(Special Update 4.5.23: We recommend starting reading about our Universe Eco-communities here first. It will take you to our newer website. This overview contains the most updated information on the Universe Eco-community model, such as its qualities, launch dates, and how to join.
Please do not continue reading this online booklet until you have reviewed our eco-community updates starting on this page.)
The best chance of surviving a global warming-triggered Great Global Collapse and the unavoidable extinction of much of humanity by mid-century is by being a part of a well-prepared, well-designed eco-community. Many pages on our two websites will help you create these critically needed new eco-communities in the safest possible locations and recruit community members with the best qualities to weather the many storms ahead.
Our organization's major goal is to support the creation of many new eco-communities of Evolutioneers in global warming safer locations. To reach this goal, we have provided essential information for this eco-community-building effort. The information on our eco-community pages was designed to help you prepare for, adapt to, and survive the rapidly accelerating global warming emergency and the steady worsening of our 11 other major global crises.
Building new Universe styled eco-communities is vital because individuals, small family groups, or clans will not be large enough or able to provide enough resources or backup defense necessary to make it through the later stages of the great global collapse and post-collapse transitional dark age. Only those sustainable eco-communities that are well-prepared, well-defended, and that have the deepest emotional, philosophical, and shared spiritual ties will have the physical, psychological, and spiritual resilience needed to survive the horrors and difficult daily decisions they will be forced to make to survive.
Both Job One for Humanity and its sister website Universe Spirit will provide this critical physical, psychological, and spiritual information these new eco-communities need. (Job One will focus on the physical and emotional aspects of being well prepared and adapting to what is coming, and Universe Spirit will focus on the equally important best philosophical and spiritual common ties and vision needed in these new communities.)
This complete spectrum of physical, psychological, and spiritual information will give these new communities a fighting and good chance to make it through the Great Global Collapse to build a better world from the painful lessons learned (the Great Global Rebirth.) We also will provide open-source information to help your new community understand the multi-threat global emergency we all now face due to the worsening of global warming, worsening the world's other 11 major global crises.
Hopefully, many individuals and businesses will use our information to:
a. help slow global warming,
b. make emergency preparations for global warming and the world's other 11 major global crises, and
c. adapt to them so they can survive and learn from the coming painful lessons.
If the lessons of the Great Global Collapse are learned, those lessons can become the foundation of a new and Great Global Rebirth. (Both Job One and Universe Spirit are also actively forwarding the many positive possibilities of the Great Global Rebirth.
We support creating as many new sustainable eco-communities as possible even if they do not use the same ethical, philosophical, or spiritual models from the Universe Eco-communities discussed below and on subsequent pages. Only by having many of these new communities can we really hope that at least some of them will survive.
And finally, creating these new Universe eco-communities in global warming safer areas is best done by younger individuals in their 20s and 30s. However, if you are older and already living in a global warming safer place, creating a new Universe eco-community could work for you as well.
Thank you for reviewing the following information about the new Universe eco-community model and our four different types of Universe communities. You likely are reading about our eco-community model because you are a progressive person and have observed that things in the world are not going well right now. You see the accelerating effects of things like:
a. the escalating climate emergency,
b. these other 11 converging, escalating, and dangerous major global crises which the world now faces.
c. widening inequality and injustice.
d. the increasing chances of a global recession or depression,
e. serious governmental failures to protect us, or
f. the Covid-19 pandemic and future pandemics.,
Maybe it is only your intuition quietly nagging you that you and your loved ones need to make some reasonable changes to prepare for a world that looks like it is getting worse at least temporarily. Maybe it's your intuition suggesting that you need to make some reasonable changes to prepare for what will likely be a bumpy and dangerous future ahead.
We are not survivalists or believers that the end of humanity, civilization, or the world is close to certain. But, reviewing our Universe community information and other emergency preparation-related information will help you create a safer and more secure future and help reduce the anxiety about making it through our many coming global and regional crises.
This information will also help you create the many benefits of a sustainable and equitable lifestyle and livelihood needed to survive today's dangers and the rising dangers of the following decades.
Our organization also uses what we learned from our many societal mistakes. From this information, we have evolved a successful new eco-community model that will be tested over time and can be used by others.
Reading about the Universe community on the following pages will also help you decide if you want to become a member. You may even discover that you already hold many of our Universe Community core values!
Our fundamental goal in creating these new communities is to bring together caring and progressive individuals with similar science-grounded worldviews in a mutually supportive relationship. This union will give us a better collective chance to survive and thrive through pending and future crises.
The core goals of the new Universe Communities are:
1. Prepare the community and individuals within it for what is coming. (See Part 1 of the Job One plan.)
2. Have the community and individuals within it start adapting to what is coming. Hence, they are as sustainable as they can be. (See Part 2 of the Job One Plan.)
3. Keep Pushing our governments to do what is necessary to slow down what is now unavoidable and prepare themselves for the coming catastrophes. (See Part 3 and Part 4 of the Job One Plan.)
4. Have each community build an archive of the most useful post-collapse information so survivors do not have to "reinvent the human knowledge wheel." These archives also would include as much of humanity's art, culture, and literature in digital form.
5. Make all additional preparations needed so that these new eco-communities can survive a post-collapse dark age that could last decades to centuries.
6. Do everything needed so that these eco-communities become "beacons of light" of a better future. They will be the preservers, examples, and promoters of the new vision and actions needed to eventually create the Great Global Rebirth.
Our new eco-communities will also align well with the UN's current global sustainable development goals. The illustration below will give you a quick snapshot of much of what we value.
Please bear with the first few pages of the Universe Community online booklet. They deal with very unsettling but necessary facts about the escalating global warming emergency as well as the other 11 major global challenges that we ALL now face.
Why are New Eco-communities Needed for the Challenges and Crises of Today's World?
A new "bigger picture" evolutionary understanding, vision, and vehicle for humanity's ecological, economic, social, and political future are needed because of the rapidly increasing threat to survival from today's biggest escalating global challenges. Click here to read about these critical regional, national, and global challenges before reading the rest of this online booklet!
Now that you have read about our biggest global challenges and the very real potential for global collapse, it is easier to understand why our organization is acting with a high sense of urgency to:
Any one of the current regional, national, and global challenges found in this document, by themselves, can create a local, regional, national, or global emergency of an unprecedented scale and is a good enough reason to be prepared for what is coming! Additionally, our older, less evolved tools, systems, and structures are simply no longer working well enough for humanity or the planet to cope with these rapidly escalating challenges.
Consequently, the current well-being and survival of humanity itself is in peril. We must immediately begin experimenting and implementing new, more effective structures, systems, and tools!
"Other than immediate thermonuclear war, accelerating global warming IS THE most likely catalytic source and multiplier and amplifier of our other global crises for what could likely turn out to be the greatest tragedy in all of human history! No existing emergency preparedness program, government, NGO, or international organization is even remotely close to being prepared for or capable of recovering from the large-scale convergence, whipsawing, and amplification of almost all of Earth's greatest global challenges fueled and accelerated by the keystone threat multiplier of accelerating global warming. This convergence of global challenges is the 'perfect storm of perfect storms' and the most likely death spiral initiator for the human species within our lifetimes." --Lawrence Wollersheim
The Universe Spirit community views the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview as our best science-grounded system, structure, tool, and new model. This new worldview will help us make the life-critical systemic and structural improvements or the other re-alignments in our lives and livelihoods that are urgently needed for the difficult future we all now face.
This new Universe Evolutionary Worldview provides the next logical evolutionary design and structural alternative and advance beyond the current vision of our societies and their current life systems. It also offers an amazing vision and new toolset for evolving life toward more meaningful, sustainable, and happy living based on:
a.) evolution science,
b.) enlightened consumerism,
c.) minimal waste and pollution,
d.) a new cooperative triple bottom line for sustainable profit (for all stakeholders, the community, and the environment) and,
e.) the creation of satisfying and sustainable prosperity and the truth we are all living in an interconnected and interdependent union whether we know it or not.
And finally, if you do agree with the proceeding perspectives or feel some intuitive congruence with the high urgency for building many new eco-communities as potentially well-suited survivors of any emergency or crisis we must endure, please continue onto the later pages of this booklet. There are many other important reasons for building these new eco-communities at this time besides preparing for possible global or regional emergencies.
The links below or to the left and right on subsequent pages will take you to the rest of the Universe Community online booklet. The pages of this booklet contain important new information on the global warming emergency and the details and benefits of the Universe Spirit Community, how it works, how to join etc.
There are ten pages in this online booklet. It has been viewed almost 12,000 times.
Last Update 4.4.23
There are many reasons for creating the new Universe community vision, but among them, the accelerating global warming threat and the worsening of the other 11 major global crises are among the best.
To see the details on this, see the following links on our sister website Job One for Humanity:
1. Today's nine most critical facts about climate change and global warming.
2. Are we in an extinction and collapse process caused by government failures to resolve global warming and the 11 other critical global crises?
Of all of the 12 global challenges discussed above, accelerating global warming is the biggest multiplier and amplifier and the most immediate and probable trigger for the greatest chain reaction of whipsawing ecological, economic, social, and political systems collapse in all of human history.
Even if climate destabilization did not exist, the above-described global crises are reason enough to get prepared and have a community team around you that you can genuinely rely on.
The list of challenges above implies to the wise that establishing prepared and safe micro-communities to survive the coming challenges and model sustainability success is NOW! (Keep in mind it takes years to solidly establish these new communities and get them sustainability ready for what is coming.)
Keep reading. There is much more. The links at the bottom of each page of this booklet allow you to go forward or back one page.
Last Update 4.4.23
Our current systems won't do the job of solving the many global and national challenges facing us. This is:
a.) because humanity has not yet evolved an effective world government structure and system with enforcement, legislative and judicial powers to cross national boundaries to resolve the many global challenges that we now face on behalf of the collective interests and benefit of humanity as a whole.
b.) because current systems are already so non-adaptive or powerfully resistant to change or controlled by ill-informed, isolated, or exclusively self-serving nations, businesses, or super-wealthy individuals. And,
c.) because too much of the general population is in a state of continual distraction or uninterested stupor from which they will not likely be awakened --- even when climate destabilization catastrophes start costing from 1/2 to one trillion dollars per catastrophe.
To resolve our current national and global challenges, humanity's evolution must, unfortunately, first go deeper into the current evolutionary bottleneck and then (because humanity is not listening to the feedback and adapting) descend into another necessary evolutionary compression and possible retrogression. Possibly only after this very painful compression or retrogression can humanity hit its collective "rock bottom." After hitting rock bottom, it can then more realistically hope to go through the critical, self-organized restructuring and re-alignment of humanity's most maladaptive economic, political, social (and even religious) systems and institutions.
We believe that what is here now is the evolutionary bottleneck. What is coming in the deepening evolutionary compression will be so harmful, painful, and destructive that you (or your children) cannot be safe or survive its consequences alone.
To be prepared, safe, and survive escalating catastrophic climate destabilization and the world's other climate-related and climate-magnified psychological and physical challenges, it will be absolutely essential to become part of or create a specialized mutual support eco-community of like-minded, well-prepared individuals. These communities and their members will then come to your aid, support, and "have your back" as things temporarily worsen before they eventually and hopefully get better.
If most of us are going to suffer to various degrees no matter what because of the currently unmanaged escalating climate destabilization and the other converging global challenges as it now appears, it is better to have the humor, balance, and safety support of a like-minded, support community with the needed preparedness and complimentary life or life-crisis skills to help lessen such unavoidable suffering. Those that are part of a prepared, mutually supporting, and cooperating community are the ones most likely to survive into the later stages of catastrophic, irreversible, or near extinction-level climate destabilization and have any life quality and safety that still also has a strong measure of love, humor, balance, happiness and cooperative trusting relationships left within it!
In the worsening conditions of escalating climate destabilization converging then multiplying the other global and national challenges previously mentioned, these specialized communities will also still be geared to helping you find ways to still develop and grow as a person, enjoy your life, heal, and take the time to cultivate and enjoy relationships and the other non-materialistic dominated pleasures. This is because the rewards and joys of the inner life, as well as community life, may be the most (or the only) available remaining pleasures because of worsening climate destabilization and its consequent resource-limiting conditions.
How Universe Communities Become A New Hope for the Future:
This new kind of evolutionary self-organizing universe community is even more essential for the time when hopefully, humanity is finally successfully mitigating and surviving the escalating climate destabilization compression, possible retrogression, and all of the previously mentioned converging global challenges. If we are successful in mitigating and surviving the climate destabilization catastrophes, the possible extinction-level climate destabilization, and the great evolutionary bottleneck and evolutionary regression that we now face, as well as our other converging global challenges, the new Universe Communities as proven sustainability incubators and testing centers have a chance to play a critical and vital role in modeling our planet's new future and successful recovery.
This is important because when a society goes into a severe crisis, severe compression, retrogression, or near collapse, it almost always goes into martial law with a subsequent loss of human rights. It then often makes desperate "survival for the chosen few" fear-based or panicked choices that generally worsen the retrogression rather than improve the conditions that those choices try to resolve or improve. These desperate survival-first, fear-based or panicked choices also typically greatly extend the length of time it takes to return to social normalcy and get out of the evolutionary compression and potential retrogression.
If (or when) the general society goes into crisis breakdown, martial law, or panic mode, the experimental Universe Communities filled with informed and effective Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Citizens from all over the world will be both the experimental evolutionary "islands of hope and success" and the new and proven leadership demonstrating a more sustainable, re-structured and evolution re-aligned way to live successfully and to move forward. These Universe community successful experiments will be the proven sustainability examples of the evolutionary new structure and re-alignment that is critical for future sustainable and meaningful, and just human survival. The Universe communities could very well be the critically essential new "beacons of light" at the juncture of the deepest crisis for humanity.
These evolutionary community "islands," with their new leaders of hope teaching new principles of sustainable survival for humanity, will then come forward at that most vital time and demonstrate the new way to live so that, hopefully, the remaining society does not retrogress even more deeply. These proven new model leaders and their Universe communities will be the successful examples of the difficult new structural and re-alignment choices needed to be made at these moments of immense evolutionary crisis/opportunity.
This new community example and leadership then act to help the macro-culture and society once again move forward toward a sustainable and thriving future that will be brighter than ever before because of:
a.) having successfully passed through climate destabilization and other system crisis,
b.) having abandoned the old non-sustainable systems and,
c.) having learned new, more sustainable ways aligned with progressive universe evolution.
The links at the bottom of each page of this booklet allow you to go forward or back one page.
Last Updated 4.4.23
After reviewing all of the scary future consequences concerning the 12 major challenges of our future found on the Universe Spirt and Job One for Humanity websites, it is only fair to wonder if...
are we some survivalists or end-of-the-world preppers, doomers, or supporters of the growing "near term human extinction" or post-doom movements. We are definitively not!
Our focus is education and engaged social activism. However, we are wisely helping to prepare others for the unavoidably painful road ahead created by our previous individual and collective bad decisions.
We also are not techno-optimists or techno-delusionists. We do not believe that magical carbon-sucking unicorns, desperate last-chance geo-engineering, or other delusional techno-miracles will not save us in time or without even worse side effects.
If you must give us a label, you can call us, in part, progressive eco-preppers seeking to create a new model of sustainable eco-communities that live the values and actions that will help rebuild a world of far improved justice and equality for ALL. We are trying to create what will be needed solutions for the world that will survive after we have passed through the hard times ahead.
We do not support the growing premise that total human extinction sometime over the rest of this century is a certainty. Click here to see why total extinction is not probable.
The qualified truth is that --- only if we do not come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets will the likelihood of near-total human extinction rise to an urgent threat level. Furthermore, near-total extinction in this worst-case will take at least another 50-70 years to begin its final phases.
Therefore, all is not lost --- yet! We have some time left (to about 2025) to make critical global fossil fuel reductions.
On the other hand, it is also essential to be candid that many horrendous global warming and other related consequences are already "baked into" our global systems, which are now unavoidable! These many "baked in" consequences will also eventually cause the inevitable die-off of about half of humanity by mid-century.
Because of this cascade of unavoidable coming consequences, we also face the widespread and intensifying collapse of many of our weakest local, regional, and national social and economic systems as we approach the mid-century.
Yes, we face the largest evolutionary challenge in humanity's long history of great survival challenges.
Managing the 12 worst global crises will require nothing less than radical changes to our lifestyles and livelihoods. At the same time, we also will have to vigorously prepare for and adapt to the catastrophic consequences we can no longer prevent.
To learn more about the radical changes in our livelihoods and lifestyles needed to survive and thrive through the coming consequences and post-collapse era, click here first and read about the principles of sustainable prosperity. Next, click the following links to see Part 1 and Part 2 of the Job One for Humanity Plan, which will provide detailed emergency preparation and adaptation steps.
Next, click here to review the four models of sustainable eco-communities we are helping to build worldwide.
Do not mistake us for some survivalist or apocalyptic community concerning our research on the current out-of-control global warming and the other 11 major converging global adaptive challenges facing our collective future.
Our message is simple, proactive, and not the doomer or similar fatalistic messages:
1. "We are a community of activists that believes in learning from our mistakes, being prepared, and being adaptable is a wise evolutionary strategy.
2. We, as humans, are intelligent and adaptive beings, and we can solve or adapt to almost anything.
3. Life on Earth has always found a way to learn, adapt, and survive so. In the last 4.5 billion years of Earth's evolution, life has survived five previous mass extinctions. (See this page for more on life's astonishing evolutionary success.)
4. The future is unknown and full of unpredictable negative and positive wild cards. This means that there is still hope for some part of humanity and our civilization to survive if we quickly execute responsible, intelligent, and effective adaptive actions that will resolve our most pressing global challenges using a "first things first" strategy.
5. When we or future generations do get through our current 12 major global challenges, we will have built something new together that is far better adapted and suitable for achieving a positive and sustainable future for ALL.
6. Despite the rough road ahead, we can still fully enjoy each day (as best as we can, even despite the worsening of these 12 global challenges.)
7. Working together in new sustainable communities (like our Universe Spirit Eco-community model,) we can make our lives as happy and as good as they will get during this temporary retrogression and transition period. And finally,
8. Overcoming this emergency will help us better solve our challenges as one effective and united human family. This experience also will teach us and help us to live the Universe Principles of progressive evolution and sustainable prosperity.
Do not doubt that humanity has reached a monumental evolutionary juncture and we are running out of time to prevent the eventual near-total extinction of humanity. Only a comprehensive mass mobilization by our governments can lessen the coming suffering and save the future.
In our organization, we see ourselves as a new evolutionary eco-community of Evolutioneers and Planetary and Universe Citizens that value the historical wisdom of appropriate threat preparedness and living sustainably to model the new world we want to live in. We are not fear-manipulated or fear-dominated, but we do not ignore data that should trigger positive, protective, and appropriate evolutionary fear reactions.
We will always use the appropriate and positive evolutionary fear warning feedback contained within accurate but survival-negative information to wisely anticipate, prepare, and quickly adapt. We know that it is better to act and save something than not to act and lose everything!
We are not doomers, post-doomers, or preppers who have given up on the future and are living in hiding or resignation. We are sustainability activists still full of hope that we can:
1. face the true urgency of all of our current 12 global crises, resolve what we can, and adapt to what we can't.
2. create the new eco-community model needed for the new behaviors and systems that will resolve today's biggest global problems and become a global basis of a better world for ALL.
Yes, we are also preparing new sustainable eco-communities for this human-created crisis and this temporary and transitional "evolutionary bottleneck and retrogression." We are doing this solely because the facts clearly show that many of our global systems are in a severe challenge or nearing critical tipping points with no or low remaining recovery resilience.
To the discerning evaluator and researcher, both human history and the current worsening 12 global challenges indicate that our lives will continue to get worse with little realistic hope of correction until the chain reaction of cascading multiple global catastrophes and crossed tipping points shake us awake to the need for drastic evolutionary change toward more sustainable livelihoods and lifestyles.
We hold that the main unrecognized threats for today and the future are that:
1. other than nuclear war, the main accelerator and driver of humanity's near-total extinction is now global warming.
2. the world still does not realize that when the climate system goes over its extinction-triggering tipping points, there is nothing you can do to stop the physics and mathematics of the consequences of those tipping points from manifesting their deadly consequences. (How soon we will cross the extinction-triggering global warming tipping points is described here.)
Once you realize the hard reality of where we are...
Keeping our dangerous global threats in an appropriate time perspective is also critical to avoid counter-productive panic. Depending on your current location, you should still have enough time to prepare for and adapt to the myriad of now unavoidable global warming consequences. It is wholly appropriate to feel fear at this dangerous juncture in the evolution of humanity because of the many known consequences of accelerating global warming and the worsening of these 11 additional global crises.
While generalized fear or panic often paralyzes, there are positive evolutionary reasons why the emotion of fear exists. The positive use of fear exists for those times when there are REAL threats to your survival. Positive fear mobilizes the observant and wise to act before it is too late!
To support the positive and wise use of fear relating to global warming and other consequences (from these 11 other global crises,) click here to review the most up-to-date consequence timeframes to use in your survive and thrive planning.
The good timeline news here is simple. If we, at least, get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, we can still prevent near-total human extinction. If we do not, we begin crossing too many additional extinction-triggering tipping points far too fast to prevent the very worst consequences of runaway global warming, multiplying the worsening effects of the other 11 major global crises.
In Summary
We believe that it is important not to hide these reasonable and rational facts and high probabilities.
We believe there is a real urgency to prepare for what is soon unavoidable.
We are not detached survivalists. We have engaged sustainability advocates, progressive eco-preppers and eco-community builders, and Evolutioneers, and Planetary Citizens.
We can make it through this great evolutionary transition period, capture the once-in-a-generation opportunity from the coming collective catharsis, and then use that motivational energy for change to make long-overdue and critically needed improvements to our social systems!
We can rebuild our social systems based upon sustainable and limited growth for ALL vs. the cancer-like concepts of uncontrolled growth or unlimited growth for the few.
We believe in whole-heartedly working for the best possible future while at the same time wisely being prepared for the worst possible temporary human transition period.
We can fully prepare for the worst and then "forget" about those preparations while focusing and wholeheartedly working for the best!
We can hold that actively saving all we can is far better than inactively saving nothing.
We can hold that some of us will prepare, adapt, survive and thrive once again if we act wisely. We should not give up the appropriate amount of rational hope that remains.
The history of life evolving on Earth strongly supports the premise that some of us will survive. (See this page for the big-picture view of evolution on Earth.)
We envision that establishing new sustainable eco-communities worldwide will play an essential role in securing humanity's long-term survival and establishing the new sustainable prosperity for ALL vision for the post-widespread collapse world.
We will deal with our 12 global challenges by using only peaceful and evolutionary means.
No matter how bad it gets, we can still find daily enjoyment and joy in our relationships and life experiences.
We are post-collapse thrivers! There will be many surprise benefits for executing the Job One for Humanity Plan to deal with the global mess we have created for ourselves! And,
We can together create a long-term future for humanity and our civilization. And, if we are wise and work together, someday we or our children will successfully evolve both here on Earth and eventually out into the stars.
And finally, even if the accelerating global warming emergency and the convergence of it with humanity's 11 other key global challenges were somehow resolved in the next 30 to 50 years or turned out to be not as bad as currently is predicted by our best scientists, the new sustainable eco-communities which we are co-creating would function even better and more joyously on their other main goals of helping to co-create the necessary restructuring and re-alignment of society to create:
a,) a sustainable prosperity for ALL of humanity,
b.) a just and equitable civilization,
c.) thriving and meaning-filled individuals and eco-communities --- all of which align with and forward the progressive evolution of life in the universe.
For the last 12 years, our organization has been working on a plan called the Job One for Humanity Plan. It is called that because that is precisely what it is; humanity's job number one to survive and thrive.
The good news is that if we want to survive and lessen the coming suffering, we must execute this plan (or something like it) NOW.
For additional support and evaluation
1. Please use the 40-plus warning signs found on this page to monitor the worsening of our 12 major global crises. Print them out. Watch for the news to see them unfold one-by-one until we take full responsibility for the mess we have created by our individual and collective bad decisions.
2. If you need help processing the facts on this page emotionally, we have two pages to get you through the typical reactions of anger, grief, denial, sadness, etc. The first page covers the challenging emotional process that most people will go through after realizing that we provide an accurate, big-picture view of their future risks and probabilities.
Next, see this page on the surprising benefits of accepting the challenge of fixing it. This benefits page has been viewed over a million times.
This page has been replaced with this page. We recommend starting reading about our Universe Eco-communities Vision Principles and values here first. This overview contains the most updated information on the Universe Eco-community model, such as its qualities, launch dates, and how to join.
Please click the image below and join us!
The links at the bottom of each page of this booklet allow you to go forward or back one page.
Last Updated 4.5.23 This page has also been updated and superseded by this page. The page below will give you some history on the decades-long development of our eco-community models.
We operate as a cooperative that shares our cooperative benefits based on work merit and responsibility levels.
"Fully enjoying life now while also being fully prepared to adapt to what is coming" is our unofficial slogan.
Here are some of the ways we achieve this.
The four types of Universe communities allow members can live in our centers in community, in intentional self-created local co-housing or, they can live independently in their own local housing and still participate in activities and events within our local communities. (At our centers for any community housing that may be available, sometimes full or partial work exchanges are available to qualified individuals.)
Mutual benefits within the community can range from sharing preparedness information and resources, bulk discount buying, sharing tools and equipment, sharing specific technical skills (medical, legal, etc.,) or sharing common tasks such as cooking, cleaning, maintenance, community gardening, etc. Members choose their level of involvement. It can be at the level of simple shared mutual buying or other benefits or a deeper level of commitment and participation in co-creating our vision.
Members pay monthly dues based on the number of benefits each member receives and shares within the community, i.e., bulk buying, discounts on community events, etc. All initial memberships are provisional for three months up to one year (based upon the type of membership,) and until existing members vote on the granting of full membership rights to provisional members.
Because commitments and contribution are essential to the success in all authentic communities new members are required to make community service and support commitments appropriate to the level of the community membership that they have chosen. If they hold full-time positions within the community they will also share in the communities income based on their work merit and responsibility.
Our Core Values, Principles, and Practices:
We use current science to understand reality objectively, and then we use this reality-congruent knowledge to create the most optimal and practical reality-grounded approaches to living and solving the challenges of life. This inherently makes us a community of continuous learning and ongoing member education as the prime launch point and central hub from which the success of all our other values and actions spring or come into being.
Our community's core guiding operational values, principles, and action practices are based upon the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview and are called the Universe Principles of Sustainability. This new worldview and its science-based action and attitudinal principles present a new way to see and be and enhance justice in the world. The links below will take you to the action and attitudinal parts of the Universe Principles of Sustainability. When you read these principles, you will also see many of our community's core values expressed in each principle.
To see the Big Picture core action principles of a Universe Community member, click here.
To see the Big Picture foundational attitudes and perspectives of a Universe Community member, click here.
To see more about how to co-create a sustainable prosperity revolution, click here.)
For an advanced-level overview of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview and the principles of progressive evolution that create the core principles behind our Universe community vision, click here.
For more information on the key qualities or tools a self-organizing individual possesses, click here.
For an excellent and more detailed summary description of the non-evolution science values, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics of mature and developed Universe Community members and leaders, see the book Spiral Dynamics, Mastering values, leadership, and change by Don Edward Beck and Christopher C. Cowan. See the two sections that describe the "yellow meme" individual and the "turquoise meme" individual.
Our Similarities to Other Intentional Communities
Most intentional community agendas focus on personal development and happiness or personal healing or all of these things simultaneously. While Universe communities also contain these essential elements that are parts of any healthy community they are more secondary goals in our community. Our primary focus is first on our member learning and then on teaching others how to create:
a.) a sustainable prosperity based on evolution science,
b.) a safe, just, and secure civilization and,
c.) thriving and meaning-filled individual lives and communities, and all of which above,
d.) align with and forward the progressive evolution of life and the universe.
More than anything else, one could easily say that at our core, we are a lifelong learning and teaching intentional community focused on our primary focus above. Our most valuable current exchange with the macro culture is our educational services relating to the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview, the principles of sustainable prosperity, and our work in teaching and promoting the Job One for Humanity climate change solutions.
Our Model for Ethical Income Creation and Productivity Exchange with Outside Communities:
Every individual, group, and community must exchange energy and productivity with others to keep from violating the second law of thermodynamics, a basic driver throughout evolution. Universe communities, primarily educational, achieve the goal of ethical income creation and productivity exchange with outside communities by offering classes on and offline. These classes are created for members of the local universe community as well as individuals, businesses, communities, and even governmental organizations outside that particular local universe community.
The classes focus on teaching the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and how to use its principles and tools. These classes also teach essential art-of-living skills, which are not normally taught in today's homes or educational institutions. Click here to see more about these essential art-of-living skills. Each local universe community sets its own prices for the costs of the classes and services it provides to community members and individuals, and organizations outside the community.
Our Personal Development Models:
For a good basic understanding of how we view the basics of the positive and natural development of human beings and cultural collectives, first see the Spiral Dynamics model of cultural value and meme development by Don Beck.
For a deeper understanding of how we view the basics of the full possibilities of individual and collective socio-emotional and cognitive development, also see in particular:
1.) Measuring Hidden Dimensions: the Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults by Otto Laske. (For the socio-emotional side for understanding possible and potential socio-emotional human development levels.)
2.) Measuring Hidden Dimensions of Human Systems Foundations of Requisite Organization also by Otto Laske. (For the cognitive side of understanding the levels of possible and potential cognitive and dialectical meta-systemic human development.)
3.) The integral human potential developmental models of Ken Wilber.
4.) Finally, click here to see the master list of the integral and practical art-of-living skills that are or will be taught. These additional skills are aligned with the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview and our sustainable prosperity mission to help Universe community members reach their full socio-emotional, cognitive, and life skills developmental potentials.
Our Health and Wellness Perspectives:
We believe in creating both a healthy interior and exterior environment. Our sustainable prosperity actions and Universe Principles describe how we create exterior environmental health. To create interior personal health, we support harmful chemical-free good nutrition, physical fitness, stress management, relationship quality, as well as exploring some humanistic or spiritual exploration for deeper meaning depending on one is of a spiritual nature.
Our Community Thinking and Decision-Making Systems:
Universe Communities use, teach and integrate the following four modern, postmodern, and evolutionary thinking systems:
a.) rational/analytical used in scientific experimentation,
b.) systems thinking and
c.) meta-systemic dialectical thinking.
d.) integral multi-perspectivalism
Our Community Decision-Making Structure: (This section is not longer applicable as we are evolving a new form of full democratic engagement here.)
We use a simple majority consensus method of decision-making for many issues within the community. For issues involving evolving our foundational goals and vision, we require a 3/4 supermajority of non-provisional members. T
Our Ethical, Behavioral, and "Constitutional" Structure:
Every community needs a basic constitutional structure based on sound principles and an accurate understanding of reality. For this minimal essential structure, we have developed and discovered many evolutionary principles, created a formalized code of ethics and conduct from them as well as constructed many other guiding models for creating and maintaining healthy individual and collective boundaries and for the means and ways in which we will achieve our goals.
Members of our community first study the particular codes of conduct which are most appropriate to their level of development and responsibility within our community. After that, they carefully study and evaluate the codes of conduct and then make personal commitments to live these codes (and, in some cases, our values and ideals,) to the best of their abilities. The willingness of community members to make clear and open personal commitments to the community vision, value standards, and acceptable behaviors is one of the most important factors that creates and empowers the community culture, particularly in the areas of its effectiveness, empathetic cohesion, and authenticity.
Click here for the full codes of ethics and conduct for Universe Community members.
Members of our community have real responsibilities, and as members make real commitments to the community, Click here to learn about those responsibilities. The community also has responsibilities and commitments to its members.
Click here for a list of traditional, modern, post-modern, and evolutionary virtues promoted in Universe Communities. Universe Communities are a dynamic incubator for the balanced development of virtue within an evolutionary context.
For our position paper on healthy sexuality among community members, click here.
For more of our other administrative principles and position papers in our community, see our extensive FAQ by clicking here.
If you are familiar with software technology, in many ways, you could say that the Universe community treats the Universe Evolutionary Worldview as the structural "kernel" of our Universe community's open-source core principles and structure.
About Our Members and Leaders:
We believe in qualified members and leaders with just the minimum hierarchy necessary to facilitate a healthy and efficient community environment. To become a member, leader, teacher, or facilitator in our community means that one is qualified for that level of membership/leadership and that they have earned those positions by the merit of their education and previous successful activities and experience.
Good leaders understand the area of their leadership, have successful experience in those areas, and, if great, have high cognitive development, socio-emotional development, and maturity. Two books that clearly define the qualities of high-caliber membership leadership that we seek and promote and that meet these criteria are:
1.) On the social-emotional side of membership or leadership; Measuring Hidden Dimensions: the Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults by Otto Laske. (Our leaders strive to reach the S4/S5 socio-emotional/maturity levels of Laske's socio-emotional developmental model.)
2.) On the cognitive side of membership or leadership; Measuring Hidden Dimensions of Human Systems Foundations of Requisite Organization also by Otto Laske. (In addition to well-trained logical and systems thinking skills our leaders strive to reach the levels of full meta-systemic dialectical thinking as described by Laske's in his second book listed here.)
Our members and leaders are or are close to becoming world-centric or universe centric in cultural meme development. The yellow or turquoise meme in the Spiral Dynamics model of cultural value development.
If you are of a Spiritual Nature, We have a New form of Religion 2.0, a Science-Grounded, Personal Spirituality we Call Evolution Spirituaity:
Evolution Spirituality is "the trans-denominational, secular meta-religion of evolution." It is practiced as a personal spiritual form by some, but not all spiritual Universe community members. Depending upon their member makeup, some Universe Communities will have almost no Evolution Spirituality practices going on, while in other Universe Communities, it is their central focus. Each community determines its own level of interaction with Evolution Spirituality principles and practices. (Please note if you are not spiritually inclined, you can still participate fully in any Universe community.)
Here are some links that will give you more information on Evolution Spirituality:
a.) To see what we hold that constitutes authentic Evolution Spirituality practices, click here. You will be surprised how personal spirituality has evolved. (We even have both spiritual and secular versions of centering meditations which are practiced regularly within our community. These meditations are designed to help to remove biases, keep our members highly aware of the present, and optimized to respond as positively as possible to life's ongoing changes.)
b.) To understand what we mean by saying Evolution Spirituality is a personalizable new form of spirituality, click here.
c.) For an excellent and more detailed summary of the non-evolution science values, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics of mature and developed Universe Community members and leaders, click here to see Fower's Fourth Stage of Universalizing Faith.
d.) Click here for a detailed overview of all the key information on Evolution Spirituality.
e.) For information on how we keep this new personal spirituality from getting unsafe, check out our Spiritual Safeguards.
f.) One of our most valued tools that are used in this new form of personal, evolution-grounded spirituality is the principles contained within our Open Source Spirituality Manifesto.
g.) Evolution Spirituality is also an entirely new form of trans-denominational and omni-denominational meta-spirituality and meta-religion. To find out more about what meta-religion means, click here.
Creativity and Art and the Spiritual Side of the Universe Community:
Click here to see how we value the role and importance of individual and group creativity and art within our community vision.
Our Simple Economic Model
Wages are based on successfully applying the Universe Principles of Sustainability, work merit, quality, and responsibility level. No full-time staff member makes more than ten times what any other full-time staff member makes. The minimum full-time staff income level is always adequate to cover all necessary living basics, including medical, education, housing, food, recreation, and reserves.
The Universe Communities and New Technologies
To see how we use and safely integrate new technologies into our communities, click here.
Our Deepest Constitutional Ideals for All Universe Community Members as Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Citizens:
What is a Planetary Evolutioneer, What is a Universe Citizen?
Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, and Universe Community Members.
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"You do not need anyone's permission or blessing to do good work in the world. You just need to self-organize and get started from where you are with what you have or what you can access." Lawrence Wollersheim
"If you build it, they will come." The movie Field of Dreams
Thirty years of general study and design planning has gone into the core vision of Universe Communities for Planetary Citizens and Universe Citizens. In the spring and summer of 2021, we will begin actively recruiting new members to expand our local community and create new communities and support groups.
We envision the creation of many new, self-organizing, autonomous, sustainable prosperity, safety, and personal well-being forwarding Universe Communities and meet-up groups forming independently all over the planet. This is because many other individuals now also recognize the urgent need for some type of major community, economic, social, and political systems restructuring as well as the re-alignment of those system's principles so that they can actually work fairly for ALL individuals and groups in the globalized new world.
These individuals also deeply sense that because of the worsening climate destabilization due to accelerating global warming and the worsening of these other 11 global crises they must quickly prepare themselves and join or create some kind of new sustainable community or groupings that would come to their mutual support in crisis as well as serve as a "beacon of light" and a successful example of the new model of sustainable prosperity that we all need for a livable future. Because of the urgency of the climate destabilization challenge not to mention the other global systems challenges new models of the necessary restructuring and realignment necessary to resolve these challenges must propagate and replicate quickly. The best way to do that is with the rapid growth and replication that is possible with open source, self-organizing and complex adaptive systems.
These new open-source, autonomous and self-organizing universe communities and groups would act as "parallel processing" type Universe community experiments and diverse local variations and adaptations upon our core vision, principles, and structure. These local Universe Communities and groups also will be uniquely adapted to the micro and macro cultures in which these experimental communities are formed.
To support these newly forming local experimental communities our online classes and materials will be made available in free and open access to those individuals or teams of self-organizing individuals who would like our help and support in creating a new Universe community in their local area.
Truly self-organizing individuals capable of founding or leading new Universe communities are rare and are probably less than 5% of the population. They are highly intelligent, highly motivated, principle-driven, and socio-emotionally mature. To say that they are the best and brightest of society would not be an understatement. (If you are a self-organizing individual, you see the need and value of what we are doing and you want to do something with us, then contact us at manage@universespirit.org and tell us about yourself and where you want to set up a new Universe community.)
Our support will be mainly in free and open access for you and your new community to access our online website materials and our courses at Universe College. As the number of members and autonomous communities grows we will create a Universe community discussion forum where members from Universe communities and groups all over the planet can discuss their communities, their experiments with the Universe community vision, and what does and doesn't work best. We do not have other resources to do more than this so individuals or groups wanting to start their own Universe community or group should have or have access to financial and staff resources that will be needed in the later stages of your community's development.
In the beginning, what is most important is developing or finding compatible, mature, and well-educated individuals to found and lead the local new Universe community. Extensive interpersonal connection and interaction time should be nurtured and enacted long before any physical properties or other resources should be purchased. In many ways, this means getting started should not be resource-intense because most of the community building work is recruiting, educating, and observing interpersonal chemistry and effectiveness in the early stages.
We in the San Francisco mother community also do not manage, motivate or get involved in how you set up or run your local legal, financial, or personnel Universe community issues. These are all for you to self-organize and adapt using our open source "kernel" and our master templates as a model. The only thing we require is that you legally name your community differently from our San Francisco Universe Community.
We trust in the open-source and self-organizing evolutionary principles and methods. If you self-organize a local autonomous Universe community i.e. the Toronto Universe community or the Hong Kong Universe community poorly it will not be sustainable. If you run it unethically, unfairly or not transparently, in true open-source style, members of your community will eventually "fork off" from your community experiment and form a new local Universe community doing things better because the self-organizing open-source model is naturally self-protecting and self-correcting towards the best-adapted experiments to the local conditions.
That is the evolutionary process for how the best adapted and most wisely cooperative autonomous Universe community experiments will thrive and be sustainable models for the macro-culture --- a macro culture that will most likely be going into deeper environmental, economic, and political challenges.
For more information on the key qualities or tools a self-organizing individual possesses, click here.
The Creators of Our Originating Universe Communities
The Universe Community evolution-based model is both a sophisticated and complex new model for intentional and sustainable communities designed for the challenges and current realities of the 21st century. Our first founding communities will require for their creation a far greater portion of the brightest, best, and most emotionally mature and psychologically developed members and leaders to effectively work through the normal "start-up" adaptations and local refinements using our new evolution-based vision and model.
Unfortunately, our evolution-based thriving community model absolutely does require that the first key managing members and leaders of successful Universe Communities are highly self-organizing, self-motivated, well-educated, well-developed, emotionally balanced, and exceptionally bright --- almost to the level of bordering on intellectually gifted. Successful founders are indeed rare individuals.
Our Non-Polarization and Effective Educational Timing Positions:
One last important idea that is highly relevant to Universe Communities, evolution and the climate destabilization crisis bears mention. Universe communities are not here to waste vast amounts of time and resources in polarized fighting with the existing top 1% of the global power structure or to convince them or climate deniers that they must change and fix the global warming crisis.
We believe that this would be mostly a waste of time, energy, and resources for several reasons:
1.) The current empowered political and financial systems have evolved ultra-successful defense and attack mechanisms that make them all, but impervious to outside change --- unless they see that change as serving their highly profitable self-interests.
2.) There is no currently evolved global government to either enact and more importantly enforce the needed new global structural reforms and planetary laws to mitigate the escalating climate destabilization crisis (global average temperature increase of 8-12 degrees Fahrenheit or more within 30-50 years,) in time to keep us from going over the climate cliff or from exacerbating the other looming global crisis and challenges mentioned above. (The popular media keeps telling us that the climate target is no more than a 2 degrees Fahrenheit increase in average global temperature, but that is a virtual impossibility due to the current global warming carbon increase momentum and the massive global inertia surrounding effective critical path, "first things first" actions needed to avert a global average temperature increase of 6-12 degrees Fahrenheit.) And,
3.) Also, only when the majority of the 1% of the world holding all the real power (that is also not heavily invested in the 28 trillion dollars a year fossil fuel industry,) fully understands what is going to happen to their financial self-interests, personal living conditions and legacy of children and their future generations will they act against the other portion of the 1% that does not either understand the real climate destabilization consequences or, who have a vested energy, financial or power interest for keeping the climate pollution fossil fuel situation as it is. (One-third of the world's total GDP [gross domestic product,] comes from fossil fuel-related energy operations.)
Our non-polarizing, more resource-efficient evolutionary way is to simply put most of our energy, resources, and time into building something new, more sustainably effective, and attractive to the new Universe communities. Then, only when others see either our successful example or they are truly ready to learn because the climate destabilization crisis and catastrophe has hit rock bottom and has opened their eyes and minds, do we then work to share what we have learned and co-create with them.
We believe that because of the urgent necessity implied by current global climate destabilization conditions we have passed the age of energy-wasting polarized fighting with people at very different states of self-interest, education, or evolution. Because time and resources are very limited within our small Universe community experiments, we believe we have entered the age of building, sharing, and creating new unions only with those who are truly climate educated, committed, and ready for evolutionary improvement in an intentional, well designed and co-managed community.
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Evolution 2.0 and the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview is being adopted by Universe community member, (Evolutioneers,) and outside groups and organizations at an ever-increasing pace. The reason is simple. They both convey many tremendous survival, adaptability, sustainability, and quality-of-life success advantages for those that understand them.
The following suggested reading lists will lay out Key materials and a few of the authors, thinkers, and research resources behind Evolution 2.0 and the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview. (Please note: Quite a few, but not all of the facts, aspects, and perspectives of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview have also been previously known as the Great Story, The Evolutionary Epic, The Big History, The Science Creation Myth, and the Universe Story.)
In the Evolution 2.0 movement, we consider the individuals, authors, and teachers listed below our honor roll of important and originating Evolutioneers for either or both Evolution 2.0 ideas and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. Please also note that among these various individuals and organizations listed below there are significant differences in approach, emphasis, and content, and not all below hold ALL of the key and core Evolution 2.0 and Universe Evolutionary Worldview perspectives.
Key Books and Resources to Help You Understanding Evolution 2.0, the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and the Core Vision and Perspectives of Evolutioneers, Planetary and Universe Citizens and the Universe Community
The Part A list of secular science books below are key foundational Evolution 2.0 reading. They are foundational because without understanding the biological and cosmological science surrounding evolution it would be difficult to honestly call oneself an Evolutioneer or act effectively using the Universe Evolutionary Worldview's meta-principles.
These first Evolution 2.0 books describe the essential biological and cosmological over-viewing science and they contain the basic information that will inform (or realign,) one's sense of individual and collective origin, identity, and purpose. They also describe or imply in less formal ways many of the science-grounded evolutionary meta-principles for a sustainable and thriving life.
You will also notice that the list of objective science books just below comes before the lists of subjective evolutionary philosophical or spiritual evolutionary books because objective progressive evolution "science's greatest discovery," is primary and foundational to understanding Evolution 2.0 and all of the other aspects of life. To put the more subjective nature of evolutionary philosophy or evolutionary religion before knowing the hard objective science and principles of evolution would definitely be putting the cart way before the horse.
Finally, the book lists sections below are arranged by category and in levels of difficulty (B) beginner, (I) intermediate, and (A) for the advanced. For optimal understanding in each section begin reading with the first book listed. Later readings are often significantly enhanced by the foundation gained from the earlier readings.
You can also use these book lists below as a checklist for your personal development as an Evolution 2.0 Evolutioneer. We also strongly recommend that you get at least through all of the Part A list evolutionary science reading before going on to the other Part B evolutionary philosophy, religion economics, social sciences, and other related books farther down the page.
Part A: The Essential Science Reading of Evolution 2.0:
Level 1: Beginner Science on Evolution 2.0
1. EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution by Elisabet Sahtouris. This book is great for a basic scientific understanding of the "big picture" basics of how the whole universe has evolved over the last 13.7 billion years. It is an interesting and amazing read of how evolution shows us over and over again that it is not "survival of the fittest," but the survival of the most wisely cooperative. This book also contains the core of the new Genesis story used within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and movement to help us inform (or realign,) our sense of individual and collective origin, identity, and purpose as Evolutionaries.
2.) Evolution For Everyone by David Sloan Wilson. A remarkable book that will help you to start to think like a science-grounded evolutionary and show you how important understanding evolution and evolutionary science is to your daily life success!
3.) View from the Center of the Universe by Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams. (The books View from the Center of the Universe and View from the Center of the Universe constitute one of the most accurate and complete statements of the common and shared cosmology and the "new" genesis story currently held within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. Joel Primack is a renowned physicist famous for his dark matter work.
4.) Thank God for Evolution! How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World by Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow. (This is an optional read in this section if you have a strong Judeo-Christian background. It is based on science but frames things to integrate a religious perspective where possible. It is an easy, fast read that will also provide many of the basic new Universe Evolutionary Worldview perspectives, but it should not be substituted for the three other readings just above.)
Level 2: Intermediate Science on Evolution
1.) Evolution's Arrow: The Direction of Evolution and the Future of Humanity, by John Stewart. (This also is an essential part of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview summarizing the key elements of evolution's progressiveness.)
2.) The Universe Principles of Sustainability by Lawrence Wollersheim. (The Universe Principles are a daily living statement of the natural and universal values and "ethical guidelines" found within the principles of the universe's progressive evolution and are the core new operational ethics of both evolutionaries and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview.)
3.) On Human Nature by Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson. The book tries to explain how different characteristics of humans and society can be explained from the point of view of evolution. He explains how evolution has left its traces on the characteristics which are the specialty of the human species like generosity, self-sacrifice, worship, and the use of sex for pleasure. The book is considered an effort to complete the Darwinian revolution by bringing biological thought into social sciences and humanities.
4.) The following article is a quick but complex summary of the principles of the progressive directionality and trajectory of evolution and life by Lawrence Wollersheim.
5.) Maps of Time, An Introduction to Big History by David Christian. This book and these Big History CDs provide a multi-disciplinary look at all of the universe's evolution including detailed human history. This progressive evolutionary work is finally being taught in universities around the world.)
1.) See the Evolution 2.0 Master FAQ on this Website by clicking here.
2.) The Evolutionary Manifesto, Our Role in the Future Evolution of Life by John Stewart. This paper contains what do we need to do to become an effective practicing Evolutioneer once you have better understood the deeper directionality of evolution as well as its core principles from the readings above.
3.) Design for Evolution: Self-Organization and Planning in the Life of Human Systems, Erich Janstch. Definitely a big picture analysis of Evolution and its guiding principles.
4.) Evolving Hierarchical Systems, Stanley N. Salthe (Perspectives on hierarchy in evolutionary systems. Dense and challenging reading but well worth it for an enlightening understanding of how evolution uses appropriate hierarchy effectively when and how needed.)
5.) The Self-Organizing Universe: Scientific and Human Implications of the Emerging Paradigm of Evolution, Erich Janstch. (Lots of advanced science on progressive evolution and its self-organizing qualities.)
1.) Measuring Hidden Dimensions of Human Systems by Professor Otto Laske. Probably no single book has done so much to forward the new complex meta-systemic dialectical thinking that is necessary for more fully understanding the complex adaptive systems within evolution, life, and reality on meta-systemic levels! No single book on how to think and the new meta-systemic levels of thinking is more urgently needed to better manage our complex living and non-living systems and to help resolve the complex adaptive systems related problems of the world today. This book is so important to the future it should be required to read and study by every key decision-making individual in governments and corporations around the world. (Please click here for a full review of this difficult to read (but highly rewarding,) book.
Part B, Secondary Reading Resources of Evolution 2.0:
Evolution 2.0 and the New Economics and Sustainable Prosperity:
1.) The Zero Marginal Cost Society by Jeremy Rifkin. We cannot recommend this book enough because of its Evolution 2.0 compatible new vision of hope and practicality that this evolutionary book presents on the already here Third Industrial Revolution. This book will help you sustainably thrive in all the coming economic changes. (A must-read for every Evolutioneer.)
2.) The Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin. This book will help you better understand the principles of Sustainable Prosperity in the next reading item in this section. (A must-read for every Evolutioneer.)
3.) The Principles of Sustainable Prosperity. Here is where you will learn about the billions of new jobs that will be created in an Evolution 2.0 work that will create sustainable prosperity for all. (A must-read for every Evolutioneer.)
4.) The Origin of Wealth: The Radical Remaking of Economics and What it Means for Business and Society by Eric D. Beinhocker. Over 6.4 billion people participate in a $36.5 trillion global economy, designed and overseen by no one. How did this marvel of self-organized complexity evolve? Not only is the evolution of our economic systems laid out, but also this book contains one of the best descriptions of the evolutionary algorithm. (The amazing evolutionary algorithm is how evolution optimal discovers of the most adaptive fitness strategies for a particular environment.) If you are an evolutionary and want to thrive, this absolutely is a very interesting must-read after you have your beginners and intermediate science books done in levels one and two above. (Intermediate to advanced level.)
Cultural Development in Evolution 2.0:
1.) Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan. (This book will give you a great overview of how progressive evolution manifests itself in both individual and cultural development and how our various kinds of environmental conditions produce our values and adaption strategies to a greater or lesser degree. This book based on the work of Professor Claire Graves. It shows the stage by stage evolution of our cultures and helps you to see the different stages of cultural evolution achieved by different nations. It is a great overview of how we as individual humans and collectively as cultures have evolved to predictably adapt and change our values and behaviors to the many different environmental conditions and stressors in which we find ourselves in today's global world. It is a must-read on cultural evolution.)
Emotional Development in Evolution 2.0: (Intermediate Level)
1.) Measuring Hidden Dimensions: the Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults by Otto Laske. (For the socio-emotional side for understanding the levels of current, possible, and potential socio-emotional human development.)
New Technologies and Evolution 2.0
1.) Evolution 2.0 Position Paper on New Technologies.
2.) Evolution 2.0 Position Paper on Evolutionary Transhumanism.
Evolution 2.0 and the Environment Particularly --- Global Warming and Climate De-stabilization:
1.) See the Evolution 2.0 based Job One for Humanity Climate Re-stabilization Plan.
Motivational Books About Becoming an Evolution 2.0 Evolutioneer:
1.) Human Purpose and Transhuman Potential: A Cosmic View for our Future Evolution by Ted Chu, PhD. (Available early 2014.) We see this book as the most motivating and inspirational overview of what it means to be a universe citizen and Evolutioneer. It is a must-read for every Evolutioneer! Ted presents the "next generation" specifics on what inspired conscious evolution in alignment with evolutionary science looks like. His vision of the future of evolution and humanity's role in it is well-grounded in history and science and it will stretch the vision of the biggest evolutionary thinkers and universe citizens. At Universe Spirit, we now recommend that every member reads this book as part of their intermediate level education on what it takes to be an authentic Evolutioneer and universe citizen forwarding evolution on Earth and then out into the universe.
2.) Life Rules by Ellen Laconte. A "best of class" book about bottom-up organic self-organizing democracy that harmonizes with the natural laws of closed system planetary evolution. This new model discussed in her book is much different than the top-down, power influenced democratic governments driven on "growth economics" theories of infinite growth and infinite substitutability that we have today. (While our organization agrees with most of the ideas in this book, we do differ with the author on several issues and recommendations such as the importance of what we believe is the vital local community/global governance balancing in the critical and simultaneous role of international law and international governance to limit individual, local and regional excess and expansion while simultaneity educating about, aligning and enforcing essential minimal policies for the planetary common good and defense.)
3.) Dealing with the "Evolutionary Bottleneck" and the Transition in which Humanity Finds Itself. The Global Heart Awakens: Humanity's Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love by Anodea Judith. If evolution is the Gods’ way of making more gods, as author Anodea Judith suggests, then how does an adolescent species evolve to the next level of its evolutionary development, where we hold god-like power on a planetary scale? How do we overcome our inborn self-interest to focus on a trajectory capable of sustaining the evolutionary experiment far into the future? This beautifully written narrative follows humanity’s evolutionary journey to where we are today: standing on the threshold of individual and species initiation, poised between promise and peril. The current evolutionary bottleneck of environmental and social crises is nothing less than a metaphor for the initiatory birth canal to our future adulthood, whose pain and compression are forcing us into a new operating system. The next Great Awakening that must ensue follows the general trend of evolution: toward greater organization, cooperation, intelligence, creativity, capacity, and collaboration, as it appears both individually and collectively in virtually every social system we have. We recommend this book because it deals with transitional emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues (if you are of a spiritual nature,) of evolving a better and more progressive evolution-aligned world.
Evolutionary Activism:
1.) The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world, by Ronald A. Heifetz, Marty Linsky, and Alexander Grashow This is a great handbook for change agents and activists who need to achieve their goals in dynamic, complex adaptive environments. It is specifically written for leaders in business organizations. But its approaches and insights can be used effectively by evolutionary change agents who work in any kind of complex environment, at any scale. It is therefore extremely useful for evolutionary activists who are setting out to build a global movement of Evolutioneers and a unified planetary society. To be truly effective, however, the approaches outlined by the book need to be combined with practices that build self-mastery and a capacity for meta-systemic/dialectical cognition.
2.) Reflections on Evolutionary Activism: Essays, poems, and prayers from an emerging field of sacred social change by Tom Atlee
Philosophical and Historical Aspects of Being an Evolutioneer:
1.) A Brief History of Everything, Ken Wilber. This book is a great introduction to Wilber’s brilliant understanding of the evolution and development of physical, biological, human, and cultural systems, and of consciousness itself. But as brilliant, insightful, and all-encompassing as Wilber’s synthesis is, it leaves much important work to be done by evolutionary thinkers. Wilber attributes the upward thrust of evolution to Eros, a new cosmic force that is unknown to science. Because he believes that this mysterious Eros sufficiently explains the evolutionary trajectory, Wilber’s perspective is largely that of a spectator. He primarily restricts himself to describing the patterns of evolution, rather than trying to discover the specific mechanisms and processes that drive it onward and upwards. Understanding these mechanisms is of critical importance for evolutionary activists. This is because it shows them how to actualize the next great steps in evolution on this planet i.e. how to actually go about developing higher consciousness and cognition, and how to actually organize a sustainable and cooperative global society. Wilber’s extraordinary work is a strong stimulus for the development of an understanding of these mechanisms and processes.
2.) The Phenomena Of Man by Teilhard de Chardin. This book presents a convincing and coherent vision of evolution as a directional and progressive process. De Chardin demonstrates the power of an evolutionary worldview by using his understanding of the trajectory of evolution to predict how humanity and life on this planet will evolve in the future. Although Teilhard’s vision of the future is distorted by his religious beliefs, the book none-the-less demonstrates the potential of an evolutionary worldview to help guide our future evolution. The book’s impact on mainstream evolution science was limited because it did not identify the mechanisms and processes that drive evolution along its trajectory. Now, well over fifty years after the book was written, evolution science is beginning, at last, to fill in these gaps.
3.) The Evolutionary Epic Science's Story and Humanity's Response, by Russell Genet, Brian Swimme, Linda Palmer, and Linda Gibler. (An optional reading great series of essays exploring various aspects of progressive evolution and the perspectives held within the new Universe Worldview.)
The Spiritual and Religious Aspects of Being an Evolution 2.0: (For readers of a spiritual nature...)
1.) Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society by David Sloan Wilson. One of the great intellectual battles of modern times is between evolution and religion. Until now, they have been considered completely irreconcilable theories of origin and existence. David Sloan Wilson's Darwin's Cathedral takes the radical step of joining the two, in the process proposing an evolutionary theory of religion that shakes both evolutionary biology and social theory at their foundations. (If you are of a spiritual nature and want to be involved in any form of spirituality or religion incorporating evolutionary science, we strongly recommend reading this first! It will set down a good foundation for your exploration of the new forms of religion and spirituality that evolution is informing.)
2.) See the Evolution Spirituality Master FAQ on this Website, "Religion 2.0 is the meta-religion of evolution." Do you want to know more about how evolution is creating a new meta religion that can be practiced by all?
3.) Process Theology, David Ray Griffin and John B. Cobb. (The Christian-focused marriage of science and spirituality and progressive evolution of the last 30 years.)
4.) The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo, (He was an Oxford Scholar who discussed the progressive evolution of life and spirit in the universe. He is also considered one of the founding sources of some of the spiritual perspectives of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview in the areas of spirit and consciousness. He writes most from an eastern religious perspective.)
5.) The Universe Story: From the Primordial Flaring Forth to the Ecozoic Era--A Celebration of the Unfolding of the Cosmos by Brian Swimme. (This book also contains the core of the new Genesis story used within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and movement to help us inform (or realign,) our sense of individual and collective origin, identity, and purpose as Evolutioneers. This is an optional read. It is more spiritual than EarthDance listed above and covers much the same material as EarthDance. In our opinion Earthdance is the better more comprehensive read for an understanding of the big picture basic science patterns of how the universe has evolved over the last 13.7 billion years.)
Essential New Work:
The Universe Principles of Sustainability, by Lawrence Wollersheim (See both Parts 1 and Part 2 of the new Universe Principles as well as the key links on those pages. The Universe Principles are a statement of the natural and universal values and ethical guidelines found within the universe's progressive evolutionary directionality and are the core ethics of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview.) Also Lawrence Wollersheim for his work on describing the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview and for creating this Universe Spirit website, and the Universe Institute.
New Books Coming out Soon on the Perspectives of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and Progressive Evolution
There are currently 3-4 new books close to release about aspects of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview, The Universe Principles of Sustainability and progressive evolution. One of those books is The Universe Manifesto: How the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview Realigns Everything, by Lawrence Wollersheim.
Other Key Universe Evolutionary Worldview Multi-Media Resources and Organizations:
There are numerous participants in expanding the Universe Evolutionary Worldview into society. Acceptance is growing and increasing but slowly traditional educational organizations are beginning to see the value in teaching the core science essence and "biggest picture" perspective of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview.
The individuals or groups below add in their unique flavors, perspectives, insights, and unique skill sets. In addition to the materials and resources listed all over this website here are additional resources within our broad and open movement:
The International Big History Association, which seeks to understand the integrated history of the Cosmos, Earth, Life, and Humanity, using the best available empirical evidence and scholarly methods. Click here for links to all of the Big History players and materials.
The Evolutionary Studies Consortium (EvoS) is designed to facilitate the development and implementation of Evolutionary Studies Programs at colleges and universities across the United States. An Evolutionary Studies Program introduces students from all majors to evolutionary theory early in their academic careers, emphasizes human-related subjects in addition to biological, promotes the continuation of evolutionary training throughout the undergraduate education, and promotes faculty training and collaborative research related to evolution. They also have a tremendous amount of evolution science multimedia. Click here to see what they have.
Harvard University's Cosmic Evolution site, which also has great movies, animations, and other multimedia materials on universe evolution and its importance.
The Evolution Institute connects the world of evolutionary science to the world of public policy formulation. For any given policy issue, we bring evolutionary experts together with other experts for respectful and constructive dialogue, resulting in a new agenda for basic scientific research, policy formulation, and policy implementation.
(Please note: The list of key Universe Evolutionary Worldview authors found above is not intended to be a complete list and if we have inadvertently missed anyone who also should be on this list please let us know.)
The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) is a nonprofit science center dedicated to cross-disciplinary research in evolution. NESCent is jointly operated by Duke University, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University, and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
National Center for Science Education (NSCE)
Selected Articles and Commentary about Evolution by Donald Forsdyke
International Darwin Day Foundation
Evolution and the Nature of Science Institutes (ENSI/SENSI)
Evolution, Education and Outreach
Applied Evolutionary Psychology Society (AEPS)
Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society (NEEPS)
The Evolutionary Review: Art, Science, Culture
Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society (FEPS)
Big History Lectures:
Wright Lecture Series on Cosmic Evolution | |||
Earth History in the Broadest Possible Context. Walter Alvarez, April 29, 2010, 97th Annual Faculty Research Lectures, University of California at Berkeley. | |||
- | Four-part lecture by Craig Benjamin on Big History | ||
- | Christian Matthiessen -- Language evolving: Notes towards a semiotic history of humanity on You Tube. | ||
Speaking Up: The Origins of Language, Lowell Gustafson | |||
- | David Christian on Big History |
- | |
(The book list above will be added to regularly as new books come out or older books are nominated for inclusion. Some of the book suggestions and content on this page were provided by John Stewart.) |
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We are a sustainable prosperity, safety, and personal development intentional community of Planetary Evoltioneers and Universe Citizens that have come together to also live and forward a new Universe Evolutionary Worldview that holds the power to evolve, restructure and realign our current world into the sustainable and equitable pathways most currently needed. We have also come together for mutual support and preparedness for our very challenging times --- times that may get considerably more challenging before they eventually get better.
We are a continuous learning community where one can contribute and share, enjoy life each day, heal when necessary, and --- be as happy as is possible. As a community and as individuals we are downsizing wherever wise, increasing our diversity and sustainability practices, preparing emergency and living reserves as well as becoming more self-reliant and dependent on renewable energy sources. We are also becoming more creative, cooperative, adaptable, innovative, frugal, less wasteful, and stronger so that we can live with "ample sufficiency" and in sustainable prosperity within both our own and the Earth's means.
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In congruence with the vision, values, and structure of the new Universe Communities, we are seeking new members --- Evolutioneers --- exceptional self-organizing individuals who currently consider themselves to also be planetary and universe citizens (or who want to become them.) We seek productive, self-motivating, and self-disciplining members to co-create, facilitate, teach and lead.
"Evolutioneers who also act as Planetary and Universe Citizens are also skillful at holding the big-picture, long-term evolutionary perspective --- our 13.7 billion years of successful universe evolution --- while they also solve the smaller scale and smaller time frame challenges." Lawrence Wollersheim
These evolutionary individuals (and Planetary and Universe citizens) are also self-organizing, socio-emotionally mature, cognitively well-developed, and who are not afraid of ongoing learning, effort, sacrifice, and service. We are looking for those talented individuals and leaders who embrace the natural and growing complexities of evolving life and who are reciprocating by nature and therefore want to contribute at least as much as they want to receive.
(Special Membership Update as of 2.14.21: The very latest and most complete information, descriptions qualifications, launch dates, and all existing locations for the four types of new Universe Communities is found in the Member's Section of our sister website Job One for Humanity in the About the Universe Community link. This link provides key additional information beyond what is in the online booklet in the links below.
This About the Universe Community link will allow you to start the process to become a member of the Universe community right where you currently live, virtually or physically or, you can become part of one of the new four types of eco-communities being established in areas safer from global warming and the other coming global crises.)
What's Next
Stay informed by subscribing to our Universe Community ezine and newsletter by clicking here.
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Check out our Universe Symbol full of the many meanings and values of this organization, click here.
What is a Universe Evolutioneer (This section contains a quick summary of what Universe Community members AKA Universe Citizens and Universe Evolutioneers do.)
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