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The Home of Evolutioneers

Spiral Dynamics

Spiral dynamics is an integral theory of human development, developed by Don E. Beck and Chris Cowan, based on the work of professor Clare W. Graves.

Spiral Dynamics is a registered trademark of the National Values Center, Inc.


The underlying idea of Spiral Dynamics is that human nature is not fixed: humans are able, when forced by circumstances, to adapt to their environment by constructing new, more complex, conceptual models of the world, that allow them to handle the new problems. An important property of these models is that each new one includes and extends all previous models. These conceptual models are organized around vMemes: systems of core values or collective intelligences, applicable to both individuals and entire cultures. (Note: the term vMeme is used in spiral dynamics for a core value system, acting as an organizing principle, and expressing itself via memes in the traditional sense.)


When discussing memes it is always important to discuss pathologies, as each meme has both healthy and unhealthy versions. The pathologies are generally referred to as being "mean" as in "Mean Green Meme" (MGM), "Mean Orange Meme" (MOM) - the MOM includes the extremes of capitalism like exploitation, environmental devastation and a general lack of ethics and sensitivity. The MGM includes performative contradictions like anti-hierarchy, anti-competition etc.

__First Tier vMemes__

These memetic levels are mainly focused on survival, and include almost all of the worldviews, cultures, and mental attitudes up to today.

*beige - instinctive/survivalistic - from 100000 BC on
*purple - magical/animistic - from 50000 BC on
*red - impulsive/egocentric - from 7000 BC on
*blue - purposeful/authoritarian - from 3000 BC on
*orange - achievist/strategic - from 1700 on
*green - communitarian/egalitarian - from 1850 on

__Second Tier vMemes__

These are just emerging memetic levels, that gradually move away from the survivalistic self-concern of the First Tier.

*yellow - integrative - from 1950s on
*turquoise - holistic - from 1970s on

__External links__

*The spiral dynamics homepage
*Don Beck The spiral dynamics group
*Chris Cowan National Values Center ConsultingAir Jordan VIII 8 Shoes