(Special Notice: The spirituality found on this website is also an open source, personalized and self-created spiritual process. You can always self-select, modify, sequence and use or not use the wisdom and tools you find on this website in the ways that will work best for your current conditions, stage of spiritual development and understanding. We have no rigid dogma that you must believe. We do although have principles for which you are the final authority who decides their truth and usefulness. Encouraging spiritual personalization, experimentation and deciding what is true for you is just one of the many qualities of Evolution Spirituality. Please feel free to take, use, adapt any of the ideas of this new spirituality or the evolutionary science that you find to improve your lifestyle, livelihood, personal spirituality and your local spiritual community.)
The Basics of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview:
- What is the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and why is it so important at Universe Spirit? (B)
- What are the practical benefits of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)
- Who are the Thinkers, Authors and Leaders of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)
- In What Ways is the Universe Evolutionary Worldview growing into a Second Enlightenment for Humanity? (I)
- What are the four key parts of Evolutionary Enlightenment (I).
Other key Universe Evolutionary Worldview Factors:
- What is the Evolutionary Impulse and Evolution's Prime Directive?
- What are the New Universe Principles of Sustainability that are derived from The Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (I)
- What are the roles of the "I", We" and "It" Perspectives within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and at Universe Spirit? (I)
- Why is fair energy exchange critical for a successful life? (B)
- What do you mean by the Universe Evolutionary Worldview goal of a sustainable prosperity for all? (I)
About the Evolutionaries, Planetry Citizens and Universe Citizens of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview:
- What do individuals do that call themselves universe evolutionaries? (I)
- What do Planetary Citizens and Universe Citizens know and do? (I)
- What is a Universe Evolutionary and how do I become a Universe Evolutionary so that I can co-partner with progressive evolution as a proactive agent for planetary improvement? (I)
- Why Most Universe Spirit members eventually also come to see themselves as Planetary Citizens and Universe Citizens. (I)(A)
- What is the relationship between human rights and human responsibilities as planetary and universe citizens? (I)
- What is a universe citizen and what does universe citizenship entail? (I)
- What are the Big Picture perspectives of a Universe Evolutionary and Universe Citizen, click here. (I)
- What are the Big Picture attitudes of a Universe Evolutionary and Universe Citizen, click here. (I)
- What are the Big Picture action principles of a Universe Evolutionary and Universe Citizen, click here. (I)
- The Universe Charter for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Universe Evolutionaries and Universe community members. (I)
- Universe Declaration of Rights for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Evolutionaries and Universe community members. (I)
- Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Evolutionaries and Universe Community Members. (I)
The Universe Community:
- What is The Vision, Principles and Structure of the New Universe Communities (I)
- Why is Progressive Evolution important in the Universe Community? (I)
- What are the practical art-of-living skills taught at Universe Spirit that are essential for a meaningful, successful and sustainable life? (I)
- How does progressive evolution and Universe Community view peace, conflict and crisis? (I)
- What are the spiral meme levels of personal developmental consciousness used in the Universe Community? (A)
- Click here for the codes of ethics and conduct for Universe Community members. (I)
- The Universe College (If you would like to see other online courses in the Department of Sustainability that relate directly or indirectly to becoming a more informed, capable and sustainable universe evolutionary and universe citizen, click the Universe College link.) (B, I and A)
- The Annual Universe Day (B)
- The Universe Institute (A)
- Unissance Social Network (B)
- Our Universe Symbol, click here. (B)
What is Universe Consciousness: