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The Dharma of the Rings: A myth for engaged Buddhism?

More fundamentally, The Lord of the Rings can serve as a Buddhist fable because it is about a spiritual quest. Frodo leaves home not to slay a dragon or win a chest of jewels, but to let go of something. His renunciation of the Ring is not done for any selfish purpose, not even to gain enlightenment, but it nonetheless transforms him spiritually. The quest is to save the world, which makes him a bodhisattva. Frodo’s journey also implies something important about how to understand the "Buddhist Way" today.

An Engaged Quest

Frodo does not have his adventures because he wants to have them. He embarks o­n the quest because it cannot be evaded. The Ring must be destroyed and he is the best o­ne to carry it. There is nothing he hopes to gain from the journey. By the end, he and Sam expect to be destroyed soon after the Ring is cast into the Fire and that almost happens. Their total renunciation is a powerful metaphor. They let go of all personal ambition, although not the ambition to do what is necessary to help others.

Frodo’s quest is not an attempt to transcend Middle-earth, by realising some higher reality. He is simply responding to its needs, which because of historical circumstances (the growing power of Sauron) have become critical, as they have also become for us today, o­n our beleaguered earth. The larger world has begun to impinge o­n his (and our) shire. If Frodo were to decline the task and hide at home, he would not escape the dangers that threaten. Is our situation today any different?

So is Frodo’s journey a spiritual quest, or a struggle to help the world? In The Lord of the Rings they are the same thing. Frodo "real-ises" (makes real) his own non-duality with the world by doing everything he can to help it. And by doing what he can to transform it, Frodo transforms himself. That is how his selflessness is developed. Frodo does not change because he destroys the Ring. He changes because of his tireless efforts to destroy the Ring. His early adventures o­n the road to Rivendell test and toughen him, giving him courage to be the Ringbearer. His own strength of will and heart grows from these encounters, teaching him self-reliance and developing into his unassuming heroic stature.

Gandalf cannot accompany Frodo and Sam all the way. The plot requires him to fall away, so that they can grow into the role they need to play. Gandalf sacrifices himself defending his colleagues and disappears to undergo his own psychic death and resurrection. Appropriately, that occurs deep in the mines of Moria. Is the same true for our own spiritual paths? No matter how wise and compassionate our teachers may be, they cannot walk the path for us. As our meditations take us down into the dark unconscious of our own minds, we disturb our own deepest fears and must face them ourselves.

The Karma of the Rings

Middle-earth is a Buddhist world because it is structured karmically: good intentions lead to good results, while evil intentions are self-defeating. This Buddhist-like principle of moral causation is o­ne of the keys to the plot, recurring again and again.

It is easy enough to see how good intentions are rewarded, but the reverse consequences of bad intentions are just as important. The best example is of course, Gollum. He does not want to help Frodo and Sam. He wants to get his hands o­n the Ring and to gain the chance to do this, he must help them time and again. When they are lost he leads them to Mordor, when they become stuck, he shows them a mountain path. And at the end, when an exhausted Frodo is no longer able to renounce the Ring, Gollum appears o­nce more to bite off Frodo’s finger - and fall into the fiery pit.

In Middle-earth this karmic law works as inexorably as gravity, but, as we know all too well, karma does not work so neatly in our world. Evil often seems to succeed, at least in the short run; goodness has a harder time prevailing. "Here is perhaps the basic difference between the moral structures of Tolkien’s world and our own. We know that intention has nothing to do with result" (Helms, 75).

According to Buddhism, however, intention has a lot to do with results. But karma should not be understood as some inevitable calculus of moral cause and effect, because it is not primarily a teaching about how to control what the world does to us. It is about our own spiritual development: how our lives are transformed by transforming our motivations.

This was the Buddha’s great insight, in an Iron Age India that understood morality in more mechanical ways. Karma is not something I have, it is what I am, and what I am changes according to what I choose to do. This is implied by the Buddhist emphasis o­n non-self. "I" (re)construct myself by what I intentionally do. My sense of self is a precipitate of my habitual ways of thinking, feeling and acting. Just as my body is composed of the food I eat, so my character is constructed by my conscious choices. People are "punished" or "rewarded" not for what they have done but for what they have become, and what we intentionally do is what makes us what we are.

Sow a thought and reap a deed
Sow a deed and reap a habit
Sow a habit and reap a character
Sow a character and reap a destiny

This understanding of karma does not necessarily involve an afterlife. As Spinoza expressed it, happiness is not the reward of virtue but virtue itself. To become a different kind of person is to experience the world in a different way. When your mind changes, the world changes. And when you respond differently to the world, the world responds differently to you.

The Karma of Power

What is the Ring? Its magnetic-like attraction is a profound symbol for the karma of power. We think we use the Ring, but when we use it, it is actually using us, it changes us – the essential karmic insight. Power corrupts, and the absolute power of the Ring corrupts absolutely.

Power wants to be used. The Ring has a will of its own. It gets heavier. It wants Frodo to slip it o­n his finger. If he were to do this, though, it would corrupt him, as it corrupted Sauron and Gollum. Gollum is Frodo’s alter ego, a constant reminder to Frodo of what he could become.

Traditional Buddhism has not had much to say about power. Today, however, the primary challenge for socially engaged Buddhism is the individual and collective craving for power, which like Midas destroys whatever it touches (money as congealed power). In The Lord of the Rings lust for power motivates the greed, ill will and delusions that drive the plot. Sauron rules a totalitarian and imperialistic state. Saruman transforms his domain into a fearsome military machine. Defeated, he slinks off to the shire, where he introduces an ecologically destructive industrial revolution. These are the three enemies that are fought and defeated. But are they the same thing: different expressions of the will to power over Middle-earth and its creatures?

In our world, too, it is not so much physical craving as lust for power that motivates the greed, ill will and delusion now endangering the earth and our societies. People have always craved power, but our situation has become grave today because, thanks to modern technologies, there is so much more power to crave and use; and, thanks to modern institutions, that power tends to function in impersonal ways which assume a life of their own.

Transnational corporations and stock markets institutionalise greed (never enough consumption or profit) in a world where centralised bureaucratic states unleash institutionalised ill will (horrific military aggression) in pursuit of their "national interests", while under the guise of globalisation, ever more sophisticated technologies are deployed to extend the institutionalised delusion that "dualises" us from the earth (by commodifying, exploiting, and laying waste to its furthest corners). Today they are the Mordor that threatens our future.

Our collective attempt to dominate the earth technologically is related to the disappearance of the sacred. If we can no longer rely o­n God to take care of us, we must secure ourselves, by subduing nature until it meets all our needs and satisfies all of our purposes – which is, of course, never. Because our efforts to exploit the earth’s resources are damaging it so much, the fatal irony is that our attempt to secure ourselves may destroy us. Is there a better example of institutionalised delusion? We are o­ne with the earth. When the biosphere becomes sick, we become sick. If the biosphere dies, so do we. A technological Ring of Power is not the solution to these problems.

By David Loy
September 16, 2004
This article is based o­n a talk - "The Dharma of the Rings? Tolkien's Buddhist Myth" - given by David Loy at the University of Sydney, September 9, 2004.

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