of spiritual and scientific wisdom was occurring in an open-source manner over the Internet.

"A religion that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by traditional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."  Carl Sagan

"Will the Universe Be the New Religion?" Carl Sagan

Religion 2.0 may be the first religious movement (but hopefully not the last spiritual movement,) with the open-source capabilities of being the first global meta-religion. Unlike earlier spiritual movements based upon more partial sub-universe-scale views of life and the universe, Evolution Spirituality has a new universal ethics, values, and a morality with the true capabilities of being trans-global in application and effectiveness.

These qualities (and its new trans-global perspective,) born from its transcending new Universe Evolutionary Worldview put it in a unique position to do much to help resolve the many threatening global challenges that we all now currently face. No pre-twenty-first century religious movement has ever before started out with such a large advantage in utilizing the current scope and depth of scientific and spiritual knowledge.

"Not only was the observation of the universe the source of the first religion, it is also the source of our oldest spiritual practices. Because of the re-integration and re-grounding of today's cutting-edge science the universe has once again become the "new" common and leading source for re-aligning, expanding and, upgrading religion and personal spiritual practice. The universe's own evolutionary process is now doing what no religion on the planet has previously been able to do namely --- to evolve a universe-grounded planetary meta-religion (Evolution Spirituality,) that balances and integrates humanity's current science with its vast heritage of life-affirming spiritual wisdom." Lawrence Wollersheim

If you have read enough and would like to join our nonprofit organization, click here.

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What are the goals of Evolution Spirituality

The mission goals of Evolution Spirituality are significantly different than the mission goals of Religion 1.0 and Religion 2.0. The mission and goals of Evolutionary Spirituality far transcend yet still include the most life-affirming aspects of Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5.

The unique mission goals of Evolution Spirituality are:

a.) To respond spiritually to help manage various the demanding and extreme conditions the world faces today as described in this document. In doing so, we create more sustainable and equitable solutions for all.

b.) To educate individuals on how to use the directionality and meta-principles of universe progressive evolution to improve the success of their personal lives in practical ways. Practitioners of the meta-principles of universe progressive evolution will significantly improve their evolutionary fitness, adaptability and, control of their environments as well as function more cooperatively and successfully as groups and in groups.

           "Will the Universe Be the New Religion?"---Carl Sagan

This first part of our mission of forwarding of the progressive evolution of you as an individual, the groups in which you are embedded, humanity and the planet and the universe is truly amazing because it is the most basic supporting foundation and context upon which ALL of your other goals can emerge, be wisely realized and sustained over time!

c.) To teach individuals how to forward the progressive evolution of their groups, nation, humanity, the planet and, the universe.  This eventually includes:

i.) To help guide humanity in consciously and ethically evolving its cognitive and biological human nature,

Humanity's cognitive and biological human nature is not a static unchanging thing. Human nature initially evolved solely through the mechanics of genetic evolution. Once humanity started creating culture, human nature started evolving quicker because of the values, laws, education and, repetitive practices of cultural evolution. Because of cultural evolution, human nature was civilized and evolved far faster than just the random genetic mutation that pure genetic evolution could ever achieve.

Evolution Spirituality also educates about the new 21st-century art-of-living skill sets which are the next steps to advance and extend the effectiveness of cultural education to develop, evolve and realize the potentials of human nature. Once the tools of cultural education have taken developing human nature as far as it can go, it is then time to add in the next level toolset for evolving human nature.

In addition to continuing to use the tools and methods of human culture to improve human nature, humanity using proper safeguards now has the opportunity to speed up the evolution of cognitive and biological human nature as never has been done before by also using the new technologies of genetic engineering. Just as cultural evolution has dramatically speeded up the evolution of human nature humanity also now has a new ability to speed up the evolution and development of human nature by wisely using these new technologies.

The transcending of human nature genetically is a new kind of freedom, which is only being articulated for the first time here in the 21st century because we now have the actual ability to begin achieving it. This new freedom is freedom from the limitations of past, pre-determined or inborn genetic limitations. Inborn genetic limitations can include everything from genetic defects, to built-in and hardwired emotional responses that are no longer appropriate to today's life's conditions and environments to limitations on the cognitive processing abilities of the brain itself.

This new freedom also includes freedom from current physical limitations through mechanical and biological augmentation. Already, it is common today in society for individuals to get artificial hearts, hips, joints, arms and, many other mechanical or biological enhancements to help them resolve or enhance current physical conditions or remedy limitations. (Click here to learn about overcoming the limitations of human nature with new technologies and the appropriate safeguards.)

ii.) To help humanity in consciously and ethically evolving its evolutionary successors and "children."

Humanity as a species also appears not to be an end unto itself when seen from a big-picture evolutionary perspective. By looking at the long-term evolution of the planet it is clear that humanity as a species has appeared due to the rise (and in many cases the extinction,) of many predecessor species. Therefore it is only logical and reasonable to believe that since 99.9 percent of every species that has ever lived on the planet is now extinct, humanity as a species will also give rise to humanity's evolutionary successors and "children" --- just exactly as humanity's evolutionary predecessors gave rise to it.

One of the possible pathways in giving rise to humanity's successors and "children" would be for humanity to transcend its limiting biology and the current limitations of its mental abilities (what we normally consider humanity's mostly-fixed human nature,) is genetic engineering. There are other ways as well. (For more information on creating our own successors click here to learn more about evolutionary transhumanism.)

(Please Note: Accepting all of the above "evolving human nature" issues as part of your higher mission can be challenging to all that you may have ever read in modern goal books that focus their advice on life's core goals being first about individual human happiness and comfort and getting what you want. When you learn more about why our mission above is about the larger, more powerful, and effective truth that also includes all of the smaller important truths as well as your important personal goals you will better understand why you will be able "to have your cake and eat it too.")

If you have read enough and would like to join our nonprofit organization, click here.

Click on the link below to your right for more... If you want to join our organization, click here.



What Does Evolution Spirituality Expect from You?

The most basic personal action asked for in Evolution Spirituality is:

to align one's life with the meta-principles of the universe's progressive evolution

this will help you to effectively evolve a highly meaningful life, a sustainable prosperity and just civilization for the current and future generations both here on Earth and eventually --- out into the stars.

Evolution Spirituality helps to do this by educating about how to evolve thriving, meaningful and sustainable livelihoods, lifestyles and, communities as well as educating about how to evolve a just and sustainably prosperous world.

This is just one part of how Evolution Spirituality will help you to realize your full potentials.

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For Whom is Evolution Spirituality Best Suited?

Evolution Spirituality is used by many different kinds of individuals of both secular and/or spiritual natures. Individuals who want a spiritual path that also reflects our best current scientific understanding of objective physical reality will be immediately comfortable in Evolution Spirituality.

Individuals who are adopting the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and Evolution Spirituality are often individuals who are concerned not only about their own personal daily success, but also about how current global economic, political, social, and ecological stresses challenging their own as well as their children's hopes for a better life and a safer future.

They often call themselves by other names such as social activists, futurists, Collaborative Commons advocates, change agents, Millenials, progressives, open society, Internet and culture advocates, planetary citizens, cultural and economic entrepreneurs, Third Industrial Revolution advocates, cultural creatives, innovators, education and social pioneers, evolutionists, evolutionaries, sustainability advocates, co-operative advocates, planetary citizens, scientists, environmentalists, cosmists, evolutionary transhumanists, artists, hipsters, spiritual progressives, eco-spirituality advocates, agnostics, atheists, humanists or members of the Integral, Evolver, Wayseer or Maker movements. They also sometimes describe themselves by the newer terms of Evolutioneers or Universe Citizens.

Individuals at any level of spiritual development from any denomination can use the new Evolution Spirituality found on this website. Individuals who have reached what is known as Fowler's fourth level of universalizing faith in their current denomination will particularly enjoy Evolution Spirituality. (Click here to learn about Fowler's fourth level of spiritual development and the other levels.)

"If you believe that evolution is real and that the discovery of evolution was one of the greatest discoveries in the history of humanity, then you are either already a member of our science-grounded community or, you soon could be." Lawrence Wollersheim

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What is the Highest Objective Purpose of Life and an Evolution Spirituality Practitioner's Greatest Commitment

Knowing your purpose in life is fundamentally essential to ordering your life with meaning and being happy and successful.  To objectively understand your own basic life purpose as well as humanity's basic purpose it is logical and necessary to understand the pre-existing and larger evolutionary purposes of evolving life within the Cosmos (the universe.)

This is because the evolution of your life and the evolution of humanity is completely embedded within the pre-existing purposes and directionality of the universe's evolution. Knowing the pre-existing purposes for the evolution of life in the universe is also important because these purposes have been time-tested and have proven themselves to be optimally successful for sustaining and thriving life in all its forms over billions of years of universe evolution and conditions.

Based upon this science-grounded premise, the most logical, objective, and basic life purposes for the individual and humanity are to:

a.) "first align one's own goals, purposes, and actions to the pre-existing directionality of the universe's over-controlling progressive evolution of life, and then

b.) becoming an active partner with evolution in intentionally forwarding the progressive evolution of life and humanity and, humanity's generational children both here on Earth and eventually out into the stars."

Within the above two core meta-purposes are contained all of the worthwhile, meaningful, and life-affirming purposes from every important area of life such as politics, economics, society, religion etc. These greater evolutionary purposes for life does not negate your personal goals and passions for happiness and the comforts of life.

Evolution's purposes above only ask you to elevate those self-chosen goals and passions by aligning them with the pre-existing and dominant progressive evolution directionality of life as a whole. This action will then ensure that you will be more effective and sustainably over a longer period of time. (You will understand this better and why it is true after reading about what progressive evolution means.)

The core life purposes statement above is an optimal statement of basic life purpose because:

a.) we are completely embedded within and carried along by the far larger and vastly more powerful forces of the massive physical universe and the universe's evolutionary processes. The evolutionary processes of the universe ultimately control the directional flow of our own evolution as well as our species' evolution. 

b.) all of the "best success practices" of politics, economics, society, religion etc., ultimately came from, are contained within, and/or are controlled directly or indirectly by the core action patterns, intrinsic values, and directionality of the universe's progressive evolutionary processes.

If we do not understand, align with and contribute to the meta-dominant flow of the universe's over-controlling evolutionary processes and directionality, how can we ever expect our lives to go well, be sustainable or, be free from unnecessary or avoidable pain and suffering? If we do not align with the pre-existing flow of the progressive evolution of the universe, we will be forever swimming upstream and against an ever-dominant and eventually overwhelming evolutionary current that sooner or later will always wear us down and stop us from continuing in our self-chosen but non-evolutionarily aligned purposes, goals, and directions.

The new evolutionary life purpose statement for both individual and humanity's success flies in the face of decades of "expert" individual life purpose-finding advice that one must "first find their own highest purposes and goals and then achieve these personal self-chosen purposes and goals as your life's first priority!" Yes, there certainly is a relevant and important place for pursuing one's self-related purposes and goals, but only after you have first understood the meta-dominant directionality of the universe's evolutionary processes and then only after you have wisely aligned your personal purposes and goals with them. This is done simply by placing your self-chosen personal purposes and goals appropriately within the far greater controlling context, directionality, and importance of the universe's pre-existing and unstoppable evolutionary directionality and then aligning your purposes and goals with that directionality.

After reading more about the core directionality, actions, and value interests of progressive evolution take some time to think deeply about the basic life purpose stated above and then ask yourself if your current self-chosen life goals and purposes align with the meta life purposes above. If they don't, you have a unique opportunity to realign your existing life goals and purposes with the above meta purposes and in the bargain, greatly enhance the ease and success of your attaining your existing self-chosen purposes and goals!  

Most importantly, if you do see the wisdom of aligning your life with the unstoppable power flow of the progressive evolution of the universe then make the following commitment right now. If you do you will begin to experience almost immediately a new wonder, beauty, adventure, and vastly improved and sustainable --- evolutionary fitness, adaptability, cooperativeness and an improved control of your environment.

Before you make the Evolutioneer's commitment (below,) really take the time to learn about why making this meta-committment is truly a valid and wise decision. Think deeply about it before you make it.

This is a decision and commitment that will with your appropriate commitment-filling actions, set you on an adventure and journey that you will never regret. Do not make the commitment below before you are ready. It is too important to your and our futures!

"If you really want to evolve your life and the world for the better, evolve your decisions and commitments! Then the  necessary actions that you need to take will become much easier. " Lawrence Wollersheim

Evolution Spirituality Practitioners Commitment:

a.) I commit myself to aligning (or re-aligning,) my own goals, purposes, and actions to the pre-existing directionality of the universe's over-controlling progressive evolution of life. And,

b.) I commit myself to be an active partner with evolution in intentionally forwarding the progressive evolution of life and humanity and, humanity's generational children both here on Earth and eventually out into the stars.

(When you do make this commitment email us at so we can add your name to the Evolutioneer's honor roll.)

"The evolutionary process itself now appears to have reached the unique developmental state where it "wants to" intentionally and awarely influence its own evolution. And humanity appears to be evolution's current most favored medium for this intentional improvement to its own evolutionary processes. This then creates the two greatest questions of the 21st Century for the individual or humanity as a whole. Will we intentionally align ourselves with the purposes goals and directionality of progressive evolution and intentionally influence our own personal evolution? And, will we consciously partner with progressive evolution in co-creating a new level of wise and healthy evolutionary influence over the future of our planet and eventually even the future of our universe?" Lawrence Wollersheim

If you have read enough and would like to join our nonprofit organization, click here.



What are the Three Great Life Adventures of Evolution Spirituality

The Three Great Adventures of Life are:

Adventure One: Consciously Release Your Full Potentials and Continue to Develop on all Levels to Reach Your Goals!

The first Great Evolutionary Adventure in life is to fully realize your full developmental potentials (physical, socio-emotional and cognitive,) in order to sustainably achieve your most important and meaningful personal goals. The Universe Spirit website and its Evolution 2.0 (and Evolution Spirituality if you are of a spiritual nature,) provides many tools and services that will assist you along the course of this adventure. The Universe Evolutionary Worldview and the Universe Principles of Sustainability for creating sustainable prosperity are two such tools that, when effectively applied, will help you release and develop your potentials to achieve your most important goals, whether they pertain to your relationships or your career. (And, they can do this while still preserving and sustaining the planetary environment. After releasing more of your potential you will then be ready to explore the second Great Adventure of Life!

Adventure Two: Wisely Serve and Lead in Your Group, Community or Nation in Alignment with the Progressive Directionality of Evolution!

The second Great Evolutionary Adventure in Life is to increase your ability to lead and serve in the groups and communities of which you are a part. After realizing your potential to achieve your own personal goals, creating a more sustainable livelihood and lifestyle you harness the abundance of your success and its power to give back and serve the many communities that support your life. Such communities may include: your family, tribe, ethnic, racial or gender group, religious group, work community, or national group, humanity as a whole, the planet and all of its species, the evolutionary directionality of the universe itself, and finally if you are of a spiritual or religious nature, Ultimate Reality in what ever way you conceive it to be.

Using the evolution science-informed information and tools of Evolution 2.0, the Universe Evolutionary Worldview, and the Universe Principles of Sustainability you can progress on this second Great Adventure confidently, knowing that you can provide effective, compassionate service and positive leadership for the communities that matter the most to you and your future --- and that support you.

Adventure Three: Forward The "Job One for Humanity" Climate Re-Stabilization Plan!

"Other than total thermonuclear war, no other danger that humanity has ever faced compares to the total extinction threat that global warming caused climate destabilization poses to our future." Lawrence Wollersheim

First collective actions must always come first! The third Great Evolutionary Adventure of Life (our Job One for Humanity Plan,) is the most urgent and time-critical task that humanity faces today! It involves immediately working together on preparing for adapting to and where ever possible, mitigating the escalating human-caused global warming (carbon atmospheric pollution,) which is already creating catastrophic and extinction-level climate destabilization. We believe that this vital commitment to wise collective social action on this life-critical issue is humanity's most urgent collective survival necessity to protect the very "playing field of all life." It is a moral and ethical imperative that now needs to become the first priority of every individual, group, corporation, government, and spiritual and religious group on the planet. If we do not quickly enact the needed sustainable lifestyle and livelihood structural energy use changes to reduce global warming and climate destabilization and ensure a sustainable planetary environment and "playing field for all life" within just decades our lives and those of future generations will be affected in seriously life adverse ways, with the worst-case scenario being the near or complete extinction of humanity.

Science has shown that more than ninety-nine percent of all species that have ever lived on earth have gone extinct. If humans continue to increase human-caused carbon pollution the atmosphere, misuse and destroy our physical and biological environment, it’s not only possible but it is probable that humanity could soon (30-80 years,) join the long list of past species now extinct. Because of the immediacy and rapidly growing scale of global warming and severe climate destabilization it truly is today’s most time-critical global problem and moral and spiritual promandment for each of us to commit to and enact to do our part to help achieve the Job One for Humanity Plan.

The third step on this great evolutionary adventure is taken by learning what must be done to reduce human-caused carbon pollution creating severe climate destabilization and then cooperating with other individuals and organizations who are working to solve this challenge.

How are you doing on the three Great Adventures of Life? Take some time to think about it before continuing reading.

The Three Great Adventures of Life generally unfold to varying degrees simultaneously, but at different levels and intensities. Progress on the Three Great Adventures will eventually lead to a majority of humanity being in alignment with progressive evolution and the key Universe Principles of Sustainability.

The Life Results of the Three Great Evolutionary Adventures of Life

The new facts and practices of Evolution 2.0 and its Universe Evolutionary Worldview are also found within the core of the Three Great Adventures. The Three Great Adventures creates universe alignment, which will dramatically enhance, evolve and/or re-align your core perspectives (your worldview,) concerning a unified understanding of the nature of life and spirit and the destination(s) as to where they are evolving. This new universe-scale information will then dramatically:

a.) enhance, evolve and/or re-align your thinking and attitudes, which will then in turn

b.) dramatically enhances, evolves and/or re-aligns your actions, which will finally then

c.) dramatically enhances, evolves and/or re-aligns the lifestyle and relationship benefits that you experience in and from your life.  

More About the Three Great Evolutionary Adventures of Life

The Universe Spirit organization is informed by Evolution 2.0 and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. It provides a unified, integral understanding of life (and spirit in Evolution Spirituality if you are so spiritually inclined,) that holds the practical potential to create a sustainable prosperity for all.

And, if you are spiritually inclined, we additionally hold that the adventure of increasing your understanding of Ultimate Reality in all of its forms is critically essential to the sustainable evolution of life and spirit because when you are both learning about it and are evolving in alignment with sustaining life in the physical universe and Ultimate Reality, you are on the greatest, most rewarding partnership and adventure possible in the evolving physical universe. The three great hero's and heroine's journeys above are the most primal and purposeful adventures in all of existence that will:

a.) create every thing that is worthwhile to be or become,
b.) help you to do every thing worthwhile that could be done and,
c.) eventually create every thing that is worth having --- both in the NOW and for the long term as well.

One naturally progresses on all three great adventures above simultaneously, but one often focuses more on one or another of the Three Great Adventures depending on the situation, time, and upon where one is in their life path.

(Special Reminder: Evolution Spirituality as found on this website is an open, personalized, and self-created spiritual process. It has its own unique definition of Ultimate Reality. Please always self-select, sequence, and use the wisdom and tools you find in the optimal way that will work best for your current conditions, stage of spiritual development, and understanding. At this challenging and focal moment in human history, we support our guests and members traveling upon the Three Great Evolutionary Adventures of Life with effective evolutionary science-balanced maps and tools for the journey.)

To keep learning more about the exciting new qualities of Evolution Spirituality keep clicking the links to the right at the bottom of each page of this online booklet.



What are the Four Basic Guiding Principles of Evolutionary Spirituality Practitioners

The four most basic facts and principles of Evolutionary Spirituality are:

1.) Science has demonstrated that we are all embedded within ONE interconnected and interdependent universe and universal union!

Therefore nothing that is embedded in this one universe and universal union is ever truly separate or excluded. When we understand and then act from this inherent physical universe truth of oneness and inclusion the separation and tensions of "us vs them" in our interactions with other people and things in life begins to dissolve to both our and the world's great benefit. Whole new possibilities of creative and loving action are possible when one realizes and embraces this "nothing is ultimately separate from you" as scientific truth.

"Science is, at least in part, informed worship." Carl Sagan

2.) Science has demonstrated that the universe is engaged in a continuous, creative, and grand progressive evolutionary process and adventure that is actually going somewhere. Because we now know the universe's evolution is going somewhere --- we can:

a.) learn to align with that directionality and then apply the core meta-principles of evolution to profoundly improve our daily life success and,

b.) intentionally and awarely forward evolution's directionalized progress as a real co-partner with universe evolution.

This great re-alignment of our lives with evolution's core meta-principles will greatly enhance our own success as well as help us to do our fair share to sustainably forward the progressive evolutionary progress of our groups, nations, and of humanity and life in the universe.

Over the past 13.7 billion years of progressive evolutionary creativity, the universe appears to hold a broad creative directionality within it and, has continually repeated certain patterns and actions, which causes certain parts and wholes within it that follow these patterns and actions to be sustained and thrive. When we understand these time-tested, science-illuminated evolutionary principles of sustainability and act to align with this universe's evolutionary directionality in which we are embedded, our lives will also be as meaningful as they can possibly be and, we will be also living in an ethical congruity with the key elements of the moral codes of today's most life-affirming spiritual traditions.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." Carl Sagan

From the above, it becomes obvious that to be an authentic Evolutioneer, Planetary Citizen, Universe Citizen or, if you are of a spiritual nature, Religion 2.0 member, it is absolutely essential to have a rich scientific understanding of the universe's evolutionary processes. One could hardly call oneself an Evolutioneer or Planetary Citizen or Universe Citizen if they did not actually have a current and comprehensive understanding of the universe's evolutionary processes and of evolution itself as a complex adaptive system. If one did not really understand the system of principles successfully used by the 13.7 billion-year-old universe for its own progressive evolution of the universe's essential meta-principles of evolutionary sustainability how would one act to align with those key evolutionary meta-principles to evolve and improve one's own life?

3.) Science has demonstrated that the future will always be full of uncertainty. This uncertainty means there are no 100% guarantees in life that you, humanity, life or, the planet as we know it will go on as it has previously!

Therefore always do what you can to manage your life so that you are awarely appreciating your life in each new now --- while simultaneously and appropriately --- working toward creating a more sustainable and thriving future!

Your life as well as any of the groupings that you are embedded in can end at any moment from a near endless list of internal and external reasons and circumstances, (which oftentimes are far beyond your direct control.) If you follow this Evolutionary Spirituality essential principle of "enjoy your life now" while also working diligently for a better life and world, you will never miss out on living consciously and enjoying the daily journey of your life by being emotionally or mentally too much in either the past or the future.

4.) Science has clearly demonstrated that there is a critical, rapidly escalating threat to the existence of humanity, other biological life, and future generations caused by increasing global warming --- and, we need to do something about it NOW. The increasing global warming and its consequent global climate destabilization is currently our greatest threat and if not immediately managed, will lead to unimaginable suffering and eventually to irreversible or near-extinction level climate destabilization.

Therefore, at this particular time in human history, the most practical and important practice for all of us to do is to use the best knowledge of science and complex adaptive systems to help us prepare for and mitigate the current global warming crisis. We CAN slow the human-caused warming of the planet in a significant way by building sustainable prosperity lifestyles, livelihoods, communities and, nations. Then these new sustainability practices will also help us to maintain global temperature stability once we have eliminated the current looming climate threat to our shared global climate and futures. 

If we do re-stabilize the climate before we go off the climate destabilization cliff, we will preserve our planet so that all of the other life dreams that we now have individually and collectively can be achieved and all of the other challenges that we face both individually and collectively can be resolved. At this moment in history, if we fail to self-organize a solution and resolve this single greatest challenge facing humanity by doing a climate re-stabilization plan on a "first things first" and critical path priority basis --- as one of our core personal and collective practices; the planet will continue escalating into deeper ecological and climate catastrophes.

In fact, ALL other of our life practices, dreams and, goals do depend for their very future existence upon us successfully stopping human-caused global warming. (Evolution 2.0 does have a specific social activism program to help you resolve humanity's number one threat --- climate destabilization caused by global warming. It is called the Job One for Humanity Plan.

To acknowledge this destabilizing climate and global warming reality with the appropriate individual action go now to the Job One for Humanity multi-step plan and at least pick the single easiest step for you to begin. Begin it as soon as possible. When you have done that first easy step sufficiently go on to the next easiest step etc.  You can do something and make a real local difference!

When you hold, and enact in life the above four core facts and principles listed above, you can be certain that you are in truth, a Level One Evolution 2.0 Evolutioneer and if you are spiritual by nature, a Level One Evolutionary Spirituality member. You also will be living the most successful, optimized and, meaningful life possible and, that you will be doing the most essential, effective and, important things critically necessary at this moment in history to help resolve the biggest challenges facing both your own life as well as humanity with our current global warming climate crisis.

"A religion that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be evolutionary able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by traditional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."  Carl Sagan

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What Are the "Right Actions" Used Daily by Practitioners of Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview

(At the bottom of this page you will find a link to a printable short form of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes that you can read and meditate upon to help you make these core universe evolution meta-principles into daily life habits.)

“The most practical belief system for a large-scale society in the long run is one that is firmly anchored in factual reality.”-- DAVID SLOAN WILSON

An additional and important way to think about and see the following Right Actions of the Universe Principles of Sustainability is to see them as the boundaries and formulas of individual and collective justice in an evolutionary system, particularly as it relates to energy sharing justice.

If you also see these principles collectively as the minimal operational rules and evolutionary "operating system" for creating, maintaining, and sharing energy fairly and reciprocally that then can be used to establish dynamic equilibriums (stable unions good for both individuals and groups,) you would also have a practical perspective on how to use them to establish either the foundational or essential ongoing energy sharing justice systems always needed so any human system can become more sustainable and thrive for more of its members.

You will see the full cycle of energy in the universe as it manifests in successful, sustainable, and thriving systems. Every aspect of the full cycle of energy from creation through transformation and transmutation is covered, even how to increase energy efficiency, energy sharing, or energy reserves. To help you more easily see the energy management relationships of each principle you will find a short [bracketed statement] describing how this principle works within the full cycle of the motions of energy after each principle.

"The modern scientific principles of evolution can be used in practical ways to dramatically improve the success of our daily lives and much more. These essential principles of universe scale evolution when used are also able to better guide and improve today's economics, political landscape and even improve today's religions and deteriorating climate conditions." Lawrence Wollersheim

The Universe Principles of Right Action are to Exhaust all Potentials and Possibilities to:

1.) Increase Creative Experimentation:

Aligned with the universe's core value interests (see above list,) create lots of small, low-risk experiments to discover new beneficial adaptations or to create positive "accidents." Tinker these experiments into higher levels of learning or success. (Humans are far better at tinkering than knowing.)

Be particularly watchful for positive "accidents” and serendipity when they do occur. Aggressively pursue and utilize these positive accidents and serendipities as well as real opportunities!.

These three things are truly rare in experimenters and potentially far more beneficial than generally understood in producing positive results and positive "black swans.” (Black swans are unpredictable events with consequences of huge or exponential impacts.)

This principle improves energy creation for later sharing by finding new sources for energy exchange.

2.) Increase Both Present and Past Awareness of Feedback:

Gather current knowledge and life-adjustment essential feedback through present awareness and consciousness of self, others, and the physical Universe. Also, gather and be aware of past historic knowledge on self, others, and particularly the Universe to learn life’s guiding principles and to develop exchangeable life skills and knowledge. (Studying the history of things is past awareness (past consciousness,) and it is an essential and highly useful compliment to present awareness in most, but not all situations of life.

Various meditation practices are tangible ways to increase your ability to be aware and conscious of present moment feedback. Developing listening skills is another great way to increase your awareness of the feedback from others.

This principle refines the energy creation and maintenance for later sharing.

3.) Increase Learning from Current and Past Feedback to Optimize Your Creative Adaptability and the "Tinkering" of One's Experiments into Greater Success:

Rapidly learn from all accurate correctional feedback that you receive from your life experiments then use that new information to adapt. If you cannot adapt to it, change the environment wherever possible and appropriate.

In order to optimally advance individual and group learning and adaptability to one's improve experimentation success it is also essential to teach future prediction and future modeling skills using everything from one's own intelligence to super-computers. Doing experimentation with future modeling computer simulations allows one to experiment and tinker at a fraction of the normal cost and without the dangerous or costly mistakes of real experiments. Experiment, learn, and adapt is a core cycle of evolution. 

This principle further refines energy creation efficiency for later sharing.

4.) Increase the Quantity and Quality of Fair Exchange transactions based Upon Abundant, Sustainable Personal and Group Productivity:

Abundantly increase the fair exchange of sustainable, quality, and meritorious individual and group productivity (of real product or service value,) with other individuals and groups and then enjoy the earned pleasures and rewards of those productivity real value exchanges. (Every physically and mentally sound adult needs to be in an abundantly productive (producing more energy than they use) and in sustainable fair exchange with others, groups and/or the environment. Establish fair exchange sustainability through the justice of eliminating all forms of individual or group freeloading, “gaming the system" and non fair-exchange resource and energy theft.) Productivity inherently implies energy use and output (effort.)

Abundant and sustainable productivity is one of the Universe meta-principles because of the reality of the Second Law of Thermodynamics known as entropy. Because all natural systems require additional energy (human effort is energy too,) to sustain or reproduce themselves and/or create new order (in the forms of products or services, life, or creating a dynamic equilibrium,) to counter the effects of entropy --- abundant and sustainable productivity, using continuous and in many cases increasing energy and effort is a fundamental inescapable reality of life.

Please note that both exchange and productivity can be of both an economic or non-economic nature. There are many noneconomic products and services that contribute to the wellbeing and sustainability of the grouping, community, or nation.

Fair exchange also is one of the most essential ingredients in-group cooperation building. Group cooperation building depends heavily on trust which comes and is expanded by reciprocal fair exchange! 

This core Universe Principle is all about energy exchange reciprocation (fairness,) and increasing energy creation sources within a whole or group to counter and overcome the continual effect of energy entropy. This principle means that everyone who is not a child, sick, elderly, disabled mentally or physically or injured should be productive and produce more energy than they use because of entropy and the need for individual and group reserves (discussed in another Universe Principle farther down this list.

5.) Increase Individual Creative Freedom within Wise Boundaries:

Improve self-organization, self-discipline, and self-responsibility to increase freedom and wise choice in self and in one's groups in a way that self-interests, group interests, and Universe value-interests are aligned and balanced! An additional aspect of this principle and of the principle of building more cooperative groups and communities (a bit farther down this page,) is to always create and promote as much personal freedom for the group's or communities' individual members as is possible up to the point where the exercise of the individual freedom of that group or community member seriously debilitates or destroys the overall wellbeing and sustainability of the union threatening the existence and essential functions of the group itself. 

This principle demonstrates the practical energy creation or maintenance truth that individuals parts within a system and whole are ultimately better at energy creation and energy management when given the highest possible amounts of local freedom and autonomy.

6.) Increase Full Consequence Capture:

Ensure timely full consequence capture for ALL individuals or groups that caused a particular consequence. Do it through appropriate transparency, truth sharing, co-responsible accountability, and where applicable, triple bottom line, full-cycle accounting.

The full consequence capture principle is critically important in order to ensure community fair exchange, the fairness of justice, and to capture ALL individual and group learning potentials, effective correction-motivating stress feedback or, success-enhancing positive reinforcement feedback in the fastest and most efficient way. (Insuring full consequence capture along with its essential justice partner of fair exchange are two of the most basic, powerful, and evolution-proven ways to create the minimal justice necessary to maintain the essential cooperation building trust and wellbeing in any individual or group.

Full consequence capture is also another effective way to prevent freeloading, “gaming the system" and non fair-exchange, nonreciprocal energy and resource theft, which inevitably first weakens then destroys group  trust and reciprocality, which then destroys the sustainability and thrivability groups and unions.) A critical element of both fair exchange and the full consequence capture reciprocality principles is that of scaling the positive (reward) and negative (punishment) consequences.

In a healthy sustainable system, an individual or group should always receive the appropriate and proportionally increasing rewards of their productivity that demonstrates higher levels of intelligent effort, merit, and quality of results. The same is true of scaling appropriate and proportional penalties.

High and expanding levels of transparency and accountability are critical to enacting full consequence capture because the powerful evolutionary self-interests of either the individual parts or the self-interests of wholes [groupings/unions,] when hidden or not accounted for will always take over and lessen the essential optimal balance and tension between the self-interests of the individual and the self-interests of the whole group or union.

In the new Universe Manifesto ebook soon to be released more will be said about what determines appropriate levels of positive and negative consequence capture in sustainable natural systems.

This principle is also about energy exchange reciprocation (fairness,) multiplying energy creation sources within a whole or group through energy rewards and lessening energy depletion sources within a group though energy losses. This critical principle helps to maintain energy productivity and fairness within the whole system or group.

7.) Increase Wise Cooperation:

In spite of what we have heard about survival of the most-fit evolution actually favors the survival of the most wisely cooperative. Wise cooperation occurs in conditions of general fairness, trust, and reciprocality. Therefore ensure group fairness, trust, and reciprocality and then wisely COOPERATE.

Wise cooperation also implies using all of the Universe Principles as a whole system of principled guidance to know when and how to cooperate or how to know when not to cooperate until the necessary trust, fair exchange, reciprocality and other conditions for wise cooperation have been established.

The principle of wise cooperation is partially about preserving energy reciprocation and energy conservation (so you do not violate the second law of thermodynamics,) while working more importantly towards managing balancing and aligning the tensional self-interests of the parts of the whole to the overall health and well being of the whole union as well as to the value interests of the Universe. This then creates greater and wiser energy sharing in scale, frequency, or quality.

A way to think about unwise cooperation is that it is when --- you or your group does worse, gets less resources to reproduce or sustain itself while another individual or group does better or gets more resources to reproduce or sustain itself.  Wise cooperation is always solidly grounded in fair exchange and aligned and managed self-interests. 

8.) Expand Group/Union Building:

Build and/or replicate both more and larger unions and mini-cultures where self-interests, group/union interests, and Universe value-interests are mutually aligned in a win/win/win scenario. When enough groups create enough unions and mini-cultures that follow these universe principles of sustainability these principles will eventually move into a larger union and permeate and be taken on by the macro-culture. Imitate a whole systems understanding of universe evolution at every opportunity, which appears to be moving toward creating a super-union of all universe parts, wholes and sub-unions by creating more wise unions. 

The principle of creating more or larger unions (through wise cooperation,) is about working towards creating greater energy sharing in scale, frequency, or quality. Better energy sharing creates stronger more sustainable groups and unions.

9.) Increase Group/Community/Union Transparency, Integration Harmony, and Order:

Improve the transparency, integration, harmony, and dynamic flexible order in one’s groups and communities that is also universe value-interest aligned and balanced. 

This principle improves the efficiency of energy creation and sharing for and among the parts of a group/union. Better energy sharing creates stronger more sustainable groups and unions.

10.) Increase the Realization of All Individual, Group, and Union Creative Developmental Potentials:

Aligned with universe's value interests (above), work actively both as individuals and as groups or communities toward realizing ALL individual unrealized potentials and the unrealized potentials of your groups or communities to learn, adapt and develop and, where possible, to transcend the current conditions and challenges! Development of individual and group unrealized potential here means the full spectrum of possible development as expressed in achieving fulfillment potentials such as expressed basically in Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy or more complexly in Kegan's model of psychological development or Kohlberg's stages of moral development

This principle helps to realize the full energy creation efficiency of the individual parts or members of a group or union.

11.) Increase Appropriate Individual and Group Abundance, Reserves, and Resilience:

Build robustness, redundancies, and adequate reserves into both individual parts and all groups and unions to build adequate resilience and the necessary reserve abundance to insure against rare, very large-impact negative consequences and unpredictable emergencies caused by inherent system uncertainties and “negative black swans.” This reserve abundance building also provides the resources for wise and appropriate energy investment or charity and group support for illness or physical or mental incapacitation or other situations where a member of the group is unable to produce more energy than they use, such as in the case of growing children, the retired or diminished capacity elderly or those injured in work or defending the nation.

Please note another level of resilient robustness can also be achieved by creating distributed and decentralized resources, authority, and adaptability at local node levels of all kinds of networks. Appropriate resilient abundance is not a state where some parts and unions have obtained (or take,) such excessive amounts of energy and resources or, accumulate such excessive reserves by either productive or non-fair exchange means, that other productive and/or inter-dependent essential parts of the groupings or unions in the universe's life systems are unable to obtain adequate, fair and appropriate energy and resource exchange for their productivity, reproductivity and sustainability.)

This principle is about energy storage and energy abundance availability --- namely to ALWAYS have enough energy reserves available to maintain individual or group resilience and energy use requirements when either an unexpected energy loss occurs (a crisis, emergency, etc.,) or when temporarily or permanently nonproductive members of the group require additional energy support. In addition to the Second Law of Thermodynamics known as entropy it also is necessary to have these reserves because of the additional lessening effects the law of diminishing returns, which will eventually always bring about collapse in systems without new energy sources or emergency back up reserves.

12.) Increase Individual and Group Evolvability to Expand and Replicate Sustainable Control of the Environment and to Co-Evolve a Better Shared Future:

Improve one's self and one's group's evolvability by teaching, knowing, and using the Universe's value-interest aligned principles. Use these evolution principles of sustainability to intentionally create the education, governance, and management systems to teach others, to replicate and create new and larger more successful universe principle-based mini-cultures and groups/unions, and to replicate and expand the mini-cultures of this Universe Evolutionary Worldview and sustainable prosperity movement into becoming the macro-culture. Also, use them in all areas of life to directly expand your and your group's sustainable environmental control.

Improving individual and group evolvability and environmental control particularly includes creating future awareness and adaptable intelligence by using rational/analytical thinking, systems thinking and new dialectical thinking future modeling and risk analysis technologies for wise evolution aligned future planning and model testing.

This is another principle that is about improving the efficiency of individual and group energy creation and energy management by understanding the universe's best practices for energy creation and management within parts and wholes (individuals and groupings.

13.) Increase Individual and Group Avoidance of Unnecessary Out-of-Evolutionary Alignment Breakdowns:

Keep vividly in mind that failure to align oneself, one's groups, businesses, and nations with the core universe patterns, value interests, principles, and directionality of progressive evolution (as found above and within the Universe Principles of Sustainability when applied in an integrated whole systems manner,) results in the other great meta-pattern and meta-process of progressive evolution to take over. This hub process, hub pattern, and universe meta-principle of sustainability is: the universe in an act of destructive creation breaking down and recycling any and all continually non-learning, non-adaptive and/or non "cooperating" parts or wholes to be recycled and reused later in other evolutionary experiments or situations.

Evolution wastes nothing and unfailingly does this breakdown and recycling of nonaligned and non-adaptive parts or wholes in an act of creative destruction to once again attempt to forward the progressive directionality and value interests of evolution by reusing and recycling the resources of failed, no longer needed or relevant evolutionary experiments. From its original creativity to its ending destructive creativity qualities in the breakdown and recycling of non-learning, non-adaptive and/or non-cooperating parts and wholes the Universe Principles of Sustainability create a full creative cycle and creative spiral containing everything essential to keep the directional; processes of evolution progressing.

This principle is all about avoiding unnecessary energy loss and understanding that any energy losses ultimately will be reused and recycled.

We have finally reached the amazing phase of evolution where we can now become evolution’s partner consciously co-evolving universe evolution. The above are the actions that help us do it! When we simply live sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods applying the Universe Principles and we enact laws that reflect the application of the Universe Principles when applied to groups, corporations, and nations we will attain a just civilization and a meaningful and sustainable prosperity for all.

If any individual, group, nation, business, or whole union of any kind fails to apply, align with, and forward the Universe Principles of Sustainability as a whole and integrated system in a balanced way, they (and their forms of captured energy,) will eventually be broken down and recycled (distributed elsewhere for new evolutionary experiments.)

(Please note: In addition to their secular applications the right actions above are also the basis of the ethical code and the basic morality of Evolution 2.0 and if you are of a spiritual nature, Religion 2.0.)

How to Use the Universe Principles of Sustainability:

"The application of the evolutionary science derived Universe Principles will create a just civilization, a sustainable prosperity and a meaning and purpose-filled life for all. When applied wisely, they create the optimization and simultaneous maximization of both individual and collective well-being. They are the most basic rules of evolution's core "operating system." Lawrence Wollersheim

  1. Read, meditate upon and practice them every day and discover for yourself just how dramatically your life will improve. It takes many readings and at least 90 days of practice for their wisdom and power to slowly evolve away any of your present, deeply embedded, biased, or habituated thinking and reactions. You will never know how well they work until you actually practice and apply them even if you do not fully understand them! Just start reading and practicing --- explore and experiment.

  2. Regularly think about how you are or how are not currently using applying them in your life or in the groups to which you belong. If you are applying them, figure out how you can apply them more. If you are not applying them, figure out how you can then watch the proactive evolution unfold! It will take real-life self-discipline to start and then continue to read and apply these life successes and sustainability critical principles.

  3. Remember in your practice that the universe attitudes are the discriminating and wise spirit from which you apply all of the universe action principles in a balanced way. Right application attitude and conditions equal right results. This is very important to remember as you can do the correct thing with the wrong or unbalanced attitude and the correct thing will produce wrong results. Always apply the universe actions from and using the perspective of the universe attitudes!

  4. Here is a link to a printable short form of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes that you can read and meditate upon to help you make these core universe evolution meta-principles into daily life habits.

  5. Click here to see the Right Actions illustrated in multiple moving images. It will help you remember what you have just read.

(If you found this page from some other page on our website or in an online search and have not seen the necessary Right Actions introduction to this master list page, please click here for that necessary Right Actions introduction material and all the other material describing the Universe Principles. You can also get to this material from the last page of this online booklet that will take you to our Master FAQ.)

If you are curious to learn more, keep clicking the links at the bottom left or right of the page for all the pages of this online booklet.



What Are the "Right Attitudes" Used Daily by Practitioners of Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview

(At the bottom of this page you will find a link to a printable short form of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes that you can read and meditate upon to help you make these core universe evolution meta-principles into daily life habits.)

"[Evolution] appears to be not only a series of accidents the course of which is determined only by the change of environments during Earth history and the resultant struggle for existence,… but is governed by definite laws… The discovery of these laws constitutes one of the most important tasks of the future. Ludwig von Bertalanffy, biologist"

“The most practical belief system for a large-scale society, in the long run, is one that is firmly anchored in factual reality.”-- DAVID SLOAN WILSON

The Right Attitudes and Right Actions of the Universe Principles of Sustainability represent Evolution's most basic and controlling rules and its core operating system. Lawrence Wollersheim

The Universe Principles of Right Attitude Are:

1.) From What we Know Now, Only One Universe Exists, Everything is Included and Nothing is Excluded from this Great Union: 

The universe is the only "text" with no "context." It is the context of everything.

You are completely embedded within this single inter-connected and inter-dependent universe union of inextricable energy sharing and relationship with all other life and things in the universe. ​Science has also clearly demonstrated that we are all embedded within this oneness of the universe's universal union!

This means that nothing that is embedded in this one universe and universal union is ever truly separate or excluded. When we understand and then act from this inherent universe truth of universal oneness and its inherent inclusion of all things the separation and tensions of "us vs them" in our interactions with other people and things begins to dissolve to both our own and the world's great benefit. Whole new possibilities of creative (and loving,) action are possible when one realizes and embraces this "nothing is ultimately and completely separate from you as a scientific truth.

Each day this means fully embracing being in a co-evolutionary, co-creative, and co-responsible universe union composed of self, other beings, the evolving Universe, and (if you are spiritually inclined,) the Ultimate Reality that was the origin of the Universe! (You can choose your own either secular or spiritual definition of Ultimate Reality by clicking the preceding Ultimate Reality link.

2.) Embrace the Fundamental Is-ness and Neutral Quality of all Universe Reality: 

Realize that at the most fundamental, simple, and scientifically provable level what can be said with the highest certainty and widespread agreement is--- that "the Universe just IS" and, this is-ness and "neutral" quality of the universe and its parts also implies an empowering and wonderful converse, which is that life, the universe and the universe’s parts (like you) are not inherently deficient, naturally flawed or intrinsically bad in any way --- at least when seen as being parts of the universe's wondrous evolutionary process viewed from the whole system at universe scale.

3.) Embrace Continuous Learning as THE Primary "What's Happening" of Universe Evolution:

Fully acknowledge the evolving Universe is primarily a learning "university." It is primarily a place of learning for creatively exhausting all possibilities and potentials for the specialized evolutionary experience such as first learning, then adaptation and development through relationships of inter-connected and inter-dependent actions and sharing, toward greater unions(s).

Imitate the universe and embrace the attitude of life-long learning as a primary life necessity. When any problem or conflict arises it would be wise to see them initially as a probable learning, adaptation developmental issue before going on to other perspectives or remedial approaches.

This learning is the "essential beginning" attitude is so important that after establishing any needed justice foundation so that sustainable actions may take place, learning/training/education needs to be a continual, major, and first focus of any successful system.

4.) Welcome, Everything that is now Occurring as an Integral and Essential part of the Universe’s Continuous Evolutionary Process of Ever-Ongoing Change:

This "everything is ALWAYS in continuous evolutionary process" principle of continuous change also indirectly and subtly implies that --- every universe part or whole emerges, develops, or HAS in its own inherent “perfect” timing and it develops through its own unique and ever-changing evolutionary processes! When seen from the biggest evolutionary universe scale perspective, one could even say that --- "things do not happen to you they happen with you and for you, because you are also vital and integral part of the Universe's amazing evolutionary process! 

This ever-changing process also implies there will be differentials between things in different states of evolution and that accepting that inherent differentials (differences,) in the evolutionary process at different levels of development will naturally create dynamic tensions (conflicts,) and stress. The good news is that this is part of the natural process and it is also ok! This is ok because these elements of difference, tensional conflict, and stress will also always be used in one way or another to advance the developmental dynamics and progress of the evolutionary processes of the universe as a whole.

5.) Realize that Everything always Works out for the Good of the Evolution of the Universe as a Whole:

Observe that over the last 13.7 billion years everything, including conflicts, seeming retrogressions, "failed experiments" and even extinctions in parts or subsystems are eventually directly or indirectly utilized and recycled by the master universe’s evolutionary processes to forward the value-interests (the goods and wellbeing) of the Universe as a whole system.

If you are aligned with universe evolution by living the Universe Principles of Sustainability, a far greater portion of the time --- things will be good for your well-being as well!

6.) Enjoy this Current Moment in Universe Evolution Because it "Really is the Most Evolved and Best that it has Ever Been:"

Embrace all this fact implies because --- progressive universe evolution actually is now at its highest known level of evolutionary development when seen as a whole system! While there will be conflicts, seeming retrogressions, "failed experiments" and even extinctions in parts or subsystems of the master universe system, but as a whole universe system, it is the most evolved and best it has ever been!

One could even extend this "most evolved and best ever" attitude to the current state of the Earth when the planet is seen as a whole system over its whole 5.2 billion year developmental process. 

7.) Embrace Life's truly Unpredictable Uncertainties:

They are intrinsic to the evolutionary process and hold elements essential to future evolution and the continual preservation of hope possibilities. (An ever-present element of uncertainty is also natural due to the ever-increasing complexity and process spontaneities inherent in the evolutionary process.)

8.) Let Go and Move On to What’s Next --- When Any Thing IS Done or Needs to be Over

All of the resources of what is over will then be more effectively recycled back into the universe’s evolutionary processes and be “reborn” into new experiments, forms, parts, possibilities, unions, and directions and, one may also be considerably less burdened in achieving their next step in evolutionary development having let go and moved on. Enjoy Surfing the Waves of Continuous Evolutionary Change!

Evolution unfailingly does this letting go and moving on every time it breaks down and recycles nonaligned and non-adaptive (failed,) parts or wholes in acts of destructive creation.  Evolution does this to once again forward the progressive directionality and vital value interests of evolution by and through reusing and recycling the resources of failed, no longer needed, adaptive, or relevant evolutionary experiments.

9.) Delight in the Universe being Engaged in a Grand and Creative and Adventure and its Progressive Evolutionary Processes Actually Taking it Somewhere:

Because universe evolution is going somewhere we can align with its processes and directionality to enhance our own success as well as to do our parts to sustainably forward the progressive evolutionary progress of humanity and life in the universe.

10.) Celebrate the Abundance of the Universe's Near Unlimited Creativity and Energy:

Celebrate existing within a Universe of near limitless creative potential, energy abundance, beauty, continuously evolving process, and opportunity and creative spontaneities and uncertainties. Create reserves from this abundance.

Be grateful each day and celebrate the adventure, surprises, and opportunities brought to you by a progressively evolving Universe that is increasing in novelty, complexity, learning, adaptability, and intelligence.

"Over the past 13.7 billion years of progressive evolutionary creativity the universe appears to have a broad creative directionality to it and it appears to have continually repeated certain patterns and actions that cause certain parts and wholes within it to be sustained and thrive. When we understand and align with this evolutionary directionality as stated in the science-illuminated meta-principles of the Universe Principles of Sustainability our lives, communities and nations will thrive and be sustainable, our lives will be as meaningful as they can possibly be and, we will also not surprisingly --- be living in an ethical congruity with the live-affirming aspects of the moral codes of the Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5 religions." Lawrence Wollersheim

We have finally reached the amazing phase of evolution where we can now become evolution’s partner consciously co-evolving universe evolution. The above are the attitudes that help us do it! When we simply live sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods applying the Universe Principles and we enact laws that reflect the application of the Universe Principles when applied to groups, corporations, and nations we will attain a just civilization and a meaningful and sustainable prosperity for all.

How to use the Universe Principles of Right Attitude:

  1. Read, meditate upon and practice them every day and discover for yourself just how dramatically your life will improve. It takes many readings and at least 90 days of practice for their wisdom and power to slowly evolve away any of your present deeply embedded and habituated thinking and reactions. You will never know how well they work until you actually practice and apply them even if you do not fully understand them! Just start reading and practicing --- explore and experiment.
  2. Regularly think about how you are or how are not currently using applying them in your life or in the groups to which you belong. If you are applying them, figure out how you can apply them more. If you are not applying them, figure out how you can then watch the proactive evolution unfold! It will take real-life self-discipline to start and then continue to read and apply these life success and sustainability critical principles.
  3. Remember in your practice that the universe attitudes are the discriminating and wise spirit from which you apply all of the universe action principles in a balanced way. Right application attitude equals right results. This is very important to remember as you can do the correct thing with the wrong or unbalanced attitude and the correct thing will produce wrong results. Always apply the universe action principles from the perspective of the universe attitudes!
  4. Here is a link to a printable short form of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes that you can read and meditate upon to help you make these core universe evolution meta-principles into daily life habits.
  5. Click here for illustrated moving images of the Right attitudes to help you remember them!

"When you understand the meta-principles of progressive evolution you will also understand the universe's "best practices" and its core "operating system." When applied, these meta-principles will dramatically change your life for the better."  Lawrence Wollersheim

(If you found this page from some other page on our website or in an online search and have not seen the necessary Right Attitudes introduction to this master list page, please click here for that necessary Right Attitudes introduction material. You can also get to this material from the last page of this online booklet that will take you to our Master FAQ.)

If you are curious to learn more, keep clicking the links at the bottom left or right of the page for all the pages of this online booklet.




A Simple Experiment to Test the Validity and Benefits of Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Principles For Yourself

"There is no better way to know the truth of a thing than to put it to a test and experiment with it to verify its claim or results." Unknown Scientist

The Evolution Spirituality Validity Experiment:

Step 1: Even if you do not fully (or even partially,) understand the science behind the Universe Principles of Right Action and Right Attitude, each day for 30 days read their short and simple forms and then ---- live them as best as you can each day!

Step 2: At the end of 30 days, notice both the profound and subtle improvements in your daily life from this new evolution in your daily awareness, attitude, and actions. 

Click here to begin your experiment. After you have started the experiment, come back to finish the booklet.



What is the Evolution Spirituality Code of Conduct and Ethics Grounded by Science

Evolution Spirituality provides new codes of ethical conduct relevant to wisely resolving the complexities and realities of the 21st century.  These codes are grounded in current science and the meta-principles of universe-scale evolution.  Because they are derived from universe scaled meta-principles they also have legitimate universal applicability...

Religion 2.0 knows the value of creating a safe environment for exploration, learning, sustainable productivity, and healthy community. It uses these new codes to ensure that occurs!

In addition to Evolution Spirituality's new Open Source Religion Manifesto (that you can learn more about later on the last page of this booklet,) we also use a set of universal guiding meta-principles derived from universe-scaled evolutionary science. We call these meta-principles the Universe Principles of Sustainability. These meta-principles along with our other Universe Community code of conduct, (which is also derived in part from humanity's omni-denominational heritage of life-affirming spiritual wisdom,) are several other important ways that we create a collaborative and safe environment where individuals grow optimally and our Evolution Spirituality community thrives.

If you have read enough and would like to join our nonprofit organization, click here.

To keep learning more about the exciting new qualities of Evolution Spirituality keep clicking the links to the right at the bottom of each page of this online booklet.



What is Evolution Spirituality's Great News of Hope

At the level of Spirit, Universe, and Evolution Evolution Spirituality Holds That:

1.) A wisely integrated balance of objective science and subjective personal spirituality holds the most optimal potential for creating a better world for all, an effective personal spirituality, and the new Evolution Spirituality.

"The relationship worked out between science and religion will determine the destiny of the human race." ---Alfred Lord Whitehead

2.) The universe is engaged in a creative, grand and progressive evolutionary process (and adventure,) that is actually going somewhere. Over the past 13.7 billion years of evolution, the universe has continually repeated certain actions that cause certain parts and wholes within it to be sustained and thrive. When we know and creatively live these science discovered universe evolutionary principles of sustainability our lives, communities and nations will thrive and be sustainable, our lives will be as meaningful as they can possibly be and, we will most likely be living in an ethical congruity with the most life-affirming aspects of the moral codes of the religions existing today. 

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." Carl Sagan

3.) At this time in human history, the single most important spiritual practice for all of us is "to creatively use the best of science to help us build sustainable lifestyles, livelihoods, and communities."

If we do this, we will preserve our planet so that all of the other challenges that we face can be resolved. If we fail to create sustainable lifestyles, livelihoods, and communities on a priority basis and as our key spiritual practice, the planet will continue escalating into deeper ecological catastrophe to a level that could become irreversible and evolve into an extinction-level event for all humanity. (Our program to help you resolve the number one ecological threat is called Job One for Humanity.) 

"Science is, at least in part, informed worship." Carl Sagan

4.) There is unity in the universe already existing. We are all embedded within one interconnected and inter-dependent universe and universe union.

Therefore nothing that is embedded in this one universe union is ever truly separate or excluded. When we understand and then act from this inherent physical universe truth of oneness and inclusion the separation and tensions of "us vs them" in our interactions with other people (as well as living and non-living things,) begins to dissolve to both the world's and our benefit. 

5.) It is your inherent birthright to self-organize and self-create your own personal spirituality by selecting from and integrating any and all of the facts of general science and progressive universe evolution with the life-affirming wisdom and tools from humanity's vast spiritual heritage (Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5.) This combination holds the greatest promise for informing you about how to optimally live your life or what is Ultimate Reality.

"A religion that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by traditional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge." ---Carl Sagan

6.) The universe's spiritual prime directive is that the individual is the true and final free will authority for determining truth for their own spiritual life. This is solely the individual’s final spiritual right through the exercise of their own unfettered, sovereign free will and their independent investigation for truth. (Interfering with or attempting to supersede the authentic guiding voice and internal authority of the presence of the Ultimate Reality within the individual is never permissible by any exterior individual or organizational or ecclesiastical body. This is because all healthy-minded individuals are capable of discerning spiritual beliefs they want to hold for themselves by using their own direct experience(s) of the Ultimate Reality in conjunction with using the traditional spiritual validity tests and safeguards. These classic validity tests and safeguards indicate how to know when one is experiencing or "hearing" the authentic facts, meanings or "voice" of the Ultimate Reality within --- and not one’s own desire, projections, ego, or other inappropriate internal or external influences.

In addition to the above, the spiritual prime directive truth itself becomes more of an ever-changing probability, more uncertain and seen as an abstraction the more one develops wisdom over time. Truth is conditioned and qualified by dialectical context, perspective, process, relationships, and the fact that it is embedded in an evolving and living transformational process. It is not a static thing, but a dynamic thing which each individual has a right to continuously discover and rediscover for themselves. (Religion 1.5)

7.) It matters not in which religious denomination, scientific discipline, or other places you find it, but only that all authentic wisdom and knowledge about life and spirit in the universe once discovered should be included within your own form of personalized spirituality! (Religion 2.0)

8.) Science and spirituality are both compatible with and indispensable to each other. Over the ages, in one form or another, the following validity-testing principle for determining authentic spiritual truth or wise religious belief has repeatedly been made by the founders, mystics, and leading theologians of almost ALL religious denominations.

 (Religion 1.5)

“No encompassing, objective truth-probability of science can ever really be in conflict with authentic spiritual law, truth or subjective belief about the nature and purposes of the Ultimate Reality that interconnects, unites, and includes all things. The fruit cannot but indicate the nature of its seed! If there is a conflict, then it is the small, partial or limited view of the spiritual laws, truths, and beliefs that are wrong."

(We strongly recommend that you take the time to read our definition of Ultimate Reality in the previous link as it will be referred to repeatedly on this page and throughout this website.)

At the Level of Spirit, Universe, and Evolution We Hold That:

9.) An Ultimate Reality or Total Reality exists and you get to decide for yourself what that means. Within Religion 2.0, Ultimate and Total Reality also implies "That which originates the universe(s) including as a totality all absolutes and potentials within that Origin as well as all universes originated by that Origin." Ultimate Reality also has been defined in many other ways by other spiritual organizations. (Click here to see the other nuanced Ultimate Reality definitions to see which one resonates with you most.) (Religion 2.0)

10.) We hold a necessary humility and awe because Ultimate Reality will never be fully knowable to us in our current form. All efforts to fully know or disclose the nature and purposes of Ultimate Reality will at their very best be nothing more than partial maps, myths, or metaphors. No matter how much we can know about Ultimate Reality and how much we can do that reflects Ultimate Reality, it will always be a partial and incomplete representation of the theoretically infinite potentials and infinite realized aspects of Ultimate Reality.

The spiritual humility derived from our awe and wonder regarding this incompleteness of knowledge and the continual unfolding of the infinite and endless Great Mystery and Origin also implies that we as individuals and as an organization(s) are always in a state of continual openness to the continual surprise of learning more about Ultimate Reality from every possible source and circumstance, to further evolve our current spiritual ideas and ideals about what Ultimate Reality is within a global spiritual commons.

From the above, it follows logically that we hold that no individual or organizational spiritual effort to know or disclose Ultimate Reality has any inherent special exclusivity or any absolute or final completeness, authority or importance above all or any other individual or organizational effort to know or disclose the unending mystery of Ultimate Reality. Any science-and-spirituality integrated cooperation and collaboration between any of the partial individual or organizational efforts to know or disclose the unending mysteries of Ultimate Reality holds the promise of adding to humankind’s knowledge base of Ultimate Reality or of being complementary and therefore also revealing a greater vision of the inherent wholeness of the nature, purposes, and states of Ultimate Reality. (Religion 2.0)

11.) In spite of the challenges presented in the item just above, the direct observation of the physical universe as a whole system is currently the best, most direct, and objective way to obtain and understand more reliable information about Ultimate Reality. The universe can be seen as the fruit of the seed that originated it. The universe's fruit can not help but be highly reflective of the nature and intentionality of the universe's Origin. (Religion 2.0)

12.) Service to forwarding the evolution of life on our planet and in our universe is essential to a fulfilling and meaningful life. This is true in part because each of us comes into being because of and from --- the procession and existence of the Origin of the universe(s,) the universe's evolutionary process and the evolutionary processes of our planet. We are embedded within a far greater and more important evolutionary procession than just the self-chosen goals of our own short lives. To not also know and serve that greater evolutionary procession of life would be an individual life out of touch with its own origin process and the evolutionary context of its own being as well as the river of forces maintaining it and moving it towards some greater common good for the whole system. (Religion 2.0)

"We do not belong to ourselves, even mostly. We belong to the universe." Buckminster Fuller

13.) At this very moment you are fully capable of doing your one seven billionth part to responsibly co-evolve a just, sustainable and equitable world for all in a serving partnership with others, the unstoppable forces of progressive evolution and with Ultimate Reality.  This is because you are and can be a truly co-evolutionary, co-responsible partner with the Ultimate Reality in the universe's progressive evolutionary process toward the universe's core directionality, which in part is (ever-increasing novelty, complexity, cooperation, union, integration, order, harmony, learning, greater personal consciousness and self-reflection, truth, beauty, goodness and increasing consciousness of the oneness and wholeness of the union of Ultimate Reality in all its forms, states and qualities.

One creates this future first by creating a sustainable and appropriate lifestyle and livelihood and by self-organizing themselves and being an active steward and advocate for all of earth's life-sustaining ecosystems! This is best achieved by finding alignment with the universe's core processes of progressive evolution, one's own consciousness/spirit/soul/highest essence, and by your conscious and intentional co-creation with the progressive evolution of the universe. Because of the evolution of our current level of consciousness, it now appears that we have passed an evolutionary milestone. Humanity has finally reached the evolutionary transition point where our conscious co-creation with the Ultimate Reality in the progressive evolutionary process is now fully appropriate and spiritually essential for the optimal future unfolding of all life and relationships in the universe.

"Will the Universe Be the New Religion?"---Carl Sagan

For as long as progressive evolution shall continue, the future of evolution is now more than ever truly up to us! Ultimate Reality will fully co-act with those in partnership who embrace this co-responsibility to co-evolve this great adventure of progressive evolution in life-affirming ways.

Job One for Humanity is an important example of what doing our 1/7 billionth part means in tangible terms. At the current time, due to the growing challenges of catastrophic climate destabilization and its potential for biocide that both we and all future generations will face, there is no greater or more current, more relevant, or more embodied great spiritual work and daily spiritual practice than that of learning and following the practical steps of living sustainably and actively stewarding the Earth's ecosystems for both ourselves and future generations. (If you would like to see an amazing short video on the logic of why this has to be the Job One for Humanity, click here

14.) When you are learning about Ultimate Reality and evolving toward harmony with others using the Universe Principles of Sustainable Prosperity, you are on the greatest and most rewarding spiritual and secular partnership AND adventure found within the progressively evolving physical universe. It is the most primal, purposeful, and only adventure in all of existence that will:

  1.  create every single thing that is worthwhile to be or become,

  2. help you to do every single thing worthwhile that could be done and,

  3. eventually, create every single thing that is worth having --- both now and throughout the future!

Practicing the Universe Principles of Sustainable Prosperity is one of the most effective ways to become more effective in doing your part to evolve our world for the better. (Religion 2.0)

"Forwarding the progressive evolution as taught by Evolution Spirituality is the way to most optimally live the will of God and make the will and way of God real in the world. It is actively and consciously working toward creating heaven on earth." Lawrence Wollersheim

15.) You are vital to the universe's evolutionary goals, which include the unstoppable and ever-increasing truth, beauty, goodness, and consciousness of the Ultimate Reality which has emerged the universe, has involved into it and is in direct partnership with you to progressively co-evolve the universe towards even greater levels of truth, beauty, goodness, and consciousness within both the individual and Ultimate Reality in all its forms, states and qualities. (Hegel was partially right when he said that, "the direction of evolution in the universe was more and more matter becoming conscious." The deepest direction of evolution in the universe is more and more matter becoming both conscious of itself and of the Ultimate Reality in all its forms, states and qualities.) (Religion 2.0)

16.) When you continuously live from your most authentic self (the self that most accurately expresses the wholeness of yourself and Ultimate Reality) and when you consciously hold and stay connected in union to Ultimate Reality as you understand it, and when you connect to the most authentic, highest self in others in a simultaneous tri-union your challenge resolving creativity in the moment will be optimized and maximized. Even polarizing dualities will break down and the future will work out far better than you ever dreamed or expected! (Religion 1.5)

17.) Being in the present and being aware of its feedback while making your life an expression of artful creativity, joy, humor, delight, generosity, kindness, forgiveness and gratitude are your highest forms of life-affirming worship and are the best ways to empower yourself and to serve life and others. (Religion 2.0)

18.) Your greatest real wealth during this life is:

a.) your creativity,

b.) your willingness to experience what actually is,

c.) your relationships,

d.) your experiences and

e.) the willingness you create within yourself or that you engender in others.

The single most commonly accepted trans-denominational community validity test for manifesting an authentic spiritual life is demonstrated by the evolving quality of your current life relationships. Another way to say this is that your current relationships are continuing to evolve toward greater truth, beauty, and goodness and are also continuing to demonstrate within them an increased consciousness of the Ultimate Reality that includes and interconnects all things. These four things are often abbreviated to their most simple result, which is acting with authentic love, experiencing more delight in your relationships, and being continuously grateful. (Religion 2.0)

19.) As a great and unique expression of the evolutionary process of Ultimate Reality, you too are naturally and abundantly creative and artistic. This means that each of us is an artist that can empower art, beauty, truth, and goodness to flow into every part of our life. As an inherently creative and artistic individual, you are also capable of creating both a sufficiency and abundance of solutions for the challenges of your life and the world. (For more information about the major role of and importance of art and creativity in our community, click here.) (Religion 2.0)

20.) Because you are a great and unique expression of the Ultimate Reality,  you too are also fully capable of having the same or similar direct spiritual experiences that the saints, prophets, mystics, scientists, great poets, inspired social leaders or founders of the world's great religious traditions have experienced and have any or all of the following:

  1. knowing more about Ultimate Reality's, qualities, states, nature, directionality, and purposes through integrating both objective universe sciences and subjective spiritual experience drawn for the wealth of humanity's life-affirming spiritual heritage, (When we say science we especially mean science from the new progressive evolutionary and universe whole systems perspectives)
  2. finding qualities or a presence or "the" presence of the Ultimate Reality within oneself (even as them or it)
  3. a direct relationship/connection with and/or to the Ultimate Reality,
  4. experiencing living in better union and alignment with the Ultimate Reality,
  5. having a visceral, numinous, transcendent, ecstatic, or awe-inspiring personal or non-personal experience of the Ultimate Reality,
  6. having a personal renewal in the form of feeling energized, motivated, inspired, and having a rekindled hope and confidence in life and the future from these experiences, and
  7. finding the transformational wisdom, empowerment, and healing needed for an expanded living of the virtues in a balanced way from these experiences. So that in your personal and social behavior and your attitudes you are being like (congruent with) what the Ultimate Reality is authentically like --- in classic spiritual terms you are acting with authentic joyful love in your relationships. (Religion 1.5)

21.) From your direct spiritual experiences with the Ultimate Reality in the physical universe, you can expect to experience a new and expanded sense of:

  • delight,
  • identity,
  • purpose and meaning,
  • autonomy, freedom, and dignity,
  • awareness, compassion, empathy, and peace,
  • emotional and mental balance
  • physical well being,
  • feeling younger in heart and energy as you paradoxically get older (a major life revitalization),
  • personal effectiveness (being able to implement wise and balanced applications of the virtues to resolve life’s problems,)
  • service to life manifesting in life-affirming and balanced ways,
  • connection to the Ultimate Reality, self, and others, as well as all other life and,
  • interconnectedness in a dynamic and growing global Evolution Spirituality community within a new type of networked open global spiritual commons. (Religion 1.5)

22.) By using your own inner spiritual transformation, empowerment, and healing, as well as the fruits of your direct spiritual experiences with the Ultimate Reality, you are also fully capable of doing your part to help break the chains of the world's reciprocating pain and cruelty that pass from person to person and generation to generation through your delight, generosity, kindness, love, wisdom, service, forgiveness and balanced living of the virtues. (Religion 1.5)

23) The unfolding adventure of discovering and attaining spiritual growth and states and stages of enlightenment on a journey of wonder and awe is a continuous process that appears to have no final or complete level of spiritual growth or enlightenment in this reality. This is due to primarily the potential or actual infiniteness of Ultimate Reality to be discovered and experienced on many levels of reality. This expanding great spiritual journey becomes easier, more stable and successful at the deepest levels of personal experience with each new and additional level of spiritual growth and enlightenment attained. (Religion 1.5)

24.) Spiritual growth and states and stages of enlightenment will take as long as it takes for that particular individual. It does not inherently take vast amounts of time (or even lifetimes) to experience powerful spiritual growth, enlightenment and spiritual transformation and empowerment. Your spiritual desires and your decisions followed by practice and congruent actions are the most important personally controllable factors that maximize your spiritual growth. (Religion 2.0)

25.) All authentic spiritual paths are inherently both physically and mentally safe to the spiritual adventurer due to the inherent nature of the Ultimate Reality and its relationship to the individual. For more about what makes a spiritual path or religion authentic click here. (Religion 2.0)

26.) We hold that Ultimate Reality embraces both the immanent and transcendent. It is both fully in and engaged in the world and also beyond it. It is panentheistic. (Please note this is not pantheism.) (Religion 1.5)

27.) You are always connected and part of our open, trans-denominational spiritual community through both our common origin in Ultimate Reality, our common science-informed genesis story, the universe's progressive evolutionary directionality and our shared highest spiritual intentions. Our trans-denominational meta-spirituality community fully supports you in developing your own personalized version of Evolution Spirituality for we hold that it is the future and essence of all religion! Our organization is also fully dedicated to supporting you as a fellow spiritual co-adventurer in expanding your direct spiritual experiences with the Ultimate Reality and in supporting your search for new spiritual wisdom to improve the world. (Religion 2.0)

28.) Awakening to and presently being in union with more of your Spirit/Consciousness. This and or breakthrough new technologies may eventually preserve your highest spiritual Essence and potentially even transcend the death of the physical body. Just as the material elements of the body will return to the planet and universe at death it is rational to postulate that any non-materials elements of individual life such as the consciousness (or non-material parts of the mind,) the soul, spirit, essence, or personality will return at death to their non-material source. (Religion 2.0)

26.) As a spiritual co-adventurer, sharing your wisdom (when asked) and supporting others on their unique personal spiritual journeys is one of the greatest ways to build a better world and a Collaborative Commons. (Religion 2.0)

27.) If you see the value of our movement, you are welcome to join us and self-organize the sharing of its ideas where ever you live. (Religion 2.0)

(Please note: Unless stated at the end of each item above that this item is part of Evolution Spirituality many of the sections of our great spiritual news of hope also have been included as things we also hold valuable from Religion 1.5 and traditional Religion 1.0.

The above "Great News" was derived in significant part from the perspectives and facts of Evolution 2.0 and its new Universe Evolutionary Worldview. It is not provided as a final or special authority, but a support resource for your individual contemplation, evaluation, and eventual use. You are always the final authority who will decide upon the wisdom, value, and usefulness of anything we present.)

If you have read enough and would like to join our nonprofit organization, click here.

Click on the link below to your right for more...



What is the Progressive Direction of Universe Evolution Recognized Within Evolution Spirituality

The following is a quick summary of the nearly unstoppable meta-processes, levels and, steps of the core directionality of progressive evolution. (These meta-processes are also known as the core reoccurring meta-patterns, meta-principles, "products," "interests" or intrinsic "values" of universe scale evolution.)

Don't worry if you do not understand every core direction of evolution listed below. It will be covered and illustrated item-by-item later in more simple forms. There is a lot of complex advanced science behind why these meta-processes below are the many facetted overall directionalities within evolution. While you are reading it if it seems a little too complex at this time, just skip to the next page.

The following page in this online booklet will explain why knowing these meta-processes and the universe's evolution directionality is so important to your life and soon you will be looking at illustrations of the ideas below expressed as the simple Universe Principles.

The Core Directionality and Meta-patterns of Universe Evolution are:

Continuous release of universe potentials and potentiality (for a created or evolved universe thing to become what it can.) This continuous release or realization of potential births continuous evolutionary change (experimentation,)

which then births,


Expanding complexity and diversity,

(In some ways all of the other progressive levels below can be seen as the unpacking of the previous level of complexity into newer levels of progressing expanding complexity and diversity. Expanding complexity like all expanding or maintaining things in the universe requires expanding or maintaining energy exchanges),

Which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then creates... (parts here is meant as things, not necessarily locations,)


Expanding novelty, (creative mutation and innovation again requiring more energy exchanges,)

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding growth, productivity (or reproductively,) and/or expansion, (again requiring more energy exchanges,)

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding self-awareness and self-reflectiveness, of the relevant exterior and interior environment present, past and future (even through future modeling capabilities, through expanding use of technology and prediction skills,) within both the parts of the whole and within the whole itself as a collective union,
(This self-awareness [consciousness,] includes expanding levels of awareness of others, the planet, the universe and, even that great mystery that is the origin of our universe,)

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding self-organization, autopoiesis, (which also includes self-discipline and self-responsibility,) which again requires more energy exchanges, (For more on self-organization principles, click here.)

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding full-consequence capture, full accountability,(which requires expanding levels of full transparency for all parts of a whole and the wholes themselves. In one way or another, evolution eventually and invariably always enforces increasing levels of consequence capture upon any parts or wholes that do not learn, adapt "cooperate," or create fair energy exchange and progressively evolve. High and expanding levels of transparency and accountability are critical to enacting full consequence capture because the powerful evolutionary self-interests of either the individual parts or the self-interests of wholes [groupings/unions,] when hidden or not accounted for will always take over and lessen the essential optimal balance and tension between the self-interests of the individual and the self-interests of the whole group or union.

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding learning resulting in skill/ability, knowledge, and intelligence,

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding adaptability (choice, freedom, flexibility or, control of the environment for some parts and wholes in either adjusting to the environment or changing the environment,)

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then also emerges...


Expanding robustness, redundancies, and reserves of and in the parts and unions,

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding or alternating periods of compression and/or centralization

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding integration, harmony and, resultant order resulting in new synergies, (which again like all of the above in one way or another requires more energy exchanges,)

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding cooperation, which aligns and effectively manages and balances the often competing self-interest tensions of all of the individual parts of the whole with the overall health and well being of the whole as a whole system and union, (which again requires more energy exchanges, which appropriately and fairly share and balance the needs of parts and wholes for energy and resources to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics,)

which then in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding or new cooperative wholes (unions,) of greater scale, (which again requires more energy exchanges,)

which then as a consequence of this new or expanding cooperation creates...


Expanding interdependence, (by parts and wholes which then also loops back upon the parts and the whole (union,) to further motivate greater cooperation because of the expanded interdependence and expanding interconnectedness,)

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Additional expanding robustness, redundancies and reserves of and in the parts and unions because of the cooperativeness,

which in some parts and unions within the universe eventually then emerges...


Expanding control over the environment for individuals and cooperative unions (that also are in harmony with the principles of universe evolution,) resulting in expanding sustainability for the cooperating parts and wholes, which again requires more energy exchanges, (in part because of the increased cooperation between and by the parts and the wholes [unions,]) 

which ​at some developmental level of progressive evolution and only in some human parts within the universe eventually results in...


Expanding reflection by those human self-reflective parts upon the total universe environment and the universe's complete evolutionary processes and systems (including the Universe's Big Bang origin.) This creates a whole universe consciousness in the part of the universe. In a way, the universe becomes conscious of itself through its part.

And finally,


Possible transcendence of universe parts or whole unions. At the "end" of the universe's spiraling ever larger and more complex evolutionary developmental process lies the potential for some form of transcendence for some of the parts or wholes unions into completely new things (or, at the theoretical end of the universe potentiality all the parts as a whole union transcending to something new.) This then potentially restarts a new spiral of progressive evolution at a new level where once again continuous creative release of new potentials and potentiality (for the newly evolved or created thing to become and realize what it can become.) This continuous release or realization of new potential then once again births continuous change, which births increasing... (through all of most of the cycle/spiral of development above.) If transcendence did not occur in universe parts or whole unions for any reason, (which also includes, failed experiments, retrogressions, collapses, and extinctions,) then the universe evolutionary process wastes nothing of that which has reached the limits of its existence, growth, or developmental potential release cycle. It then recycles back all those resources and parts or whole unions back into evolution to be used in new creativity. (Collapses serve a necessary evolutionary purpose in removing what would not learn and adapt and for creating new space for new evolutionary experiments.)

(If you are a tech and detail person, you can go here you can see the many qualifiers and footnotes relating to this quick overview list of evolution's core directions.)


Click on the link below to your right or left for more. You will find the above core directionality and meta-principles of universe evolution expressed more simply and in more detail as you continue with this online booklet. If you click the UP link you will see all of the pages in this online booklet.If you want to join our organization, click here.




Why Knowing the Directions of Progressive Evolution is Vitally Important to Your Life and Success?

The new information on evolution's progressive nature is critical to our future because evolution itself is:

a.) "science's greatest discovery," 

b.) the best documented "meta-theory of everything" that currently exists and,

c.) the most trial-and-error tested and eons of a time-proven successful system that has ever existed.

To say that evolution is the most successful system that has ever existed is not an overstatement because nothing else even comes close in time or scale. Evolution has evolved and sustained many forms of life and our universe over billions of years. No other system even comes close!

When we study the history of the whole evolving universe from a multidisciplinary approach as a complex adaptive whole system, we are able to discern the commonly occurring meta-patterns in the creation of life, as well as those meta-patterns that have proven most successful in sustaining and thriving life and in building ever larger and more functional, stable and sustainable groupings and unions.

More reasons the new work on the meta-patterns of progressive evolution is important to you:

1.) Even if you are not consciously aware of it, you are ALWAYS fully embedded inside of the Universe's evolutionary process and being carried along by them. The meta-patterns of master universe evolution always control the lower-level process of all universe subsystems --- subsystems like us, our businesses, our nations, and our planet. This means that where the unstoppable evolutionary forces of universe evolution go --- you too will eventually go!

2.) The essential directionality, meta-patterns and meta-principles of evolution when understood will help you to more wisely and intentionally evolve yourself, your groups, businesses, religions, nations, and even humanity into a better alignment with the time-tested, time-proven success and sustainability meta-principles of nature, life, and the universe. These science-grounded meta-principles of evolution are ultimately useful in that they can be used in practical ways to dramatically improve the success of our daily lives.

3.) Evolution's meta-principles when seen at universe scale can also provide the science-grounded foundation, the needed new worldview (the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview,) as well as a new ideological clarity to underpin the ideas and goals for a New Economy of Sustainable Prosperity and abundance as well as for the billions of new jobs that the breakthrough Third Industrial Revolution and the Zero Marginal Cost Sharing Society will create.

4.) Evolution's meta-principles will be a powerful tool to help facilitate and ease the great jobs global transition from the Second Industrial Revolution of fossil fuels into the greener Third Industrial Revolution over the next 20-40 years.

If you have read enough and would like to join our nonprofit organization, click here.

If you are curious to learn more about Evolution 2.0, and see the illustrations of these ideas, keep clicking the links at the bottom left or right of the page. If you click the UP link and go to the bottom of that page you will see all of the pages in this online booklet. If you want to join our organization, click here.




What is the Relationship Between Evolution Spirituality and Evolution 2.0

The relationship between Evolution Spirituality and Evolution 2.0 and its Universe Evolutionary Worldview:

The science of Evolution Spirituality is always a foundational element in coordination with any other self-chosen Religion 1.0 or Religion 1.5 ideas or tools which you might make.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." Carl Sagan

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How Evolution Spirituality Enacts its Mission Using Open Source Principles and More...

As important as what we do and where we are going (our full mission,) is how we are going to get there. The operational principles that are used for how Evolution Spirituality enacts its mission goals is just as important if not more so, than the mission goals themselves. This is for the reader who wants to go deeper into how and why Evolution Spirituality works.

In order of importance Evolution Spiritualityenacts its mission and goals in a manner that is:

  1. open source, Being open source is an essential priority at the foundational and structural core of Religion 2.0. It is because that Religion 2.0 is open source it can build the essential co-creative, adaptive and self-organizing space where people can collaborate and cooperate effectively in their search for truth while discovering, creating, and personalizing that truth. Evolution Spirituality's open-source qualities create a safe environment with healthy yet flexible and discerning operational values and principled boundaries. This safe and collaborative environment then creates the basic social agreements, shared community values, and minimal procedural harmony essential to effective learning and --- it also gracefully manages any naturally arising spiritual and other conflicts in mostly spiritual ideas and beliefs in an optimized way. To help us achieve that optimal safe and collaborative environment for learning, cooperation, and discovery within Evolution Spirituality (and for the creation of a new trans-denominational meta-religion for all of humanity,) we have developed an indispensable set of spiritual collaboration, validity test principles and structural boundary guidelines called the Open Source Religion Manifesto. These Open Source Religion principles deal with many things such as how to answer the very difficult questions about what should or should not be treated as fact or useful wisdom from other religious heritages. It is through the use of the essential minimal filtering structural boundaries of the open source religion principles that Evolution Spirituality can also filter out toxic or no longer applicable parts of Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5 that would be harmful to Evolution Spirituality and its member's ability to coordinate. Open source religion principles also create a participatory process designed to also help Religion 2.0 continually and optimally evolve the principles, policies, community's evolvability in a collaborative process. (See Part 1 of the Open Source Religion Manifesto then click here and read in Part 2 of the Open Source Religion Manifesto.  Please note: open source religion's collaborative principles go well beyond the older religion 1.5 Interfaith principles for collaboration.) (A)

  2. cooperative and collaborative, based in part upon; peer-to-peer (P2P,) principles, collaboration principles, individual support systems, and a supportive participatory community all working to help expand humanity's Collaborative Commons. In Evolution Spirituality cooperation is also the central meta-principle of progressive evolution itself. We see cooperation and the natural creation of new cooperative enterprises at every level necessary to protect humanity's essential common areas (air, water, ecosystems, etc) and essential things (internet communications neutrality, power generation, radio and cell frequencies, etc,) of our existence as critical to balance the near overwhelming competitive interests and power of capitalism and government. We also see the rise of cooperation, collaboration, and many new cooperative enterprises also as critical to bringing about the Third Industrial Revolution that will move humanity to amazing new levels of peace and sustainability. (B)

  3. evolutionary, first in the sense of the traditional meaning of changing and evolving, next in its alignment with the definition of the science of evolution as defined in progressive evolution, and finally, in the sense that it includes the ideas of Evolution Spirituality. Evolution Spirituality is a true evolutionary spirituality as it will always continue to evolves as new facts and wisdom is discovered. (I)

  4. educational, (to creatively and artistically educate through new art, meanings, symbols, metaphors, and science-grounded facts that successfully convey Evolution 2.0 and its new Universe Evolutionary Worldview as well as the new spiritual wisdom being born within Evolution Spirituality and our unique and progressive organization though a new online and offline Universe College.) (B)

  5. integral, (I) Click the Integral link to unpack what this amazing word means.

  6. self-organizing. Click here to read more about the principles of self-organization.

Additional "How We Do it" Practices:

If you are curious or an advanced student of religion, we recommend that you read all of the following "how we do it" operational principles in the links below. Please read the detail in the links. Some of the concepts in the links below have new meanings not seen in any previous spiritual movement. The B,  I, or A at the end of any item indicates its beginner, intermediate, or advance difficulty level.

  1. joyous, (We strive to create a joyous, loving, and supportive community where you can comfortably be who you are right now, while creating a more sustainable prosperity on all personal, social and spiritual life levels of life,) (I

  2. principled, (Click here to see some of our various evolution principled position papers. When you go to this page scan down the the position paper section.) (I)

  3. inclusive of all of humanity's life-affirming spiritual wisdom and heritages while --- simultaneously transcending their non-life-affirming, outdated or pathological perspectives for those that want to include materials from Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5. (B)

  4. responsible, members of our community have real responsibilities, Click here to learn about those responsibilities. (B)

  5. post-postmodern, including and then transcending the ambiguous moral relativism of post-modernism using both objective science, subjective experience, and inter-subjective understanding. Click here to see how in part we include and transcend the critical role and integral balance of the "I," "We" and "It" perspectives of Post Modernism. (I)

  6. supportive of intentional cooperative partnerships at increasing scale aligned with progressive evolution on personal, social, spiritual and physical planetary and even universe levels, (I)

  7. dialectical at meta-systemic levels. (Click here to learn more about what that means from a book review covering this breakthrough in thinking skills.) (A)

  8. And finally, this document mentions administrative how to's and things not mentioned above and summarizes perfectly the how to what we do. If you are curious or you are a student on one of our online courses, click here to learn about all of our other supporting administrative and spiritual guiding principles of Evolution Spirituality. (A)

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What are the Other Unique Qualities of Evolution Spirituality

The following Evolution Spirituality unique qualities and characteristics offer many benefits --- many of which are not available in any other form of religion:

  1. Evolution Spirituality provides a science-grounded, sharable, and common genesis story for the 13.8 billion years of the universe's existence that is common to and uniting for all humanity! In this genesis story is offered a new common identity full of meaning and purpose as a vital partner in the progressive evolution of life on our planet and in the universe. Click here for more information on this science grounded uniting genesis story. (B)

  2. Evolution Spirituality is based significantly, but not exclusively upon the direct physical and objective observation and physical experience of the universe as a whole and as a unified system. It grounds, supports, and balances subjective personal religion and spirituality for the first time from a whole systems, integral and physical universe-framed objective perspective. It holds that even though the physical universe may not be the ultimate end of the spiritual discovery and exploration process, it is the first, most direct, and most common objective collective space wherein individuals can explore and test their subjective personal spirituality and then agree upon what common or universal spiritual values and meanings they have discovered in an open and reasonable manner. Direct, objective observation of the patterns of the physical universe has always been the source of our oldest spiritual wisdom and practical principles for living. Now because of the many new universe-scaled discoveries by modern science, it now has once again become the surprising source of the newest and most life-affirming spiritual wisdom and practical principles for living (as found within the perspectives and principles of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview.) Direct observation of the physical universe may also be the most optimized way to know the nature, purposes of the Origin and Original Source of the physical universe in that directly observing the fruit (the universe,) of any seed tells you a lot about the nature, purposes, and destiny of that seed. In truth, all that we can know objectively about Ultimate Reality is from direct observation of the physical universe. What this means is that Evolution Spirituality incorporates the wisdom of both science and spirituality to create integral well-being on all levels.  Click here to see exactly how we integrate science and spirituality in a balanced way and integrate new, accurate and useful science and humanity's omni-denominational spiritual heritage of life-affirming wisdom into a life-enhancing new balance. (B)

  3. In Evolution Spirituality you will not have to abandon your rational/factual left brain and the objective scientific facts of reality while seeking optimal well-being, deeper meaning, and meaningful values and wholeness through personal exploration of humanity's great spiritual wisdom and tools. You will always also be able to honor and wisely integrate the intuitive heart and subjective right brain's wisdom, myths, metaphors, values, and other many life-affirming ideas from the world's great religions. In Evolution Spirituality you can and do both! It allows you to use your whole brain's capabilities while you are trying to better understand your own origin, nature, purpose, and "destiny" as well as the universe's. You do not have to deny either part of your brain's natural capabilities ---- either the objective rationality of the left brain or the subjective, intuitive and metaphoric value and meaning-making found on the right side of the brain.

  4. Evolution Spirituality will also always encourage you to incorporate a science-grounded universe perspective and scale to balance and integrate the objective, rational left brain with the subjective, value, and meaning-making of the right brain for a deeper, broader, and more useful view of universe reality."The relationship worked out between science and religion will determine the destiny of the human race." Alfred Lord Whitehead Click here to see how we help you work out the relationship between science and religion and integrate science and spirituality in a balanced way. This section is one of the most important sections in understanding how objective science and personal subjective spirituality are integrated and balanced!

  5. Evolution Spirituality embraces a new, expanded, and unified understanding of the integration of life and spirit in the universe that sustains us all. (It does this using the biggest possible perspective by embracing and teaching the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview and key principles of progressive evolution. These universe time-proven guiding principles and values, [which our current societies and social systems need to soon align with or be unsustainable,] are found in part in the new Universe Evolutionary Principles of Sustainability. Using the Universe Evolutionary Worldview educates and helps to create the new universe citizens, Evolutioneers, and evolutionary leaders, educators, advocates, and activists needed for a sustainable and meaningful future for all. (I)

  6. Evolution Spirituality openly and honestly addresses and manages the pathologies, problems and power abuses of past and current religious and spiritual groups by offering new solutions as well as new individual and community spiritual safeguards for these areas. This in fact is one of the most unique aspects of Religion 2.0 and Evolution Spirituality. Click here to see those spiritual safeguards. (I)

  7. Evolution Spirituality is an adventure of self-organized personal and community full potential release, growth, and discovery. It is designed to release and develop both your and your community's full potentials for growth by exploring the Three Great Adventures of Life in and with what is known as Ultimate Reality! These three Great Adventures of Life are the epic self-discovery and life-empowerment adventures of today’s new life and spirit heroes, heroines, and leaders. They are the life and spirit adventures, which will release your greatest potentials and conscious awareness to serve: your most worthwhile and life-affirming goals, your community, the Earth and all it's life, the amazing unstoppable power-flow of the progressive directionality of the universe's evolution and, the great mystery of Ultimate Reality which interconnects all things. (If you have not read the Three Great Spiritual Adventures of Life, be sure to do so now!) (B)

  8. Evolution Spirituality helps you to learn, use and integrate Evolution 2.0's many practical art-of-living skills that are also absolutely essential to a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life. (B)

  9. Evolution Spirituality is today's leader in educating about evolutionary science grounded and how to live its sustainability principles. The principles of Evolution 2.0 convey a Sustainable Prosperity building success advantage to all who understand and use them. These meta-principles will help you to create or expand a sustainable "right livelihood." (Creating a Sustainable Prosperity is one of our major evolutionary programs. We have created a comprehensive position paper and program describing its principles as well as how to create it at each level of society.)

  10. Evolution Spirituality social activism embodies the "first things first" principle. In fact, Our first promandment is to act as self-organizing responsible sustainability stewards of the living bio-systems of the planet and the universe. We call this first promandment the Job One for Humanity Plan. It is our first promandment simply because if we and future generations are not sustainable the necessary "game board" for all of life will disappear and all individual goals and life games will cease. The massive global warming currently occurring is due primarily to human fossil fuel burning resulting in the massive carbon pollution of the atmosphere. If we do not solve this challenge soon, within decades human life as we know it will be radically worsened. (Our Job One for Humanity Climate Plan for both preparing for and mitigating irreversible or near extinction-level global warming embodies all of our sustainability principles. (B)

  11. Evolution Spirituality for those seeking personal exploration of Ultimate Reality suggests a possible new form of panentheistic deism or evolutionary deism. Deism was the religious persuasion of many Enlightenment thinkers and the founding fathers of the United States. Click here for more information on classic deism.

  12. Evolution Spirituality helps you to discover new answers as well as re-discover classic and progressive answers of Religion 1.0 and religion 1.5 to the most important questions of life. (Click here if you would like to see all of the "where did we come from where are we going" type origin, nature, purpose, and "destiny" questions of life and existence for which Evolution Spirituality will help you self-discover answers.)

  13. Evolution Spirituality promotes direct spiritual experience as an effective and primary tool to enhance the search for for the subjective experience of and for new meanings of Ultimate Reality of Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5. We will not bury you in dogma and beliefs. Through direct spiritual experience you are the one who subjectively discovers what to believe and not to believe about what Ultimate Reality is for you.

  14. Evolution Spirituality is an applied religion and spirituality. This simply means that Religion 2.0 is most authentic and validated when you actually apply and live it. All study of spirituality must be balanced with equal amounts of spiritual and social service to be balanced, wise, and optimally effective. Accordingly, Religion 2.0 actively encourages and supports its members in doing wise social, spiritual, and community service to improve the world. As a new science-grounded applied personal spirituality fully embracing the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and the principles of eco-spirituality/eco-religion, Religion 2.0 is uniquely equipped to help forward and achieve social betterment goals because it offers realistic hope and an optimism that "we" together can collaboratively better our world using both good science and the meta-perspectives of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview as part of Religion 2.0's social activism through discovery in science, direct spiritual experience (if you are spiritually inclined,) and contributing to the "something greater than self" community service programs.

  15. Evolution Spirituality embraces and affirmatively supports women's spirituality and the indispensable role of re-balancing and re-integrating the feminine/masculine power balance back into society and re-establishing the importance of the Divine Feminine as essential and powerful new ways to help create a just, sustainable and meaningful quality of life for all. For more on how women's empowerment and women's spirituality is embraced within Evolution Spirituality see our Century of Women Program and then click here as well.) (B)

  16. Evolution Spirituality has had to create new definitions for key religious terms. One reason for the new or expanded definitions of religious terms in Religion 2.0 is because the Evolution 2.0 meta-principles found within the progressive evolution facts of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. This new information that has been integrated throughout the Religion 2.0 materials has significantly qualified and expanded our understanding of so much more of the world and reality around us. Another reason is due to Evolution Spirituality's open-source nature. While we still use some parts of Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5 spiritual definitions for many terms, we have also had to significantly expand many Religion 1.0 and religion 1.5 spiritual definitions to describe the new spiritual, conceptual, or physical spaces just being discovered and brought into being for the very first time by this open-source and science-grounded Religion 2.0.

  17. Evolution Spirituality is an open-source religion that builds a co-creative, adaptive and self-organizing space where people can collaborate and cooperate effectively in their search for spiritual truth while discovering, creating, and personalizing that spiritual truth. (Please read Part 1 of the Open Source Religion and Spirituality Manifesto then click here and read in Part 2 of the Open Source Religion and Spirituality Manifesto specifically the section called Co-Creational Principles for Building an Open Source Religion and Spirituality Collaboration. It contains a full list of Religion 2.0's critical and essential co-creational principles for effectively practicing a collaborative open-source personal spirituality that also allows our new form of Religion 2.0's secular and/or spiritual communities to function in safe, healthy, and sustainable ways.) (A)

  18. Evolution Spirituality provides new codes of ethical conduct relevant to wisely resolving the complexities and realities of the 21st century that also have universal applicability. Religion 2.0 knows the value of creating a safe environment. In addition to the Evolution Spirituality's Open Source Spirituality Manifesto (mentioned above,) we also use a new set of universal guiding principles derived from universe-scaled evolutionary science that we call the Universe Principles of Sustainability. These principles along with our Universe Community code of conduct, (which is also in part, derived from humanity's omni-denominational heritage of life-affirming spiritual wisdom,) is another important part of creating a collaborative and safe environment where individuals grow optimally and our community thrives. (Inside our code of conduct are links to the new Universe Principles of Sustainability. For the time being it's okay to read the Universe Principles of Sustainability without fully understanding the science behind how they came into being. A more complete understanding of them will be found in our courses at Universe College. Farther down this document, you will see an additional section describing our spiritual safeguards for the other ways in which we create a safe personal and community environment. We do this using the historical wisdom derived from all spiritual denominations on what they have learned that both illuminates and manages the darker side of spiritual and religious pathologies, spiritual teachers, and spiritual organizations, which is seldom openly discussed or managed in traditional religions. Click here to see our community code of conduct.)

  19. Evolution Spirituality helps to create Evolutioneers. It helps the individual to become a universe citizen and Evolutioneer to help co-create a new science-rational evolutionary community and a new planetary culture and civilization. The dissemination and growth of Evolution Spirituality ideas and values will also hopefully help build many more universe science grounded communities and a new mini-culture where objective scientific probabilities are wisely integrated with your subjective personalized spirituality and the most life-affirming wisdom from all of humanity’s entire vast spiritual heritage. The vast challenges of today's new interconnectedness and interdependence urgently calls for the creating of more jobs, healthier families, communities, and government, universal access to health care and education, and a new kind of more fair exchange based sustainable prosperity for ALL individuals ---- as well as our planet's bio-systems! The Universe Citizens and Evolutioneers that Evolution Spirituality helps create are individuals leading in these areas of wise social activism. (When we emphasize the word wise social activism, we mean that one most optimally engages in social activism only after one has carefully evaluated the best plan for such actions using the new meta-systemic dialectical thinking processes for working with complex adaptive systems [that we will soon be offering in an online course.] This new kind of thinking breakthrough is a key tool of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview.) (I)

  20. Evolution Spirituality is a trans-denominational meta-spirituality. Trans-denominational means that Evolution Spirituality both includes and transcends the life-affirming spiritual wisdom and tools of all religious denominations. Evolution Spirituality as a trans-denominational meta-religion may also be the first potentially trans-planetary spirituality in that its principles not only apply to our planet, but they are just as applicable to other areas of the universe where life might be found in the future. Some individuals see Evolution Spirituality as a universe-framed and grounded spirituality being applied at a planetary level. (A)

  21. Evolution Spirituality envisions death and what is possible after death in numerous humble and rational ways. We embrace all of the possibilities of everything from the many life extension and eventual immortality possibilities of evolutionary transhumanism to the possibilities of awakening at some new level to the union of ones own body/spirit/consciousness, which may eventually preserve and transport your highest spiritual Essence and potentially and --- even transcend the death of the physical body. Just as the material elements of the body will return to the planet and universe at death it is rational to postulate that any non-materials elements of an individual's life such as the consciousness (or non-material parts of the mind,) the soul, spirit, essence or personality will return at death to any possible non-material source.

  22. Evolution Spirituality is a true eco-spirituality.

  23. Evolution Spirituality was first brought into being by the non-profit spiritual education organization Universe Spirit. (B)

(The section just above incorporates many of the core principles of the opensource unique "kernel" of Evolution Spirituality.)

If you have read enough and would like to join our nonprofit organization, click here.

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120 Common Questions and Answers About Evolution Spirituality: Our Master FAQ

There is much more to learn about Evolution Spirituality. There are more than 120 FAQ questions answered in the complete master FAQ in many distinct beginner, intermediate, and advanced level categories.

In the Evolution Spirituality master FAQ you will find answers to many questions like; what are the practical life skill sets that are taught and what are Evolution Spirituality's positions on the key issues of the day.

Click here now to go to the Evolution Spirituality Master FAQ.


(Special Note: All of the materials on the Universe Spirit Website are always like evolution itself in a continuous evolutionary process. They will be upgraded whenever new information would merit it. We invite you to self-organize and local study group or meet-up group or even a local center to share, evolve, and adapt these materials as is appropriate.)

