What are the Three Great Adventures of Life in the Universe Evolutionary Worldview

The Three Great Adventures of Life are:

Adventure One: Consciously Release Your Full Potentials and Continue to Develop on all Levels to Reach Your Goals!

The first Great Evolutionary Adventure in life is to fully realize your full developmental potentials (physical, socio-emotional and cognitive,) in order to sustainably achieve your most important and meaningful personal goals. The Universe Spirit website provides many tools and services that will assist you along the course of this adventure. The Universe Evolutionary Worldview and the Universe Principles for creating sustainable prosperity are two such tools that, when effectively applied, will help you release and develop your potentials to achieve your most important goals, whether they pertain to your relationships or your career. (And, they can do this while still preserving and sustaining the planetary environment. After releasing more of your potential you will then be ready to explore the second Great Adventure of Life!

Adventure Two: Wisely Serve and Lead in Your Group, Community, or Nation in Alignment with the Progressive Directionality of Evolution!

The second Great Evolutionary Adventure in Life is to increase your ability to lead and serve in the groups and communities of which you are a part. After realizing your potential to achieve your own personal goals, creating a more sustainable livelihood and lifestyle you harness the abundance of your success and its power to give back and serve the many communities that support your life. Such communities may include: your family, tribe, ethnic, racial or gender group, religious group, work community, or national group, humanity as a whole, the planet and all of its species, the evolutionary directionality of the universe itself, and finally, if you are of a spiritual or religious nature, Ultimate Reality in whatever way you conceive it to be.

Using the evolution science-informed information and tools of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview, and the Universe Principles you can progress on this second Great Adventure confidently, knowing that you can provide effective, compassionate service and positive leadership for the communities that matter the most to you and your future --- and that support you.

Adventure Three: Forward The "Job One for Humanity" Plan!

"Other than total thermonuclear war, no other danger that humanity has ever faced compares to the total extinction threat that global warming poses to our future." Lawrence Wollersheim

First collective actions must always come first! The third Great Evolutionary Adventure of Life (our Job One for Humanity Plan,) is the most urgent and time-critical task that humanity faces today! It involves immediately working together on preparing for adapting to and where ever possible, mitigating the escalating human-caused global warming (carbon atmospheric pollution,) which is already creating catastrophic and potentially irreversible or, possibly even extinction-level climate destabilization. We believe that this vital commitment to wise collective social action on this life-critical issue is humanity's most urgent collective survival necessity to protect the very "playing field of all life." It is a moral and ethical imperative that now needs to become the first priority of every individual, group, corporation, government, and spiritual and religious group on the planet. If we do not quickly enact the needed sustainable lifestyle and livelihood structural energy use changes to reduce global warming and climate destabilization and ensure a sustainable planetary environment and "playing field for all life" within just decades our lives and those of future generations will be affected in seriously life adverse ways, with the worst-case scenario being the near or complete extinction of humanity.

Science has shown that more than ninety-nine percent of all species that have ever lived on earth have gone extinct. If humans continue to increase human-caused carbon pollution in the atmosphere, misuse and destroy our physical and biological environment, it’s not only possible but it is probable that humanity could soon (30-80 years,) join the long list of past species now extinct. Because of the immediacy and rapidly growing scale of global warming and severe climate destabilization it truly is today’s most time-critical global problem and moral and spiritual promandment for each of us to commit to and enact to do our part to help achieve the Job One for Humanity Plan.

The third step on this great evolutionary adventure is taken by learning what must be done to reduce human-caused carbon pollution creating severe climate destabilization and then cooperating with other individuals and organizations who are working to solve this challenge.

How are you doing on the three Great Adventures of Life? Take some time to think about it before continuing reading.

The Three Great Adventures of Life generally unfold to varying degrees simultaneously, but at different levels and intensities. Progress on the Three Great Adventures will eventually lead to a majority of humanity being in alignment with progressive evolution and the key Universe Principles of Sustainability.

The Life Results of the Three Great Evolutionary Adventures of Life

The new facts and practices of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview are also found within the core of the Three Great Adventures. The Three Great Adventures creates universe alignment, which will dramatically enhance, evolve and/or re-align your core perspectives (your worldview,) concerning a unified understanding of the nature of life and spirit and the destination(s) as to where they are evolving. This new universe-scale information will then dramatically:

a.) enhance, evolve and/or re-align your thinking and attitudes, which will then in turn

b.) dramatically enhances, evolves and/or re-aligns your actions, which will finally then

c.) dramatically enhances, evolves and/or re-aligns the lifestyle and relationship benefits that you experience in and from your life.  

To keep learning more about the exciting new qualities of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview keep clicking the links to the right at the bottom of each page of this online booklet. Or, Click the UP link to see all of the pages in this online booklet...

