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The Home of Evolutioneers

Global Governance: A Declaration Of The Value Of Global Governance

WE hold these truths to be self-evident,

- that the world can be made a better place through the evolution of consciousness and culture,

- that we each have a responsibility of care and compassion for others and for the natural and cultural environments in which we live,

- that in order to fulfill these responsibilities and to secure the blessings of world peace, justice, and prosperity, it is necessary to institute a new form of global governance deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed,

WE, the free citizens of planet earth, thus affirm the need for a system of global governance founded on the values of integral consciousness, which include:

The value of the universal family of humanity;

The value of individual freedom and personal autonomy;

The values of decency, honesty, and respect for traditions;

The values of progress, prosperity, and economic development;

The values of multiculturalism, environmentalism, and egalitarianism;

The value of the channel of evolution as a whole -- the system through which individuals and societies develop.

WE, the undersigned, therefore solemnly publish and declare our intent to work toward the establishment of a limited, democratic, federal, integral world government; so that through this organization, we can begin to solve the global problems of war, hunger, poverty, disease, injustice, terrorism, environmental degradation, unfettered corporate globalization, ignorance, and despair.

The Integral World Government website also contains the following educational essays:

What Is Integral World Government?
What Is Integral Consciousness?
Achieving World Government in Our Lifetimes
Responses to Arguments Against World Government

Please have a look at the Integral World Government website, and if you feel so moved, sign the petition – one person can make a difference.

© 2004 Steve McIntosh, The Project for Integral World Federation, 1638 Pearl Street, Boulder CO, 80302. (303) 530-9028 x. 222. info@integralworldgovernment.org

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