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Help Co-Create the Unissance, but what is it?

We welcome you and all fellow Evolutioneers! We invite you to join us and become a co-creator of the Unissance!

Nothing is more needed to help us resolve the 12 global major global crises we still face.

The word Unissanse is the combination of the two words universe (or universal) and the word renaissance. We invented this word at Universe Spirit in 2003 to express our optimism about the eventual positive possibilities and opportunities of our shared futures and the possibilities of what we also call the Great Global Rebirth. This Great Global Rebirth will hopefully occur after we go through a near-unavoidable Great Global Collapse period caused by the worsening of our 12 global major global crises.

We see these positive possibilities ultimately in the form of a new and far larger and more important universal global renaissance in human development and in all areas of human expression. 

The Unissance is for both secular or spiritual individuals. At its core, it promotes a new Universe Worldview. It also promotes sustainable prosperity and successfully achieving the Job One for Humanity Plan.

The Unissance helps people move into sustainable prosperity through better alignment with the time-proven, success patterns found within the deepest patterns of the progressive evolution of our 13.7 billion-year-old universe. This increased sustainable prosperity is achieved in part by the daily practice of the Universe Principles, which are based on a scientific understanding of the successes of progressive evolution and the Universe Worldview.

Since we all have a common physical origin, and all exist in the same physical space, it follows that we will all also benefit from knowing the proven success patterns that govern the progressive evolution of our universe. These are the very patterns that produced and sustained our living existence in the first place.

Aligning our lives with these proven success patterns and principles will allow us to thrive personally, socially, and economically.

Previous philosophies and religions tried to explain these natural sustainability and success principles, but their knowledge was limited to a "sub-full universe" frame creating limited local, national, or planetary scaled observations. Only recently, with the development of super-computers, the Hubble telescope, radio telescopes, and other new sensing instruments, were we able for the first time in human history to see the full 200 billion light-year diameter and spatial extent of the physical universe as well as understand the full scope of universe time, (from the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago to the present.)

The ultimate goals of the Unissance are to:

a.) Preserve the planet's environment by successfully achieving the Job One for Humanity Plan. (The Job One Plan addresses today's global warming emergency and most of the 11 other major global crises.)

b.) Help people understand and achieve sustainable prosperity through alignment with the proven success principles of universe evolution. So that they may also,

c.) Intentionally partner with the universe as Evolutioneers in its ongoing progressive evolution in order to create a just civilization,  sustainable prosperity, and a rich and meaningful existence for all! (When we say a just civilization, we also mean an end to racial inequality as well as economic unfairness and inequality that has been highlighted during the pandemic.

A just civilization would also embrace the goals listed in the image below.



The Unissance and the Future

The Unissance is composed of individual Evolutioneers that are playing an integral role in ushering in this exciting new era in human existence. Members of this network also recognize themselves as planetary citizens and universe citizens who are consciously partnering with the unstoppable flow of progressive universe evolution. 

They come from all national, cultural, religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds and embrace current scientific advances and understandings of human culture and consciousness while also celebrating and reverencing the “miracle” of our being in the universe.

Unissance members also have in common the fact that they embrace the new Universe Worldview and its accompanying Universe Principles, a transformative new set of global values and ethical standards. Using these tools, members of the Unissance strive to consciously align their lifestyles and livelihoods with the success patterns of progressive evolution in order to make their own lives and the world at large more meaningful and successful.

Some individuals of the Unissance do what they can to self-organize a new vision in communities called Universe Communities.

Finally, the Unissance network also shares the goals of the Century of Women and helps to promote the annual Universe Day and Universe Charter events, which take place each second Saturday in April, while continually sparking positive change in the realms of sustainability, life, culture, art, science, consciousness and even, for those so inclined, personalized “open-source” spirituality.

Antecedents of the Unissance Movement

Other organizations have called attention to “the Great Turning,” or “the Great Shift,” which refers to a wave of new improvements occurring in the human condition as also seen from a planetary perspective. The Unissance expands upon the great ideas of these organizations and their visionary planetary views, however, seeking to provide even more encompassing insights that stem from a broader, universe-scaled evolutionary perspective.

This allows Unissance co-creator members to:

  • champion the sustainability of life on the planet and act in ways that will help to prevent any planetary environmental crisis that would endanger the existence of future generations (see Job Number One For Humanity)
  • Realize their true identity and their life’s true meaning and purpose through an understanding of scientific facts about the physical universe and its evolution while, for those so inclined, also drawing from the most life-affirming wisdom of humanity’s vast spiritual heritage. We call this Evolution Spirituality.)
  • Evolve more successful, meaningful, and sustainable livelihoods and lifestyles for themselves while also bettering the circumstances of the numerous Universe eco-communities of which they are a part.

The Unissance is at the forefront of effecting a much-needed global re-alignment of all of our cultural systems, economies, laws, and constitutions, harmonizing them with the proven success patterns of universe evolution and its progressive directionality so that humanity may flourish long into the future.

There is far more to the vision and values of the Unissance than we could put on this one page. You will the full vision and values of the Unissance on the many pages of the Universe Spirit website.

Join the Unissance Today! Help Us Create A Just, Sustainably Prosperous New Civilization.

Go to this page to join the Unissance at Universe Spirit and get started with the first simple actions.

Heard enough? 

Please click the image below and join in this worthy mission now!





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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers