The Relationship Between the Universe Spirit Nonprofit Organization and Job One for Humanity

The Universe Spirit organization enthusiastically supports the Job One for Humanity Climate Re-stabilization Plan and its "first things first" principle. Universe Spirit's first on-mission education for visitors and new members involves using evolution science to become responsible, Job One Evolutioneeers and sustainability stewards of the living bio-systems of the planet and the universe.

This moral and ethical responsibility is what drives our community to step up to the task of Job One for Humanity!

If we do not make the push to become truly sustainable, our planet and our "game board for life" will disappear, and all pursuits of every kind whether intellectual or spiritual, secular or religious, may become impossible to follow, or practically meaningless to attain.

The Job One for Humanity call-to-action embodies most of today's current, evolution science, eco-spirituality principles, and the tenets of the Universe Principles of Sustainability. Ultimately, the principles of evolution science, ecospirituality and the Universe Principles of Sustainability will help people to understand the core ideas of Sustainable Prosperity and help them create the "right livelihood and right lifestyles", which are also important parts of successfully executing the Job One for Humanity Plan.

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